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Test Coverage
module Fog
  module Compute
    class ProfitBricks
      class Real
        # Adds a NIC to the target server
        # ==== Parameters
        # * datacenter_id<~String> - Required, UUID of the virtual data center
        # * server_id<~String>      - Required, UUID of the server
        # * options<~Hash>:
        #   * name<~String>             - The name of the NIC.
        #   * ips<~Array>               - IPs assigned to the NIC. This can be a collection (string)
        #   * dhcp<~Boolean>            - Set to FALSE if you wish to disable DHCP on the NIC. Default: TRUE
        #   * lan<~Integer>             - Required, The LAN ID the NIC will sit on. If the LAN ID does not exist it will be created.
        #   * firewallActive<~Boolean>  - Once a firewall rule is added, this will reflect a TRUE value
        #   * firewallrules<~Hash>      - A list of firewall rules associated to the NIC represented as a collection
        # ==== Returns
        # * response<~Excon::Response>:
        #   * body<~Hash>:
        #     * id<~String>           - The resource's unique identifier
        #     * type<~String>          - The type of the created resource
        #     * href<~String>          - URL to the object’s representation (absolute path)
        #     * metadata<~Hash>      - Hash containing the NIC metadata
        #       * createdDate<~String>          - The date the resource was created
        #       * createdBy<~String>            - The user who created the resource
        #       * etag<~String>                      - The etag for the resource
        #       * lastModifiedDate<~String>    - The last time the resource has been modified
        #       * lastModifiedBy<~String>      - The user who last modified the resource
        #       * state<~String>            - NIC state
        #     * properties<~Hash> - Hash containing the NIC properties
        #       * name<~String>             - The name of the NIC
        #       * mac<~String>              - The MAC address of the NIC
        #       * ips<~Array>               - IPs assigned to the NIC represented as a collection
        #       * dhcp<~Boolean>            - Boolean value that indicates if the NIC is using DHCP or not
        #       * lan<~Integer>             - The LAN ID the NIC sits on
        #       * firewallActive<~Boolean>  - Once a firewall rule is added, this will reflect a true value
        #     * entities<~Hash>           - Hash containing the NIC entities
        #       * firewallrules<~Hash>      - A list of firewall rules associated to the NIC represented as a collection
        #         * id<~String>               - The resource's unique identifier
        #         * type<~String>                    - The type of the resource
        #         * href<~String>                    - URL to the object’s representation (absolute path)
        #         * items<~Array>                    - Collection of individual firewall rules objects
        #           * id<~String>                 - The resource's unique identifier
        #           * type<~String>                - The type of the resource
        #           * href<~String>                - URL to the object’s representation (absolute path)
        #           * metadata<~Hash>            - Hash containing the Firewall Rule metadata
        #             * createdDate<~String>          - The date the resource was created
        #             * createdBy<~String>            - The user who created the resource
        #             * etag<~String>                      - The etag for the resource
        #             * lastModifiedDate<~String>    - The last time the resource has been modified
        #             * lastModifiedBy<~String>      - The user who last modified the resource
        #             * state<~String>            - Firewall Rule state
        #           * properties<~Hash>       - Hash containing the Firewall Rule properties
        #             * name<~String>             - The name of the Firewall Rule
        #             * protocol<~String>         - The protocol for the rule: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ANY
        #             * sourceMac<~Array>         - Only traffic originating from the respective MAC address is allowed.
        #                                           Valid format: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff. Value null allows all source MAC address
        #             * sourceIp<~Boolean>        - Only traffic originating from the respective IPv4 address is allowed.
        #                                           Value null allows all source IPs
        #             * targetIp<~Integer>        - In case the target NIC has multiple IP addresses, only traffic directed
        #                                           to the respective IP address of the NIC is allowed. Value null allows all target IPs
        #             * icmpCode<~Boolean>        - Defines the allowed code (from 0 to 254) if protocol ICMP is chosen.
        #                                           Value null allows all codes.
        #             * icmpType<~Boolean>        - Defines the allowed type (from 0 to 254) if the protocol ICMP is chosen.
        #                                           Value null allows all types
        #             * portRangeStart<~Boolean>  - Defines the start range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534)
        #                                           if protocol TCP or UDP is chosen. Leave portRangeStart and portRangeEnd
        #                                           value null to allow all ports
        #             * portRangeEnd<~Boolean>    - Defines the end range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534)
        #                                           if the protocol TCP or UDP is chosen. Leave portRangeStart and
        #                                           portRangeEnd value null to allow all ports
        # {ProfitBricks API Documentation}[]
        def create_nic(datacenter_id, server_id, options = {}, entities = {})
          nic = {
            :properties => options,
            :entities => entities

            :expects  => [202],
            :method   => 'POST',
            :path     => "/datacenters/#{datacenter_id}/servers/#{server_id}/nics",
            :body     => Fog::JSON.encode(nic)

      class Mock
        def create_nic(datacenter_id, server_id, options = {}, entities = {})
          if options[:lan] == nil
            raise Excon::Error::HTTPStatus, "Attribute 'lan' is required"

          response =
          response.status = 202

          nic_id = Fog::UUID.uuid
          nic = {
            'id' => nic_id,
            'type'        => 'nic',
            'href'        => "{datacenter_id}/servers/#{server_id}/nics/#{nic_id}",
            'metadata'    => {
              'createdDate' => '2015-03-18T19:00:51Z',
              'createdBy'         => '',
              'etag'              => 'faa67fbacb1c0e2e02cf9650657251f2',
              'lastModifiedDate'  => '2015-03-18T19:00:51Z',
              'lastModifiedBy'    => '',
              'state'             => 'AVAILABLE'
            'properties'      => options,
            'entities'        => entities,
            'datacenter_id' => datacenter_id,
            'server_id' => server_id

          data[:nics]['items'] << nic
          response.body = nic
