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 * DX Auth Class
 * Authentication library for Code Igniter.
 * @author        Dexcell
 * @version        1.0.4
 * @based on    CL Auth by Jason Ashdown (http://
 * @link  
 * @license        MIT License Copyright (c) 2008 Erick Hartanto
 * @credits
class DX_Auth

    // Private
    var $_banned;

    var $_ban_reason;

    var $_auth_error; // Contain user error when login

    var $_captcha_image;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->ci = &get_instance();

        log_message('debug', 'DX Auth Initialized');

        // Load required library
        // Load DX Auth config

        // Load DX Auth language
        //        $this->ci->lang->load('dx_auth');
        // Load DX Auth event

        // Initialize

    /* Private function */

    public function _init() {
        // When we load this library, auto Login any returning users

        // Init helper config variable
        $this->email_activation = $this->ci->config->item('DX_email_activation');

        $this->allow_registration = $this->ci->config->item('DX_allow_registration');
        $this->captcha_registration = $this->ci->config->item('DX_captcha_registration');

        $this->captcha_login = $this->ci->config->item('DX_captcha_login');

        //Use recaptcha
        $this->use_recaptcha = $this->ci->config->item('DX_use_recaptcha');
        $this->use_audio_recaptcha = $this->ci->config->item('DX_use_audio_recaptcha');

        // URIs
        $this->banned_uri = $this->ci->config->item('DX_banned_uri');
        $this->deny_uri = $this->ci->config->item('DX_deny_uri');
        $this->login_uri = $this->ci->config->item('DX_login_uri');
        $this->logout_uri = $this->ci->config->item('DX_logout_uri');
        $this->register_uri = $this->ci->config->item('DX_register_uri');
        $this->activate_uri = $this->ci->config->item('DX_activate_uri');
        $this->forgot_password_uri = $this->ci->config->item('DX_forgot_password_uri');
        $this->reset_password_uri = $this->ci->config->item('DX_reset_password_uri');
        $this->change_password_uri = $this->ci->config->item('DX_change_password_uri');
        $this->cancel_account_uri = $this->ci->config->item('DX_cancel_account_uri');

        // Forms view
        $this->login_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_login_view');
        $this->register_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_register_view');
        $this->forgot_password_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_forgot_password_view');
        $this->change_password_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_change_password_view');
        $this->cancel_account_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_cancel_account_view');

        // Pages view
        $this->deny_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_deny_view');
        $this->banned_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_banned_view');
        $this->logged_in_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_logged_in_view');
        $this->logout_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_logout_view');

        $this->register_success_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_register_success_view');
        $this->activate_success_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_activate_success_view');
        $this->forgot_password_success_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_forgot_password_success_view');
        $this->reset_password_success_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_reset_password_success_view');
        $this->change_password_success_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_change_password_success_view');

        $this->register_disabled_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_register_disabled_view');
        $this->activate_failed_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_activate_failed_view');
        $this->reset_password_failed_view = $this->ci->config->item('DX_reset_password_failed_view');

    public function _gen_pass($len = 8) {
        // No Zero (for user clarity);
        $pool = '123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';

        $str = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
            $str .= substr($pool, mt_rand(0, strlen($pool) - 1), 1);

        return $str;

     * Function: _encode
     * Modified for DX_Auth
     * Original Author: FreakAuth_light 1.1

    public function _encode($password) {
        $majorsalt = '';

        // if you set your encryption key let's use it
        if ($this->ci->config->item('encryption_key') != '') {
            // concatenates the encryption key and the password
            $_password = $this->ci->config->item('encryption_key') . $password;
        } else {
            $_password = $password;

        // if PHP5
        if (function_exists('str_split')) {
            $_pass = str_split($_password);
        } // if PHP4
        else {
            $_pass = [];
            if (is_string($_password)) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($_password); $i++) {
                    array_push($_pass, $_password[$i]);

        // encrypts every single letter of the password
        foreach ($_pass as $_hashpass) {
            $majorsalt .= md5($_hashpass);

        // encrypts the string combinations of every single encrypted letter
        // and finally returns the encrypted password
        return md5($majorsalt);

    public function _array_in_array($needle, $haystack) {
        //Make sure $needle is an array for foreach
        if (!is_array($needle)) {
            $needle = [$needle];

