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1 wk
Test Coverage
    window.StageWebViewBridge = (function()
        /* Stores callBack functions */
        var callBacks = [];
        /* Stores StageWebViewBridge.ready() functions */
        var onReadyHandlers = [];
        /* Stores the extensions parsed with the cache System */
        var cached_extensions = [];
        /* Stores the default function called on DOMContentLoaded */ 
        var DOMContentLoadedCallBack =function(){ return null };
        /* Stores the default function called on deviceReady */
        var devicereadyCallBack = function(){};
        /* Stores the default root path of filesystem */
        var rootPath = "";
        /* Stores the documentsDirectory path of filesystem */
        var docsPath = "";
        /* Stores the default sourceFolder path of filesystem */
        var sourcePath = "";
        /* Stores the regexp used to filter files by extension */
        var fileRegex;
        /* Used by the .ready method to store temporally callback function called in fakeEvent Dispathch */
        var currentReadyHandler;
        /* Used to determine OS */
        var checker =
          iphone: navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/) === null ? false:true,
          android: navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/) === null ? false: navigator.platform.match(/Linux/) == null ? false:true
        /* Used to determine if the paths has been initialized */
        var pathsReady = false;
        /* Used to determine last time call to AS3 was made */
        var lastCallTime = new Date().getTime();
        /* Used to determine the delay between calls to AS3 */
        var aggregatedCallDelay = 0;
        /* Used to determine the minimun consecutive delay between calls to AS3 */
        /* AT YOUR RISK!!!!! Use StageWebViewBridge.setCallDelay( ms ), to change the default value. */
        var defaultCallDelay = 500;
        /* Used to determine the "protocol" to do the comm with AS3 */
        var sendingProtocol = checker.iphone ? 'about:':'tuoba:';        

    /* METHODS */    
        /* Used internally to parse call funcions from AS3 */
        var doCall = function( jsonArgs )
            setTimeout(function() { deferredDoCall(jsonArgs); },0 );
        /* Used internally to parse call funcions from AS3 */
        var deferredDoCall = function( jsonArgs )
            var _serializeObject = JSON.parse( atob( jsonArgs ) );
            var method = _serializeObject.method;
            var returnValue = true;
            if( method.indexOf('[SWVMethod]')==-1 )
                var targetFunction;
                if( method.indexOf('.')==-1)
                    targetFunction = window[ method ];
                    var splitedPath = method.split('.');
                    for( var i=0; i<splitedPath.length; i++ )
                        targetFunction = targetFunction[ splitedPath[ i ] ];
                returnValue = targetFunction.apply(null, _serializeObject.arguments );
                var targetFunction = callBacks[ method ];
                returnValue = targetFunction.apply(null, _serializeObject.arguments );

            if( _serializeObject.callBack !=undefined  )
                call( _serializeObject.callBack, null, returnValue );          
        /* Used to call an AS3 function. */
        /* Usage: StageWebViewBridge.call( 'as3FunctionToCall', jsCallBack, ...restParams ) */
        var call = function( )
            aggregatedCallDelay = ( new Date().getTime()  - lastCallTime < defaultCallDelay ) ? aggregatedCallDelay+defaultCallDelay:0;
            var argumentsArray = [];
            var _serializeObject = {};
                _serializeObject.method = arguments[ 0 ];
            if( arguments[ 1 ] !=null ) _serializeObject.callBack = '[SWVMethod]'+arguments[ 0 ];

            if( arguments.length>2)
                for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++)
                    argumentsArray.push( arguments[ i ] );

            _serializeObject.arguments = argumentsArray;
            if( _serializeObject.callBack !=undefined ) { addCallback('[SWVMethod]'+arguments[ 0 ], arguments[ 1 ] ); };
            setTimeout( function(){ window.location.href=sendingProtocol+'[SWVData]'+btoa( JSON.stringify( _serializeObject ) );},aggregatedCallDelay );            
            lastCallTime = new Date().getTime();

        /* Used to change the defaultCallDelay value. */
        var setCallDelay = function( ms )
            defaultCallDelay = ms;
        /* Used internally to store callback functions for call methods */
        var addCallback = function( name, fn )
            callBacks[ name ] = fn;
        /* Use it to get the path to a file from JS */
        var getFilePath = function( fileName )
            if( !pathsReady )
                throw "StageWebViewBridge.getFilePath('"+fileName+"').Paths still not set. Listen to document.deviceready event before access this method.";
                if( fileName.indexOf('jsfile:') !=-1 )
                    if( fileRegex.exec(fileName) != null )
                        return rootPath+'/'+fileName.split('jsfile:/')[1];
                        return sourcePath+'/'+fileName.split('jsfile:/')[1];
                if( fileName.indexOf('jsdocfile:') !=-1 )
                    return docsPath+'/'+fileName.split('jsdocfile:/')[1];
        /* fakeEventDispatcher */
        var dispatchFakeEvent = function( name )
            var fakeEvent = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
            fakeEvent.initEvent( name , false,false );
        var ready = function( handler )
            onReadyHandlers.push( handler );
        /* Fired on DOMContentLoaded */
        var onReady = function( )
            document.addEventListener('SWVBReady', function()
            }, false );
            for (var i=0; i<onReadyHandlers.length; i++)
                currentReadyHandler = onReadyHandlers[ i ];
        /* Called from AS3 on loadComplete. */
        var onGetFilePaths = function( data )
            document.title = new Date().getTime();
            sourcePath = data.sourcePath;
            rootPath = data.rootPath;
            docsPath = data.docsPath;
            cached_extensions =  data.extensions;
            fileRegex =new RegExp(( "\(jsfile:\/\)\(\[\\w\-\\\.\\\/%\]\+\("+cached_extensions.join('\|')+"\)\)" ),"gim");
            pathsReady = true;
            setTimeout( function(){ call('___onDeviceReady'); }, 1);
        /* Assign a callback function that executes the on deviceready */
        var deviceReady = function( fn )
            devicereadyCallBack = fn;
        /* Assign a callback function that returns an object to the DOMContentLoaded event */
        var domLoaded = function( fn )
            DOMContentLoadedCallBack = fn;
        /* Call AS3 to fire StageWebViewBridgeEvent.DOM_LOADED */
        var callDOMContentLoaded = function()
            document.removeEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', callDOMContentLoaded, false );
            call( '___onDomReady', onReady,  DOMContentLoadedCallBack() );
        /* Fired on page load complete */
        var loadComplete = function()
            document.removeEventListener('load', loadComplete, false );
            call('___getFilePaths', onGetFilePaths );        
        /* Listen for page load complete */
        window.addEventListener( 'load', loadComplete, false );
        /* Listen for DOMContentLoaded */
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callDOMContentLoaded, false );
        /* Return public methods */
        return {
            doCall: doCall,
            call: call,