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/** @constructor */
MusicXMLAnalyzer.PatternView = function(){

    var that = {},
    $modeButtonClass = $(".btn-mode"),

    $noteButtonClass = $(".btn-note"),
    $accidentialButtonClass = $(".btn-accidential"),
    $durationButtonClass = $(".btn-duration"),
    $specialRythButtonClass = $(".btn-special-ryth"),
    $octaveButtonClass = $(".btn-octave"),

    $addNoteButton = $("#btn-add-note"),
    $removeNoteButton = $("#btn-remove-note"),
    $searchPatternButton = $("#searchPatternButton"),

    $patternValue = $('#patternValue'),

    $breakButton = $("#break"),
    $rhythmBreakButton = $("#rhythmBreak"),

    $rhythmNoteOrBreak = $('#rhythmNoteOrBreak'),
    $noteOrBreak = $('#noteOrBreak'),
    $rhythmNote = $('#rhythmNote'),

    $logMessages = null,
    resultMessageCounter = null,

     * Init function
     * @function
     * @public
    init = function() {
        patternController = MusicXMLAnalyzer.PatternController();

        $modeButtonClass.on("click", onModeButtonClick);

        $noteButtonClass.on("click", onNoteButtonClick);
        $accidentialButtonClass.on("click", onAccidentialButtonClick);
        $durationButtonClass.on("click", onDurationButtonClick);
        $specialRythButtonClass.on("click", onSpecialRythButtonClick);
        $octaveButtonClass.on("click", onOctaveButtonClick);
        $addNoteButton.on("click", onAddButtonClick);
        $removeNoteButton.on("click", onRemoveButtonClick);
        $breakButton.on('click', onBreakButtonClick);
        $noteOrBreak.on('click', onNoteOrBreakClick);


        $searchPatternButton.on('click', onSubmitButtonClick);
        $logMessages = $('#searchMessages');
        resultMessageCounter = 0;


     * Method handles the mouseclick event on note- or break button to disable or enable octaves according to mode
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {event}    event    the triggered click event
    onNoteOrBreakClick = function(event){
        if(patternController.getCurrentMode() === 2){
            if( === 'break'){

     * Method handles the mouseclick event on break button
     * @function
     * @public
    onBreakButtonClick = function(){

     * Method handles the mouseclick event on mode button
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {event}    event    the triggered click event
    onModeButtonClick = function(event) {
        var modeButtonId =;
        // slice -1 gets the last char of the mode id

     * Method handles the mouseclick event on note button
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {event}    event    the triggered click event
    onNoteButtonClick = function(event) {

     * Method handles the mouseclick event on note or break in rhythm mode to highlight user selection and change the note accordingly
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {event}    event    the triggered click event
    onRhythmNoteOrBreakClick = function(event){
        if( === 'rhythmBreak'){

        else if( === 'rhythmNote'){



     * Method handles the mouseclick event on accidentals
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {event}    event    the triggered click event
    onAccidentialButtonClick = function(event) {
        var acc =;
        acc = acc.substring(acc.indexOf("-") + 1, acc.length);

     * Method handles the mouseclick event on durations
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {event}    event    the triggered click event
    onDurationButtonClick = function(event) {

     * Method handles the mouseclick event on special rhythm
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {event}    event    the triggered click event
    onSpecialRythButtonClick = function(event) {
        //get the and of the specRyth String after the -
        var specRyth =;
        specRyth = specRyth.substring(specRyth.indexOf("-") + 1, specRyth.length);
        //prevent adding break triplets by disabling the break button
        if(specRyth === "triplet") {
            // check if break button was active
            // if true then set selected note to c
            if($breakButton.hasClass("active") === true) {
        } else {

     * Method handles the mouseclick event on ocatave button
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {event}    event    the triggered click event
    onOctaveButtonClick = function(event) {

     * Method handles the mouseclick event on add button
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {event}    event    the triggered click event
    onAddButtonClick = function() {

     * Method sets the pattern values
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {object}    pattern    the pattern values
    setPatternValue = function(pattern) {

     * Method sets the active note
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {string}    noteName    the name of the note
    setNoteNameActive = function(noteName) {
        if(patternController.getCurrentMode() != 1){
            $("#" + noteName + "").addClass("active");


     * Method sets the active octave
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {string}    octave    name of the octave
    setOctaveActive = function(octave) {
        $("#" + octave + "").addClass("active");

     * Method sets the active accidental
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {string}    acc    name of the accidental
    setAccidentialActive = function(acc) {
        $("#accidential-" + acc + "").addClass("active");

     * Method sets the active duration
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {string}    duration    name of the duration
    setDurationActive = function(duration) {
        $("#" + duration + "").addClass("active");

     * Method sets the active special rhythm element
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {string}    specRyth    name of the special rhythm element
    setSpecRythActive = function(specRyth) {
        $("#spec-" + specRyth + "").addClass("active");

     * Method changes layout according to melody mode
     * @function
     * @public
    setToMelodyMode = function() {
        // disable search button
        // (will get enabled after two notes are created)
        $searchPatternButton.prop('disabled', true);


     * Method changes layout according to sound sequence mode
     * @function
     * @public
    setToSoundSequenceMode = function() {

        //disable only break button from notes class

        // disable search button
        // (will get enabled after two notes are created)
        $searchPatternButton.prop('disabled', true);


     * Method changes layout according to rhythm mode
     * @function
     * @public
    setToRhythmMode = function() {

        // disable search button
        // (will get enabled after two notes are created)
        $searchPatternButton.prop('disabled', true);

     * Method enters triplet creation mode
     * @function
     * @public
    startTripletEnterMode = function() {
        //disable search and remove btn
        //disable spec ryth
        //diable duration

     * Method ends triplet creation mode
     * @function
     * @public
    endTripletEnterMode = function() {
        //enable search and remove btn
        //enable spec ryth
        //enable duration

     * Method handles mouse click on remove button
     * @function
     * @public
    onRemoveButtonClick = function() {

     * Method handles mouse click on search button, including a log message box to overcome waiting time
     * @function
     * @public
    onSubmitButtonClick = function() {
        addLogMessage("Let's start searching the pattern.");
        window.setTimeout(function() {
            addLogMessage("We're working.");
            window.setTimeout(function() {
                addLogMessage("Please be patient.");
                window.setTimeout(function() {
                    addLogMessage("Don't worry we didn't forget you.");
                    window.setTimeout(function() {
                        addLogMessage("Okay. We're ready soon. We promise.");
                        window.setTimeout(function() {
                            addLogMessage("Maybe a little coffee?");
                        }, 3000);
                    }, 3000);
                }, 3000);
            }, 3000);
        }, 3000);

     * Method to initiate log messages
     * @function
     * @public
    initLogMessages = function() {
        resultMessageCounter = 0;
            height: 100
        }, 500);

     * Method to animate the log message box
     * @function
     * @public
    disposeLogMessages = function() {
        window.setTimeout(function() {
                height: 0
            function() {
        }, 100);

     * Method to add a log message
     * @function
     * @public
     * @param {string}    msg    message to be added
    addLogMessage = function(msg) {
        $('#log' + (resultMessageCounter - 3)).animate({
            "marginTop": "-30px"
        }, 200);
        $logMessages.append('<div id="log' + resultMessageCounter + '"></div>');
        $('#log' + resultMessageCounter).typed({
            strings: ['<p>' + msg + '</p>'],
            backDelay: 100000000000000,
            typeSpeed: 0,
            backSpeed: 0,
            loop: true,

    that.init = init;
    that.setPatternValue = setPatternValue;
    that.setNoteNameActive = setNoteNameActive;
    that.setOctaveActive = setOctaveActive;
    that.setAccidentialActive = setAccidentialActive;
    that.setDurationActive = setDurationActive;
    that.setSpecRythActive = setSpecRythActive;
    that.setToSoundSequenceMode = setToSoundSequenceMode;
    that.setToRhythmMode = setToRhythmMode;
    that.setToMelodyMode = setToMelodyMode;
    that.startTripletEnterMode = startTripletEnterMode;
    that.endTripletEnterMode = endTripletEnterMode;

    return that;