namespace Garak\Bridge;
use Garak\Card\Card;
use Garak\Card\CardsTrick;
use Garak\Card\Suit;
final class Trick extends CardsTrick
* Winning card of a trick depends on opening suit.
* If trump is not played, winning card is the higher one matching the opening suit.
public function getWinningCard(?Suit $trump): Card
if (false === $firstCard = \reset($this->cards)) {
throw new \DomainException('No cards in trick.');
$firstSuit = $firstCard->getSuit();
if (null !== $trump) {
// case 1: opening with trump, sorting is enough
if ($trump->isEqual($firstSuit)) {
CardSorter::sort($this->cards, null);
return $this->cards[0];
// case 2: one of played suits is trump, sorting is enough as well
foreach ($this->cards as $card) {
if ($card->getSuit()->isEqual($trump)) {
CardSorter::sort($this->cards, $trump);
return $this->cards[0];
// case 3: we treat first played suit as if it were trump
CardSorter::sort($this->cards, $trump);
return $this->cards[0];