        //For each value in $needle, return TRUE if in $haystack
        foreach ($needle as $pin) {
            if (in_array($pin, $haystack)) {
                return TRUE;
        //Return FALSE if none of the values from $needle are found in $haystack
        return FALSE;

    public function _email($to, $from, $subject, $message) {
        $email = $this->ci->email;


        return $email->send();

    // Set last ip and last login function when user login

    public function _set_last_ip_and_last_login($user_id) {
        $data = [];

        if ($this->ci->config->item('DX_login_record_ip')) {
            $data['last_ip'] = $this->ci->input->ip_address();

        if ($this->ci->config->item('DX_login_record_time')) {
            $data['last_login'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());

        if (!empty($data)) {
            // Load model
            $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/users', 'users');
            // Update record
            $this->ci->users->set_user($user_id, $data);

    // Increase login attempt

    public function _increase_login_attempt() {
        if ($this->ci->config->item('DX_count_login_attempts') AND ! $this->is_max_login_attempts_exceeded()) {
            // Load model
            $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/login_attempts', 'login_attempts');
            // Increase login attempts for current IP

    // Clear login attempts

    public function _clear_login_attempts() {
        if ($this->ci->config->item('DX_count_login_attempts')) {
            // Load model
            $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/login_attempts', 'login_attempts');
            // Clear login attempts for current IP

    // Get role data from database by id, used in _set_session() function
    // $parent_roles_id, $parent_roles_name is an array.

    public function _get_role_data($role_id) {
        // Load models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/roles', 'roles');
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/permissions', 'permissions');

        // Clear return value
        $role_name = '';
        $parent_roles_id = [];
        $parent_roles_name = [];
        $permission = [];
        $parent_permissions = [];

        /* Get role_name, parent_roles_id and parent_roles_name */

        // Get role query from role id
        $query = $this->ci->roles->get_role_by_id($role_id);

        // Check if role exist
        if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
            // Get row
            $role = $query->row();

            // Get role name
            $role_name = $role->name;

              Code below will search if user role_id have parent_id > 0 (which mean role_id have parent role_id)
              and do it recursively until parent_id reach 0 (no parent) or parent_id not found.

              If anyone have better approach than this code, please let me know.

            // Check if role has parent id

            if (isset($role->parent_id) && $role->parent_id > 0) {
                // Add to result array
                $parent_roles_id[] = $role->parent_id;

                // Set variable used in looping
                $finished = FALSE;
                $parent_id = $role->parent_id;

                // Get all parent id
                while ($finished == FALSE) {
                    $i_query = $this->ci->roles->get_role_by_id($parent_id);

                    // If role exist
                    if ($i_query->num_rows() > 0) {
                        // Get row
                        $i_role = $i_query->row();

                        // Check if role doesn't have parent
                        if ($i_role->parent_id == 0) {
                            // Get latest parent name
                            $parent_roles_name[] = $i_role->name;
                            // Stop looping
                            $finished = TRUE;
                        } else {
                            // Change parent id for next looping
                            $parent_id = $i_role->parent_id;

                            // Add to result array
                            $parent_roles_id[] = $parent_id;
                            $parent_roles_name[] = $i_role->name;
                    } else {
                        // Remove latest parent_roles_id since parent_id not found
                        // Stop looping
                        $finished = TRUE;

        /* End of Get role_name, parent_roles_id and parent_roles_name */

        /* Get user and parents permission */

        // Get user role permission
        $permission = $this->ci->permissions->get_permission_data($role_id);

        // Get user role parent permissions
        if (!empty($parent_roles_id)) {
            $parent_permissions = $this->ci->permissions->get_permissions_data($parent_roles_id);

        /* End of Get user and parents permission */
        if ($role_id) {
            $data['role_name'] = Permitions::checkControlPanelAccess($role_id);

        // Set return value
        //$data['role_name'] = $role_name;
        $data['parent_roles_id'] = $parent_roles_id;
        $data['parent_roles_name'] = $parent_roles_name;
        $data['permission'] = $permission;
        $data['parent_permissions'] = $parent_permissions;

        return $data;

    /* Autologin related function */

    public function _create_autologin($user_id) {
        $result = FALSE;

        // User wants to be remembered
        $user = [
                 'key_id'  => substr(md5(uniqid(rand() . $this->ci->input->cookie($this->ci->config->item('sess_cookie_name')))), 0, 16),
                 'user_id' => $user_id,

        // Load Models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/user_autologin', 'user_autologin');

        // Prune keys

        if ($this->ci->user_autologin->store_key($user['key_id'], $user['user_id'])) {
            // Set Users AutoLogin cookie

