import * as BabelTypes from '@babel/types';
import * as i18next from 'i18next';
import { Config } from './config';
interface I18NextParsedOptions {
// If contexts is an array, it's an explicit list of context.
// If contexts is true, default context should be used.
// If contexts is false, context are disable.
contexts: string[] | boolean;
hasCount: boolean;
ns: string | null;
keyPrefix: string | null;
defaultValue: string | null;
* Key as extracted by an extractor.
export interface ExtractedKey {
key: string;
parsedOptions: I18NextParsedOptions;
// Nodes (not node paths) from which the key was extracted.
// First item is the node being traversed by the main visitor.
// Other items are the nodes involved in the extraction (e.g. `t()`
// CallExpression).
// This helps keeping track of which nodes were already extracted by an
// extractor.
sourceNodes: BabelTypes.Node[];
// Name of the extractor that extracted the key. e.g. extractTransComponent
extractorName: string;
* Extracted key with enriched information.
export interface TranslationKey extends ExtractedKey {
cleanKey: string; // Key without namespace or path.
keyPath: string[]; // for instance, if key is "", keyPath would be ["foo", "bar"].
ns: string;
isDerivedKey: boolean;
* Parse namespace and key path from an extracted key.
* @param key: key to parse
* @param config: plugin configuration
function parseExtractedKey(key: ExtractedKey, config: Config): TranslationKey {
let cleanKey = key.key;
const keyPrefix = key.parsedOptions.keyPrefix;
if (keyPrefix) {
// Imitate behavior of i18next and just connect prefix with key before any other action
const keySeparator = config.keySeparator || '.';
cleanKey = `${keyPrefix}${keySeparator}${cleanKey}`;
let ns: string = key.parsedOptions.ns || config.defaultNS;
if (config.nsSeparator) {
const nsSeparatorPos = cleanKey.indexOf(config.nsSeparator);
if (nsSeparatorPos !== -1) {
ns = cleanKey.slice(0, nsSeparatorPos);
cleanKey = cleanKey.slice(nsSeparatorPos + 1);
let keyPath = Array<string>();
if (config.keySeparator) {
const fullPath = cleanKey.split(config.keySeparator);
keyPath = [...keyPath, ...fullPath.slice(0, fullPath.length - 1)];
cleanKey = fullPath[fullPath.length - 1];
return {
isDerivedKey: false,
* Compute all derived keys for a local from a key and parsed i18next options.
* e.g.
* ({'foo', {contexts: false, hasCount: true}}, 'en')
* => ['foo', 'foo_plural']
* ({'bar', {contexts: ['male', 'female'], hasCount: true}}, 'en')
* => ['foo_male', 'foo_male_plural', 'foo_female', 'foo_female_plural']
* FIXME: some of the work of this function should be delegated to the exporter.
* This function should just put derivation metadata (each plural for the current
* locale and each context) into an attribute of the key. The exporter should then
* produce the actual value of the key using the metadata from the TranslationKey.
* This would remove the need to specify JSONvX-specific code into this
* function, but it will be easier to do when we drop support for JSONv3.
* @param extractedKey key that was extracted with an extractor.
* @param locale locale code
* @returns All derived keys that could be found from TranslationKey for
* locale.
export function computeDerivedKeys(
extractedKey: ExtractedKey,
locale: string,
config: Config,
): TranslationKey[] {
const translationKey = parseExtractedKey(extractedKey, config);
const { parsedOptions, cleanKey: key } = translationKey;
let keys = [translationKey];
if (parsedOptions.contexts !== false) {
// Add all context suffixes
// For instance, if key is "foo", may want
// ["foo", "foo_male", "foo_female"] depending on defaultContexts value.
const contexts = Array.isArray(parsedOptions.contexts)
? parsedOptions.contexts
: config.defaultContexts;
keys = => {
if (v === '') return translationKey;
return {
cleanKey: key + config.contextSeparator + v,
isDerivedKey: true,
if (parsedOptions.hasCount) {
const i18n = i18next.createInstance({
pluralSeparator: config.pluralSeparator,
// i18next doesn't allow passing "v4" as it's not "compat" mode.
compatibilityJSON: config.compatibilityJSON === 'v3' ? 'v3' : undefined,
// We need to init the i18n instance to have all the services initialized.
const unknownLocaleError = new Error(`Unknown locale '${locale}'.`);
let pluralCategories: string[];
// See
// - i18next v21+ w/ JSONv4+: Intl.PluralRules is *always* returned even
// if the locale is unknown.
// - JSONv3- (independently of i18next version): some custom untyped object
// is returned, or undefined if the local is unknown.
const pluralRule:
| Intl.PluralRules
| { numbers: Array<number> }
| undefined =
// TODO: a comment hint should allow to override cardinality/ordinality.
// It defaults to cardinal, but this is not correct.
{ ordinal: false },
if (pluralRule === undefined) {
throw unknownLocaleError;
} else if (pluralRule instanceof Intl.PluralRules) {
const pluralRulesOptions = pluralRule.resolvedOptions();
// Node only returns the language part of the BCP 47 tag when resolving
// plural rules. We still need to check if the locale was properly
// resolved, but runtimes silently fallback to the user's locale when
// specifying a locale they don't know. Also, there doesn't seem to be a
// way to tell if a given locale is supported by the runtime or not. So
// as a workaround, we ensure that at least the language part of the
// resolved locale is consistent with the locale we want.
if (!locale.startsWith(pluralRulesOptions.locale)) {
throw unknownLocaleError;
pluralCategories = pluralRulesOptions.pluralCategories;
} else {
const pluralsCount = pluralRule.numbers.length;
if (pluralsCount === 2) {
pluralCategories = ['', 'plural'];
} else {
pluralCategories = Array(pluralsCount)
.map((_, idx) => idx.toString());
if (config.enableExperimentalIcu) {
if (config.compatibilityJSON === 'v3') {
throw new Error('ICU format is only supported with JSONv4.');
const icuPlurals = pluralCategories
(numAsText: string) =>
`${numAsText} {${icuPluralValue(
.join(' ');
extractedKey.parsedOptions.defaultValue = `{count, plural, ${icuPlurals}}`;
} else {
const pluralSuffixes = =>
cat.length === 0 ? '' : config.pluralSeparator + cat,
keys = keys.reduce(
(accumulator, k) => [
...accumulator, => ({
cleanKey: k.cleanKey + suffix,
// Let's not consider singular a derived key. This is useful if one
// want to use default values for singular.
k.isDerivedKey ||
!['', `${config.pluralSeparator}_one`].includes(suffix),
return keys;
function icuPluralValue(defaultValue: string | null): string {
const oldVal = defaultValue ?? '';
const withIcuSingleCurlyBrace = oldVal
.replace(/{{/g, '{')
.replace(/}}/g, '}');
return withIcuSingleCurlyBrace;