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File an issue

You can report bugs and feature requests to [GitHub Issues](

**Please don't ask question in the issue tracker**, instead ask them on at Stack Overflow and use the
[guard]( tag and/or [guard-rspec](

Try to figure out where the issue belongs to: Is it an issue with Guard::RSpec itself or with Guard?

When you file a bug, please try to follow these simple rules if applicable:

* Make sure you've read the README carefully.
* Make sure you run Guard with `bundle exec` first.
* Add debug information to the issue by running Guard with the `--debug` option.
* Add your `Guardfile` and `Gemfile` to the issue.
* Make sure that the issue is reproducible with your description.

**It's most likely that your bug gets resolved faster if you provide as much information as possible!**


* Documentation hosted at [RubyDoc](
* Source hosted at [GitHub](

Pull requests are very welcome! Please try to follow these simple rules if applicable:

* Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make.
* Make sure your patches are well tested. All specs run with `rake test:all_versions` must pass.
* Update the [README](
* Please **do not change** the version number.

For questions please join us in our [Google group]( or on
`#guard` (