            $result = TRUE;

        return $result;

    public function autologin() {
        $result = FALSE;

        //if ($auto = $this->ci->input->cookie($this->ci->config->item('DX_autologin_cookie_name')) AND ! $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_logged_in'))
        if ($auto = $this->ci->input->cookie($this->ci->config->item('DX_autologin_cookie_name'))) {
            // Extract data
            $auto = unserialize($auto);

            if (isset($auto['key_id']) AND $auto['key_id'] AND $auto['user_id']) {
                // Load Models
                $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/user_autologin', 'user_autologin');

                // Get key
                $query = $this->ci->user_autologin->get_key($auto['key_id'], $auto['user_id']);

                if ($result = $query->row()) {
                    // User verified, log them in
                    // Renew users cookie to prevent it from expiring

                    // Set last ip and last login

                    $result = TRUE;

        return $result;

    public function _delete_autologin() {
        if ($auto = $this->ci->input->cookie($this->ci->config->item('DX_autologin_cookie_name'))) {
            // Load Cookie Helper

            // Load Models
            $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/user_autologin', 'user_autologin');

            // Extract data
            $auto = unserialize($auto);

            // Delete db entry
            $this->ci->user_autologin->delete_key($auto['key_id'], $auto['user_id']);

            // Make cookie expired
            set_cookie($this->ci->config->item('DX_autologin_cookie_name'), '', -1);

    public function _set_session($data) {
        // Get role data
        $role_data = $this->_get_role_data($data->role_id);

        // Set session data array
        $user = [
                 'DX_user_id'            => $data->id,
                 'DX_username'           => $data->username,
                 'DX_role_id'            => $data->role_id,
                 'DX_role_name'          => $role_data['role_name'],
                 'DX_parent_roles_id'    => $role_data['parent_roles_id'], // Array of parent role_id
                 'DX_parent_roles_name'  => $role_data['parent_roles_name'], // Array of parent role_name
                 'DX_permission'         => $role_data['permission'],
                 'DX_parent_permissions' => $role_data['parent_permissions'],
                 'DX_logged_in'          => TRUE,


    public function _auto_cookie($data) {
        // Load Cookie Helper

        $cookie = [
                   'name'   => $this->ci->config->item('DX_autologin_cookie_name'),
                   'value'  => serialize($data),
                   'expire' => $this->ci->config->item('DX_autologin_cookie_life'),


    /* End of Auto login related function */

    /* Helper function */

    public function check_uri_permissions() {
        // First check if user already logged in or not
        if ($this->is_logged_in()) {
            // If user is not admin
            if (!$this->is_admin()) {
                // Get variable from current URI
                $controller = '/' . $this->ci->uri->rsegment(1) . '/';
                if ($this->ci->uri->rsegment(2) != '') {
                    $action = $controller . $this->ci->uri->rsegment(2) . '/';
                } else {
                    $action = $controller . 'index/';

                // Get URI permissions from role and all parents
                // Note: URI permissions is saved in 'uri' key
                $roles_allowed_uris = $this->get_permissions_value('uri');

                // Variable to determine if URI found
                $found = FALSE;
                // Loop each roles URI permissions
                foreach ($roles_allowed_uris as $allowed_uris) {
                    // Check if user allowed to access URI
                    if ($this->_array_in_array(['/', $controller, $action], $allowed_uris)) {
                        $found = TRUE;
                        // Stop loop

                // Trigger event
                $this->ci->dx_auth_event->checked_uri_permissions($this->get_user_id(), $found);

                if (!$found) {
                    // User didn't have previlege to access current URI, so we show user 403 forbidden access
        } else {
            // User haven't logged in, so just redirect user to login page

      Obsolete in 1.0.2 and above, do not use this function.
      Use check_uri_permisisons() instead

      public function check_role_uri()

      Get permission value from specified key.
      Call this function only when user is logged in already.
      $key is permission array key (Note: permissions is saved as array in table).
      If $check_parent is TRUE means if permission value not found in user role, it will try to get permission value from parent role.
      Returning value if permission found, otherwise returning NULL

    public function get_permission_value($key, $check_parent = TRUE) {
        // Default return value
        $result = NULL;

        // Get current user permission
        $permission = $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_permission');

        // Check if key is in user permission array
        if (array_key_exists($key, $permission)) {
            $result = $permission[$key];
        } // Key not found
        else {
            if ($check_parent) {
                // Get current user parent permissions
                $parent_permissions = $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_parent_permissions');

                // Check parent permissions array
                foreach ($parent_permissions as $permission) {
                    if (array_key_exists($key, $permission)) {
                        $result = $permission[$key];

        // Trigger event
        $this->ci->dx_auth_event->got_permission_value($this->get_user_id(), $key);

        return $result;

      Get permissions value from specified key.
      Call this function only when user is logged in already.
      This will get user permission, and it's parents permissions.

