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Generic Handlers

Here are some handlers that are easy to extend or use directly.

A handler that publishes messages to a SQS queue.

For instance, if we just want just redirect a message to a queue named "my-queue"::

    # in your route definition
    from import SQSHandler

    Route(handler=SQSHandler('my-queue'), ...)

The handler assumes a message that could be json encoded (usually a python ``dict`` instance).

You can customize this handler by subclassing it::

    class MyHandler(SQSHandler):
        queue_name = 'my-queue'

        async def handle(self, message, *args):
            text = message['text']
            return await self.publish(text, encoder=None)

In the example above, we are disabling the message encoding by passing ``None``
to the ``publish`` coroutine.

The ``encoder`` parameter should be a callable that receives the message to be encoded.
By default, it assumes ``json.dumps``.

Take a note how **queue_name** was set. You can configure it when instantiate
the handler or set the class attribute **queue_name**, both are valid and the
attribute is mandatory. You can also use the queue URL directly, if you prefer.

A handler that publishes messages to a SNS topic.

This handler is very similar to **SQSHandler**, so going to a similar example::

    from import SNSHandler

    class MyHandler(SNSHandler):
        topic = 'my-topic'

        async def handle(self, message, *args):
            text = message['text']
            return await self.publish(text, encoder=None)

The handler also provides a ``publish`` coroutine with an ``encoder`` parameter
that works in the same way as with **SQSHandler**, except it will publish in a
SNS topic instead a queue.

The **SNSHandler** also assumes a message that could be json encoded and the
encoder default to ``json.dumps``.

The **topic** is also mandatory and should be configured in the class
definition or when creating the handler instance.

You can set either the topic name or the topic arn (recommended), but when
using the topic name the handler will use ``wildcards`` to match the topic arn.

More details about SNS wildcards are available in their `documentation`_.

.. _documentation: