

Test Coverage

v1.4.3 / 2024-02-23

  * Fix httpx incorrectly named method on interceptor subclass by @sarayourfriend in https://github.com/h2non/pook/pull/126

v1.4.2 / 2024-02-15

  * fix #122: httpx streaming via `iter_raw` raises `httpx.StreamConsumed` by @petarmaric in https://github.com/h2non/pook/pull/123

v1.4.1 / 2024-02-12

  * Fix `Mock` constructor params/url order mishandling (#111)
  * Optionally match empty values in query parameter presence matcher (#113)
  * Fix httpx network mode (#116)

v1.4.0 / 2023-12-29

  * Add support for httpx (#90)
  * Enable mocket integration tests for Python >= 3.11 (#103)

v1.3.0 / 2023-12-25

This release modernizes Pook build and development environments.

  * Drop support for EOL'd Python versions (in other words, 3.6 and 3.7)
  * Use pyproject.toml
  * Use ruff to lint files
  * Use pre-commit to add pre-commit hooks
  * Use hatch to manage test, development, and build environments
  * Fix the test configuration to actually run the example tests
  * Fix the documentation build
  * Fix support for asynchronous functions in the activate decorator (this was a direct result of re-enabling the example tests and finding lots of little issues)
  * Remove all mention of the unsupported pycurl library
  * Clean up tests that can use pytest parametrize to do so (and get better debugging information during tests runs as a result)
  * Use pytest-pook to clean up a bunch of unnecessary test fixtures
  * Fix deprecation warning for invalid string escape sequences caused by untagged regex strings

v1.2.1 / 2023-12-23

  * Fix usage of regex values in header matchers (#97)
  * Fix urllib SSL handling (#98)

v1.2.0 / 2023-12-17

  * feat(api): add support for binary bodies (#88)
  * fix(urllib3): don't put non-strings into HTTP header dict (#87)
  * refactor: drop Python 3.5 support (#92). Note: Python 3.5 had been supported for some time. The change here only makes the documentation accurately reflect that 3.5 is not supported.

v1.1.0 / 2023-01-01

  * chore(version): bump minor v1.1.0
  * Switch to Python >= 3.5 and fix latest aiohttp compatability (#83)
  * fix: remove print call (#81)

v1.0.2 / 2021-09-10

  * fix(urllib3): interceptor is never really disabled (#68)
  * Closes #75 Re consider @fluent decorator (#76)
  * fix(#69): use match keyword in pytest.raises
  * fix(History): invalid rst syntax

v1.0.1 / 2020-03-24

  * fix(aiohttp): compatible with non aiohttp projects (#67)
  * feat(History): add release changes

v1.0.0 / 2020-03-18

  * fix(aiohttp): use latest version, allow Python 3.5+ for async http client

v0.2.8 / 2019-10-31

  * fix collections import warning (#61)

v0.2.7 / 2019-10-21

  * fix collections import warning (#61)

v0.2.6 / 2019-02-01

  * Add mock.reply(new_response=True) to reset response definition object

v0.2.5 / 2017-10-19

  * refactor(setup): remove extra install dependency
  * Fix py27 compatibility (#49)
  * Add activate_async decorator (#48)
  * fix typo in pook.mock.Mock.ismatched.__doc__ (#47)
  * fix README example (#46)

v0.2.4 / 2017-10-03

* fix(#45): regex URL issue
* fix(travis): allow failures in pypy
* feat(docs): add sponsor banner
* refactor(History): normalize style

v0.2.3 / 2017-04-28

* feat(docs): add supported version for aiohttp
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/h2non/pook
* fix(api): export missing symbol "disable_network"
* Update README.rst (#43)

v0.2.2 / 2017-04-03

* refactor(compare): disable maxDiff length limit while comparing values

v0.2.1 / 2017-03-25

* fix(engine): enable new mock engine on register if needed
* fix(engine): remove activate argument before instantiating the Mock

v0.2.0 / 2017-03-18

* refactor(engine): do not activate engine on mock declaration if not explicitly requested. This introduces a behavioral library change: you must explicitly use ``pook.on()`` to enable `pook` mock engine.

v0.1.14 / 2017-03-17

* feat(docs): list supported HTTP client versions
* fix(#41): disable mocks after decorator call invokation
* feat(examples): add mock context manager example file
* feat(#40): support context manager definitions
* feat(#39): improve unmatched request output
* feat(docs): add mocket example file
* feat(#33): add mocket examples and documentation

v0.1.13 / 2017-01-29

* fix(api): `mock.calls` property should be an `int`.

v0.1.12 / 2017-01-28

* feat(#33): proxy mock definitions into mock.Request
* refactor(api): `pook.unmatched_requests()` now returns a `list` instead of a lazy `tuple`.

v0.1.11 / 2017-01-14

* refactor(query)
* fix(#37): fix URL comparison
* fix(#38): proper mock engine interface validation.

v0.1.10 / 2017-01-13

* fix(#37): decode byte bodies
* feat(setup.py): add author email

v0.1.9 / 2017-01-06

* fix(Makefile): remove proper egg file
* feat(package): add wheel package distribution support
* feat(docs): add documentation links

v0.1.8 / 2016-12-24

* fix(assertion): extract regex pattern only when required
* feat(examples): add regular expression example

v0.1.7 / 2016-12-18

* feat(#33): add support for user defined custom mock engine

v0.1.6 / 2016-12-14

* fix(setup.py): force utf-8 encoding
* feat(setup.py): add encoding header
* feat(api): add debug mode
* refactor(docs): minor enhancements
* refactor(tests): update URL matcher test cases
* refactor(docs): add note about HTTP clients and update features list
* fix(setup.py): remove encoding param
* fix(tests): use strict equality assertion

0.1.5 / 2016-12-12

* fix(matchers): fix matching issue in URL.
* refactor(assertion): regex expression based matching must be explicitly enabled.
* feat(tests): add initial matchers tests.

0.1.4 / 2016-12-08

* refactor(README): minor changes
* fix(setup.py): lint error
* fix(#32): use explicit encoding while reading files in setup.py

0.1.3 / 2016-12-08

* fix(core): several bug fixes.
* feat(core): add pending features and major refactors.
* feat(matchers): use ``unittest.TestCase`` matching engine by default.

0.1.2 / 2016-12-01

* fix(matchers): runtime missing variable.

0.1.1 / 2016-12-01

* fix: Python 2 dictionary iteration syntax.
* feat(docs): add more examples.
* fix(matchers): better regular expression comparison support.

0.1.0 / 2016-11-30

* First version (still beta)

0.1.0-rc.1 / 2016-11-27

* First release candidate version (still beta)