      $array_key = 'default'. Array ordered using 0, 1, 2 as array key.
      $array_key = 'role_id'. Array ordered using role_id as array key.
      $array_key = 'role_name'. Array ordered using role_name as array key.

      Returning array of value if permission found, otherwise returning NULL.

     * @param string $key
    public function get_permissions_value($key, $array_key = 'default') {
        $result = [];

        $role_id = $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_role_id');
        $role_name = $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_role_name');

        $parent_roles_id = $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_parent_roles_id');
        $parent_roles_name = $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_parent_roles_name');

        // Get current user permission
        $value = $this->get_permission_value($key, FALSE);

        if ($array_key == 'role_id') {
            $result[$role_id] = $value;
        } elseif ($array_key == 'role_name') {
            $result[$role_name] = $value;
        } else {
            array_push($result, $value);

        // Get current user parent permissions
        $parent_permissions = $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_parent_permissions');

        $i = 0;
        foreach ($parent_permissions as $permission) {
            if (array_key_exists($key, $permission)) {
                $value = $permission[$key];

            if ($array_key == 'role_id') {
                // It's safe to use $parents_roles_id[$i] because array order is same with permission array
                $result[$parent_roles_id[$i]] = $value;
            } elseif ($array_key == 'role_name') {
                // It's safe to use $parents_roles_name[$i] because array order is same with permission array
                $result[$parent_roles_name[$i]] = $value;
            } else {
                array_push($result, $value);


        // Trigger event
        $this->ci->dx_auth_event->got_permissions_value($this->get_user_id(), $key);

        return $result;

    public function deny_access($uri = 'deny') {

        if ($uri == 'login') {
            redirect($this->ci->config->item('DX_login_uri'), 'location');
        } else if ($uri == 'banned') {
            redirect($this->ci->config->item('DX_banned_uri'), 'location');
        } else {
            redirect($this->ci->config->item('DX_deny_uri'), 'location');

    // Get user id

    public function get_user_id() {
        return $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_user_id');

    // Get username string

    public function get_username() {
        return $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_username');

    // Get useremail string

    public function get_user_email() {
        $user = $this->ci->db
            ->where('id', $this->get_user_id())
        if ($user) {
            $user = $user->row_array();
            return $user['email'];
        } else {
            return '';

    // Get user role id

    public function get_role_id() {
        return $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_role_id');

    // Get user role name

    public function get_role_name() {
        return $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_role_name');

    // Check is user is has admin privilege

    public function is_admin() {
        if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') {
            return true;
        return strtolower($this->ci->session->userdata('DX_role_name')) == 'admin';

    // Check if user has $roles privilege
    // If $use_role_name TRUE then $roles is name such as 'admin', 'editor', 'etc'
    // else $roles is role_id such as 0, 1, 2
    // If $check_parent is TRUE means if roles not found in user role, it will check if user role parent has that roles

    public function is_role($roles = [], $use_role_name = TRUE, $check_parent = TRUE) {
        // Default return value
        $result = FALSE;

        // Build checking array
        $check_array = [];

        if ($check_parent) {
            // Add parent roles into check array
            if ($use_role_name) {
                $check_array = $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_parent_roles_name');
            } else {
                $check_array = $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_parent_roles_id');

        // Add current role into check array
        if ($use_role_name) {
            array_push($check_array, $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_role_name'));
        } else {
            array_push($check_array, $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_role_id'));

        // If $roles not array then we add it into an array
        if (!is_array($roles)) {
            $roles = [$roles];

        if ($use_role_name) {
            // Convert check array into lowercase since we want case insensitive checking
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($check_array); $i++) {
                $check_array[$i] = strtolower($check_array[$i]);

            // Convert roles into lowercase since we want insensitive checking
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($roles); $i++) {
                $roles[$i] = strtolower($roles[$i]);

        // Check if roles exist in check_array
        if ($this->_array_in_array($roles, $check_array)) {
            $result = TRUE;

        return $result;

    // Check if user is logged in

    public function is_logged_in() {
        return $this->ci->session->userdata('DX_logged_in');

