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 * Controller to search sound sequence patterns
 * @package     Controllers
class SoundSequenzController {

    static $patternIntervalArray;
    static $result;
    static $xmlIntervalArray;
    static $xmlPositionArray;
    static $xmlCounterArray;
    static $results;
    static $exactMatch;
    static $once;
    static $noteCounter;
    static $counter;

     * Search function to compare sound sequence pattern to xml files
     * @param   object     $pattern     The user generated melody pattern
     * @return  array   Array containing objects of \stdClass with file_id, file_url as well as start and end positions where pattern matches any given xml file
    public function search($pattern) {

        $p = $pattern[0]->notes;

        self::$patternIntervalArray = array();
        self::$results = array();

        foreach ($p as $note) {

            //get note intervals of pattern
            $interval = PatternController::getInterval($note);
            array_push(self::$patternIntervalArray, $interval);

        //get user uploads & file_id's & file_url
        $user = User::find(Cookie::get('user_id'));
        $user->uploads->each(function($upload) {
            $xml = simplexml_load_string($upload->content);
            $file_id = $upload->id;
            $file_url = $upload->url;

            $doc = new DOMDocument();
            $xPath = new DOMXPath($doc);

            self::$once = true;
            self::$xmlIntervalArray = array();
            self::$xmlPositionArray = array();
            self::$xmlCounterArray = array();
            self::$result = new stdClass();
            self::$result->occurences = array();

            $parts = $xml->xpath("//part");

            foreach($parts as $part){
                self::$once = true;
                self::$noteCounter = 0;

                foreach($part->measure as $measure){
                    self::$counter = 0;
                    $countPartMeasureNote = count($measure->note);

                    for($j = 0; $j < $countPartMeasureNote; $j++) {
                        $n = $measure->note[$j];

                        //set lastVoice at beginning of xml file
                            self::$once = false;
                            $lastVoice = $measure->note[$j]->voice;

                        if(!isset($n->rest) && !isset($n->chord)){ //exclude rests & chords (only looking for note patterns)
                            $pitch = new stdClass();
                            $pitch->step = $n->pitch->step;
                            $pitch->alter = $n->pitch->alter;
                            $pitch->octave = $n->pitch->octave;

                            $note = new stdClass();
                            $note->pitch = $pitch;
                            $note->voice = $n->voice;
                            $note->position = self::$noteCounter;
                            $note->counter = self::$counter;
                            // if voice stays the same
                            if((int)$n->voice == (int)$lastVoice){
                                // push current interval to xmlIntervalArray

                                $res = new stdClass();
                                $res->part = $part['id'];
                                $res->pos = self::$noteCounter;

                                array_push(self::$xmlIntervalArray, PatternController::getInterval($note));
                                array_push(self::$xmlPositionArray, $res);
                                array_push(self::$xmlCounterArray, $note->counter);

                                //check if Array-length equals Pattern-length already
                                if(count(self::$xmlIntervalArray) == count(self::$patternIntervalArray)){

                                    // compare arrays
                                    if(array_values(self::$xmlIntervalArray) == array_values(self::$patternIntervalArray)){
                                        // create result
                                        self::$result->file_id = $file_id;
                                        self::$result->file_url = $file_url;

                                        $docPart = $xPath->query('//part[@id="' . (string)reset(self::$xmlPositionArray)->part . '"]')->item(0);
                                        $startNote = $docPart->getElementsByTagName('note')->item(((string)reset(self::$xmlPositionArray)->pos - 1));
                                        $startMeasureNumber = $startNote->parentNode->getAttribute('number');

                                        $endNote = $docPart->getElementsByTagName('note')->item(((string)end(self::$xmlPositionArray)->pos - 1));
                                        $endMeasureNumber = $endNote->parentNode->getAttribute('number');

                                        //fill with occurences
                                        $occ = new stdClass();
                                        $occ->start = reset(self::$xmlCounterArray);
                                        $occ->startMeasure = $startMeasureNumber;
                                        $occ->end = end(self::$xmlCounterArray);
                                        $occ->endMeasure = $endMeasureNumber;
                                        $occ->voice = (int)$note->voice;
                                        $occ->part_id = (string)$part['id'];

                                        array_push(self::$result->occurences, $occ);

                                        //reset arrays
                                        self::$xmlIntervalArray = array();
                                        self::$xmlPositionArray = array();
                                        self::$xmlCounterArray = array();


                                        self::$xmlIntervalArray = array_splice(self::$xmlIntervalArray, 1);

                                        self::$xmlPositionArray = array_splice(self::$xmlPositionArray, 1);
                                        self::$xmlCounterArray = array_splice(self::$xmlCounterArray, 1);
                                        self::$xmlIntervalArray = array_values(self::$xmlIntervalArray);

                                        self::$xmlPositionArray = array_values(self::$xmlPositionArray);
                                        self::$xmlCounterArray = array_values(self::$xmlCounterArray);

                                } //if array lengths aren't equal yet, continue

                                // save current voice for comparison with next note
                                $lastVoice = $n->voice;
                            else{ //different voice incoming next; unset array; begin from scratch

                                $lastVoice = $measure->note[$j]->voice;
                                self::$xmlIntervalArray = array();
                                self::$xmlPositionArray = array();
                                self::$xmlCounterArray = array();
                    } //end of foreach(notes as note){blabla}

                // reset arrays
                self::$xmlIntervalArray = array();
                self::$xmlPositionArray = array();
                self::$xmlCounterArray = array();
            } //end of foreach(parts as part)

            // check if result->occ is empty
                //push result
                array_push(self::$results, self::$result);

        return self::$results;