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Test Coverage
interaction_search_results: &interaction_results
  title: DGIdb - Interaction Search Results
  title_main: Interaction Search Results
  title_small: drug-gene interactions for your genes
  title_small_drugs: drug-gene interactions for your drugs
  definite_results_passed_filter_flag: >
    Primary results passed all filters and the search term unambiguously matched a single gene with known drug interactions.
  definite_results_passed_drug_filter_flag: >
    Primary results passed all filters and the search term unambiguously matched a single drug with known gene interactions.
  definite_results_failed_filter_flag: >
    Definite results that passed the filter are those where the provided search term unambiguously matched a single gene record with known interactions
    that did not meet the specified filter criteria.
  definite_results_failed_filter_flag: >
    Definite results that passed the filter are those where the provided search term unambiguously matched a single drug record with known interactions
    that did not meet the specified filter criteria.
  ambiguous_results_passed_filter_flag: >
    Ambiguous results are those where the provided search term matched more than one gene record of which at least one had known drug interactions
    meeting the specifed filter criteria. In other words - we are not able to positively identify which gene you meant. To avoid this issue please use the
    official gene names provided by Entrez Gene.
  ambiguous_results_passed_drug_filter_flag: >
    Ambiguous results are those where the provided search term matched more than one drug record of which at least one had known gene interactions
    meeting the specifed filter criteria. In other words - we are not able to positively identify which drug you meant. To avoid this issue please use the
    official drug names provided by PubChem.
  ambiguous_results_failed_filter_flag: >
    Ambiguous results are those where the provided search term matched more than one gene record of which at least one had known drug interactions that
    did not meet the specifed filter criteria. In other words - we are not able to positively identify which gene you meant. To avoid this issue please use
    the official gene names provided by Entrez Gene.
  ambiguous_results_failed_drug_filter_flag: >
    Ambiguous results are those where the provided search term matched more than one drug record of which at least one had known gene interactions that
    did not meet the specifed filter criteria. In other words - we are not able to positively identify which drug you meant. To avoid this issue please use
    the official drug names provided by PubChem.
  ambiguous_results_no_interactions_flag: >
    Your search term matched more than one gene record - none of which had any interactions in any source.
  ambiguous_results_no_drug_interactions_flag: >
    Your search term matched more than one drug record - none of which had any interactions in any source.
  definite_results_no_interactions_flag: >
    Search term was matched definitely but had no interactions in any data source.
  terms_with_no_matches_flag: >
    Search terms for which we could find no matches.
  gene_table_header_flag: >
    Gene Name within DGIDB that matched your search term (either directly or through a synonym). Click any gene to visit its summary page and search for interactions of related genes.
  interaction_table_header_flag: >
    Interaction Types are used to categorize the nature of drug-gene interactions (e.g. mechanism) and vary by source.
  pmid_table_header_flag: >
    PubMed IDs (PMIDs) directly supporting the reported interaction.
  search_term_table_header_flag: >
    The search term you entered.
  drug_table_header_flag: >
    Drug name as reported by original source. The link will take you to a complete record of information relating to this drug from that source.
  source_table_header_flag: >
    An abbreviated name for the source of this drug-gene interaction. The link will provide a report and citation for that source. 
    Green sources are classified as expert curated while yellow sources are non-curated.
  source_type_table_header_flag: >
    Sources are bucketed into source types based on their level of curation and assumed accuracy.
  search_term_summary_table_header_match_flag: >
    Match Type for your Search Terms may be ‘None’, ‘Ambiguous’, or ‘Definite’. ‘None’ means the gene did not match any primary or secondary
    gene names in DGIdb. ‘Ambiguous’ means multiple matches were found. ‘Definite’ means a single matching gene name was found.
  search_term_summary_table_drug_header_match_flag: >
    Match Type for your Search Terms may be ‘None’, ‘Ambiguous’, or ‘Definite’. ‘None’ means the drug did not match any primary or secondary
    drug names in DGIdb. ‘Ambiguous’ means multiple matches were found. ‘Definite’ means a single matching drug name was found.
  search_term_summary_table_header_matches_flag: >
    Genes in DGIdb that match this Search Term. ‘Definite’ matches should only have one entry here while ‘Ambiguous’ matches will have more than one.
  search_term_summary_table_drug_header_matches_flag: >
    Drugs in DGIdb that match this Search Term. ‘Definite’ matches should only have one entry here while ‘Ambiguous’ matches will have more than one.
  interaction_by_gene_table_header_distinct_drug_count_flag: >
    The number of distinct drugs that interact with each gene.
  interaction_by_drug_table_header_distinct_gene_count_flag: >
    The number of distinct genes that interact with each drug.
  interaction_by_gene_table_header_druggable_categories_flag: >
    The potentially druggable gene categories that each gene belongs to.
  interaction_by_source_table_header_interaction_flag: >
    A specific drug-gene interaction is displayed as (‘drug name’ and ‘gene name’). The following columns indicate which sources support an interaction 
    between this drug and gene.
  interaction_by_source_table_header_count_flag: >
    The number of independent sources that support a particular drug-gene interaction claim.
  interaction_by_source_table_pmid_count_flag: >
    The number of independent PubMed references that support a particular drug-gene interaction claim.
  search_results_summary_flag: >
    The following basic statistics summarize the outcome of querying DGIdb for interactions with your list of genes. First the attempt to map your genes 
    to DGIdb gene names is reported, followed by the number of drug interactions found for those genes that were successfully matched.
  search_results_drug_summary_flag: >
    The following basic statistics summarize the outcome of querying DGIdb for interactions with your list of drugs. First the attempt to map your drugs
    to DGIdb drug names is reported, followed by the number of gene interactions found for those drugs that were successfully matched.
  search_gene_results_summary_flag: >
    The following basic statistics relate to the outcome of attempting to match genes supplied by the user with gene identities in DGIdb.
  search_drug_results_summary_flag: >
    The following basic statistics relate to the outcome of attempting to match drugs supplied by the user with drug identities in DGIdb.
  search_results_by_gene_flag: >
    For each gene with at least one drug-gene interaction found, the total number of interactions is reported along with the potentially druggable gene
    categories it belongs to.
  search_results_by_drug_flag: >
    For each drug with at least one drug-gene interaction found, the total number of interactions is reported.
  search_results_by_source_flag: >
    Specific drug-gene interactions are displayed as (‘drug name’ and ‘gene name’ pairs). The following columns indicate which source(s) support each 
    interaction claim involving the drug and gene.
  << : *interaction_results
  title_main: Interactions For Related Genes
  title_small: drug interactions for genes related to