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namespace Gdbots\QueryParser\Builder;

use Elastica\Query\AbstractQuery;
use Elastica\Query\BoolQuery;
use Elastica\Query\Exists;
use Elastica\Query\Nested;
use Elastica\Query\Range as RangeQuery;
use Elastica\QueryBuilder as RuflinQueryBuilder;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Enum\BoolOperator;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Enum\ComparisonOperator;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Node\Date;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Node\DateRange;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Node\Emoji;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Node\Emoticon;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Node\Field;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Node\Node;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Node\Numbr;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Node\Phrase;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Node\Range;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Node\Subquery;
use Gdbots\QueryParser\Node\Word;

class ElasticaQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder
    protected RuflinQueryBuilder $qb;
    protected BoolQuery $boolQuery;

     * When a subquery is entered we'll take the current query
     * and save it here.  After the subquery completes we inject
     * the query back into the outer query.
     * @var BoolQuery
    protected BoolQuery $outerBoolQuery;
    protected bool $ignoreEmojis = true;
    protected bool $ignoreEmoticons = true;
    protected bool $ignoreStopWords = true;
    protected bool $lowerCaseTerms = true;

     * Array of field names which are nested objects in ElasticSearch and
     * must be queried using a nested query.
     * @link
     * @var string[]
    protected array $nestedFields = [];

     * Any fields encountered that are nested are stored as a nested query
     * keyed by the nested field path and query method. e.g. "comments-addMust"
     * The nested query contains a bool query and works exactly like the bool
     * query non-nested queries are added to.
     * @var Nested[]
    protected array $nestedQueries = [];

    public function __construct()
        $this->defaultFieldName = '_all';
        $this->qb = new RuflinQueryBuilder();

    public function clear(): self
        $this->boolQuery = $this->qb->query()->bool();
        $this->outerBoolQuery = $this->boolQuery;
        $this->nestedQueries = [];
        return $this;

    public function ignoreEmojis(bool $ignoreEmojis = true): self
        $this->ignoreEmojis = $ignoreEmojis;
        return $this;

    public function ignoreEmoticons(bool $ignoreEmoticons = true): self
        $this->ignoreEmoticons = $ignoreEmoticons;
        return $this;

    public function ignoreStopWords(bool $ignoreStopWords = true): self
        $this->ignoreStopWords = $ignoreStopWords;
        return $this;

    public function lowerCaseTerms(bool $lowerCaseTerms = true): self
        $this->lowerCaseTerms = $lowerCaseTerms;
        return $this;

    public function setNestedFields(array $fields): self
        $this->nestedFields = array_flip($fields);
        return $this;

    public function addNestedField(string $fieldName): self
        $this->nestedFields[$fieldName] = true;
        return $this;

    public function removeNestedField(string $fieldName): self
        return $this;

    public function getNestedFields(): array
        return array_keys($this->nestedFields);

    public function getBoolQuery(): BoolQuery
        if ($this->boolQuery->hasParam('must')) {
            // if a "must" is used we assume they wanted everything else optional
            return $this->boolQuery;

        return $this->boolQuery->setMinimumShouldMatch('2<80%');

    protected function handleRange(Range $range, Field $field, bool $cacheable = false): void
        $useBoost = $field->useBoost();
        $boost = $field->getBoost();
        $boolOp = $field->getBoolOperator();

        if ($boolOp === BoolOperator::REQUIRED) {
            $method = 'addMust';
        } elseif ($boolOp === BoolOperator::PROHIBITED) {
            $method = 'addMustNot';
        } else {
            $method = 'addShould';

        if ($range->isExclusive()) {
            $lowerOperator = 'gt';
            $upperOperator = 'lt';
        } else {
            $lowerOperator = 'gte';
            $upperOperator = 'lte';

