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## Tech Stack
guibranco/GuiStracini.HolidayAPI is built on the following main stack:

- [.NET]( – Frameworks (Full Stack)
- [C#]( – Languages
- [Visual Studio]( – Integrated Development Environment
- [xUnit]( – Testing Frameworks
- [Shell]( – Shells
- [.NET Core]( – Frameworks (Full Stack)
- [ASP.NET Core]( – Frameworks (Full Stack)
- [GitHub Actions]( – Continuous Integration

Full tech stack [here](/

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## Tech Stack
guibranco/GuiStracini.HolidayAPI is built on the following main stack:

- <img width='25' height='25' src='' alt='.NET'/> [.NET]( – Frameworks (Full Stack)
- <img width='25' height='25' src='' alt='C#'/> [C#]( – Languages
- <img width='25' height='25' src='' alt='Visual Studio'/> [Visual Studio]( – Integrated Development Environment
- <img width='25' height='25' src='' alt='xUnit'/> [xUnit]( – Testing Frameworks
- <img width='25' height='25' src='' alt='Shell'/> [Shell]( – Shells
- <img width='25' height='25' src='' alt='.NET Core'/> [.NET Core]( – Frameworks (Full Stack)
- <img width='25' height='25' src='' alt='ASP.NET Core'/> [ASP.NET Core]( – Frameworks (Full Stack)
- <img width='25' height='25' src='' alt='GitHub Actions'/> [GitHub Actions]( – Continuous Integration

Full tech stack [here](/

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<div align="center">

# Tech Stack File
![]( "repo") [guibranco/GuiStracini.HolidayAPI](![]( "public")
|15<br/>Tools used|01/11/24 <br/>Report generated|

## <img src=''/> Languages (1)
  <td align='center'>
  <img width='36' height='36' src='' alt='C#'>
  <sub><a href="">C#</a></sub>


## <img src=''/> Frameworks (3)
  <td align='center'>
  <img width='36' height='36' src='' alt='.NET'>
  <sub><a href="">.NET</a></sub>

<td align='center'>
  <img width='36' height='36' src='' alt='.NET Core'>
  <sub><a href="">.NET Core</a></sub>

<td align='center'>
  <img width='36' height='36' src='' alt='ASP.NET Core'>
  <sub><a href="">ASP.NET Core</a></sub>


## <img src=''/> DevOps (5)
  <td align='center'>
  <img width='36' height='36' src='' alt='Git'>
  <sub><a href="">Git</a></sub>

<td align='center'>
  <img width='36' height='36' src='' alt='GitHub Actions'>
  <sub><a href="">GitHub Actions</a></sub>

<td align='center'>
  <img width='36' height='36' src='' alt='NuGet'>
  <sub><a href="">NuGet</a></sub>

<td align='center'>
  <img width='36' height='36' src='' alt='Visual Studio'>
  <sub><a href="">Visual Studio</a></sub>

<td align='center'>
  <img width='36' height='36' src='' alt='xUnit'>
  <sub><a href="">xUnit</a></sub>


## Other (1)
  <td align='center'>
  <img width='36' height='36' src='' alt='Shell'>
  <sub><a href="">Shell</a></sub>


## <img src='' /> Open source packages (5)</h2>

## <img width='24' height='24' src=''/> NuGet (5)

|[Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client](|v6.0.0|10/25/23|Guilherme Branco Stracini |Apache-2.0|N/A|
|[Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables](|v8.0.0|01/08/24|dependabot[bot] |Apache-2.0|N/A|
|[Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets](|v8.0.0|01/08/24|dependabot[bot] |Apache-2.0|N/A|
|[System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions](|v4.5.4|10/25/23|Guilherme Branco Stracini |N/A|N/A|
|[xunit.runner.visualstudio](|v2.5.6|01/08/24|dependabot[bot] |Other|N/A|

<div align='center'>

Generated via [Stack File](