        $data = [];

        if ($range instanceof DateRange) {
            if ($range->hasLowerNode()) {
                $data[$lowerOperator] = $range->getLowerNode()
            if ($range->hasUpperNode()) {
                $data[$upperOperator] = $range->getUpperNode()
                    ->modify('+1 day')
        } else {
            if ($range->hasLowerNode()) {
                $data[$lowerOperator] = $range->getLowerNode()->getValue();
            if ($range->hasUpperNode()) {
                $data[$upperOperator] = $range->getUpperNode()->getValue();

        if ($cacheable) {
            if ('addMustNot' === $method) {
                $this->addToBoolQuery($method, $field->getName(), $this->qb->query()->range($field->getName(), $data));
            } else {
                $this->addToBoolQuery('addFilter', $field->getName(), $this->qb->query()->range($field->getName(), $data));


        if ($useBoost) {
            $data['boost'] = $boost;

        $this->addToBoolQuery($method, $field->getName(), $this->qb->query()->range($field->getName(), $data));

    protected function startSubquery(Subquery $subquery, ?Field $field = null): void
        $this->outerBoolQuery = $this->boolQuery;
        $this->boolQuery = $this->qb->query()->bool();

    protected function endSubquery(Subquery $subquery, ?Field $field = null): void
        $params = $this->boolQuery->getParams();
        if (!empty($params)) {

            if ($this->inField()) {
                $useBoost = $field->useBoost();
                $boost = $field->getBoost();
                $boolOp = $field->getBoolOperator();
            } else {
                $useBoost = $subquery->useBoost();
                $boost = $subquery->getBoost();
                $boolOp = $subquery->getBoolOperator();

            if ($useBoost) {

            if ($boolOp === BoolOperator::REQUIRED) {
            } elseif ($boolOp === BoolOperator::PROHIBITED) {
            } else {

        $this->boolQuery = $this->outerBoolQuery;

    protected function mustMatch(Node $node, ?Field $field = null): void
        $this->addTextToQuery('addMust', $node, $field);

    protected function shouldMatch(Node $node, ?Field $field = null): void
        $this->addTextToQuery('addShould', $node, $field);

    protected function mustNotMatch(Node $node, ?Field $field = null): void
        $this->addTextToQuery('addMustNot', $node, $field);

     * Adds a text node to the active query. These all use the "match" when full
     * text searching is needed/supported.
     * @param string $method
     * @param Node   $node
     * @param Field  $field
    protected function addTextToQuery(string $method, Node $node, ?Field $field = null): void
        if ($node instanceof Word && $node->isStopWord() && $this->ignoreStopWords) {

        $fieldName = $this->inField() ? $field->getName() : $this->defaultFieldName;

        if ($this->inField() && !$this->inSubquery()) {
            $useBoost = $field->useBoost();
            $boost = $field->getBoost();
            $useFuzzy = $field->useFuzzy();
            $fuzzy = $field->getFuzzy();
        } else {
            $useBoost = $node->useBoost();
            $boost = $node->getBoost();
            $useFuzzy = $node->useFuzzy();
            $fuzzy = $node->getFuzzy();

         * Look for special chars and if found, enforce fuzzy.
         * todo: review this with more test cases
        if (!$useFuzzy
            && $node instanceof Phrase
            && 'addShould' === $method
            && preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\._-]+/', $node->getValue())
        ) {
            $useFuzzy = true;
            $fuzzy = 1;

        if ($node instanceof Phrase) {
            $data = ['query' => $node->getValue()];

            if ($useBoost) {
                $data['boost'] = $boost;

            if ($useFuzzy) {
                $data['slop'] = $fuzzy;

            $query = $this->qb->query()->match_phrase($fieldName, $data);
        } elseif ($useFuzzy) {
            $query = $this->qb->query()->fuzzy($fieldName, $node->getValue());
            $query->setFieldOption('fuzziness', $fuzzy);

            if ($useBoost) {
                $query->setFieldOption('boost', $boost);
        } elseif ($node instanceof Word && $node->hasTrailingWildcard()) {
            $query = $this->qb->query()->wildcard(
                strtolower($node->getValue()) . '*',
                $useBoost ? $boost : Word::DEFAULT_BOOST
        } else {
            $data = ['query' => $node->getValue(), 'operator' => 'and', 'lenient' => true];

            if ($useBoost) {
                $data['boost'] = $boost;

            $query = $this->qb->query()->match($fieldName, $data);

        $this->addToBoolQuery($method, $fieldName, $query);

    protected function mustMatchTerm(Node $node, ?Field $field = null, bool $cacheable = false): void
        $this->addTermToQuery('addMust', $node, $field, $cacheable);

    protected function shouldMatchTerm(Node $node, ?Field $field = null): void
        $this->addTermToQuery('addShould', $node, $field);

    protected function mustNotMatchTerm(Node $node, ?Field $field = null, bool $cacheable = false): void
        $this->addTermToQuery('addMustNot', $node, $field, $cacheable);

     * Adds a term to the bool query or filter context. Filter context is used when the
     * request for that item could be cached, like documents with hashtag of cats.
     * @param string $method
     * @param Node   $node
     * @param Field  $field
     * @param bool   $cacheable
    protected function addTermToQuery(string $method, Node $node, ?Field $field = null, bool $cacheable = false): void
        if ($node instanceof Emoji && $this->ignoreEmojis) {

        if ($node instanceof Emoticon && $this->ignoreEmoticons) {

        $value = $this->lowerCaseTerms && !$node instanceof Numbr ? strtolower((string)$node->getValue()) : $node->getValue();
        $fieldName = $this->inField() ? $field->getName() : $this->defaultFieldName;

        if ($this->inField() && !$this->inSubquery()) {
            $useBoost = $field->useBoost();
            $boost = $field->getBoost();
        } else {
            $useBoost = $node->useBoost();
            $boost = $node->getBoost();

        if ('_exists_' === $fieldName) {
            $term = new Exists($value);
            $method = 'addMust';
            $cacheable = true;
        } elseif ('_missing_' === $fieldName) {
            $term = new Exists($value);
            $method = 'addMustNot';
            $cacheable = true;
        } elseif ($node instanceof Date) {
            $term = $this->createDateRangeForSingleNode(
                $useBoost ? $boost : Date::DEFAULT_BOOST
        } elseif ($node instanceof Numbr && $node->useComparisonOperator()) {
            $data = [$node->getComparisonOperator()->value => $value];
            if ($useBoost) {
                $data['boost'] = $boost;
            $term = $this->qb->query()->range($fieldName, $data);
        } else {
            $term = $this->qb->query()->term();
            $term->setTerm($fieldName, $value, $boost);

        if ($cacheable) {
            if ('addMustNot' === $method) {
                $this->addToBoolQuery($method, $fieldName, $term);
            } else {
                $this->addToBoolQuery('addFilter', $fieldName, $term);
        } else {
            $this->addToBoolQuery($method, $fieldName, $term);

     * When dealing with dates we have to create a range, even when the user provides
     * an exact date.  This is because a user asking for documents on date 2015-12-01
     * but the value is stored as a timestamp (for example).
     * So we ask for documents >=2015-12-01 and <=2015-12-02
     * The Date node is a date with no time component. @see Date::toDateTime
     * @param string $fieldName
     * @param Date   $node
     * @param bool   $cacheable
     * @param float  $boost
     * @return RangeQuery
    protected function createDateRangeForSingleNode(
        string $fieldName,
        Date $node,
        bool $cacheable = false,
        float $boost = Date::DEFAULT_BOOST
    ): RangeQuery {
        $operator = $node->getComparisonOperator();

        if ($operator === ComparisonOperator::EQ) {
            $date = $node->toDateTime($this->localTimeZone);
            $data = [
                'gte' => $date->format('Y-m-d'),
                'lt'  => $date->modify('+1 day')->format('Y-m-d'),
        } else {
            $data = [$operator->value => $node->toDateTime($this->localTimeZone)->format('Y-m-d')];

        if ($cacheable) {
            return $this->qb->query()->range($fieldName, $data);

        $data['boost'] = $boost;
        return $this->qb->query()->range($fieldName, $data);

    protected function addToBoolQuery(string $method, string $fieldName, AbstractQuery $query): void
        if (!str_contains($fieldName, '.')) {

        $fieldName = str_replace('.raw', '', $fieldName);
        $nestedPath = substr($fieldName, 0, strrpos($fieldName, '.'));
        if (!isset($this->nestedFields[$nestedPath])) {

        $nestedQuery = $nestedPath . '-' . $method;
        if (!isset($this->nestedQueries[$nestedQuery])) {
            $this->nestedQueries[$nestedQuery] = (new Nested())
                ->setParam('ignore_unmapped', true);