    // Check if user is a banned user, call this only after calling login() and returning FALSE

    public function is_banned() {
        return $this->_banned;

    // Get ban reason, call this only after calling login() and returning FALSE

    public function get_ban_reason() {
        return $this->_ban_reason;

    // Check if username is available to use, by making sure there is no same username in the database

    public function is_username_available($username) {
        // Load Models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/users', 'users');
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/user_temp', 'user_temp');

        $users = $this->ci->users->check_username($username);
        $temp = $this->ci->user_temp->check_username($username);

        return $users->num_rows() + $temp->num_rows() == 0;

    // Check if email is available to use, by making sure there is no same email in the database

    public function is_email_available($email) {
        // Load Models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/users', 'users');
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/user_temp', 'user_temp');

        $users = $this->ci->users->check_email($email);
        $temp = $this->ci->user_temp->check_email($email);

        return $users->num_rows() + $temp->num_rows() == 0;

    // Check if login attempts bigger than max login attempts specified in config

    public function is_max_login_attempts_exceeded() {
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/login_attempts', 'login_attempts');

        return ($this->ci->login_attempts->check_attempts($this->ci->input->ip_address())->num_rows() >= $this->ci->config->item('DX_max_login_attempts'));

    public function get_auth_error() {
        return $this->_auth_error;

    /* End of Helper function */

    /* Main function */

    // $login is username or email or both depending on setting in config file

    public function login($login, $password, $remember = TRUE) {
        // Load Models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/users', 'users');
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/user_temp', 'user_temp');
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/login_attempts', 'login_attempts');

        // Default return value
        $result = FALSE;

        if (!empty($login) AND ! empty($password)) {
            // Get which function to use based on config
            if ($this->ci->config->item('DX_login_using_username') AND $this->ci->config->item('DX_login_using_email')) {
                $get_user_function = 'get_login';
            } else if ($this->ci->config->item('DX_login_using_email')) {
                $get_user_function = 'get_user_by_email';
            } else {
                $get_user_function = 'get_user_by_username';

            // Get user query
            if ($query = $this->ci->users->$get_user_function($login) AND $query->num_rows() == 1) {
                // Get user record
                $row = $query->row();

                // Check if user is banned or not
                if ($row->banned > 0) {
                    // Set user as banned
                    $this->_banned = TRUE;
                    // Set ban reason
                    $this->_ban_reason = $row->ban_reason;
                } else {
                    // If it's not a banned user then try to login
                    $password = $this->_encode($password);
                    $stored_hash = $row->password;

                    // Is password matched with hash in database ?
                    if (crypt($password, $stored_hash) === $stored_hash) {
                        // Log in user

                        if ($row->newpass) {
                            // Clear any Reset Passwords

                        if ($remember) {
                            // Create auto login if user want to be remembered

                        // Set last ip and last login
                        // Clear login attempts

                        // Trigger event

                        // Set return value
                        $result = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        // Increase login attempts
                        // Set error message
                        $this->_auth_error = lang('auth login incorrect password');
            } elseif ($query = $this->ci->user_temp->$get_user_function($login) AND $query->num_rows() == 1) {
                // Check if login is still not activated
                // Set error message
                $this->_auth_error = lang('auth not activated');
            } else {
                // Increase login attempts
                // Set error message
                $this->_auth_error = lang('auth login username not exist');

        return $result;

    public function logout() {
        // Trigger event

        // Delete auto login
        if ($this->ci->input->cookie($this->ci->config->item('DX_autologin_cookie_name'))) {

        // Destroy session

    public function register($username, $password, $email, $address = '', $key, $phone = '', $login_user = TRUE) {

        // Load Models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/users', 'users');
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/user_temp', 'user_temp');

        // Default return value
        $result = FALSE;

        $siteSettings = $this->ci->cms_base->get_settings();
        $new_user = [
                     'username' => $username,
                     'password' => crypt($this->_encode($password)),
                     'address'  => $address,
                     'email'    => $email,
                     'key'      => $key,
                     'phone'    => $phone,
                     'last_ip'  => $this->ci->input->ip_address(),
                     'role_id'  => $siteSettings['users_registration_role_id'] ?: 0,

        // Do we need to send email to activate user

        if ($this->ci->config->item('DX_email_activation')) {
            // Add activation key to user array
            $new_user['activation_key'] = md5(rand() . microtime());

            // Create temporary user in database which means the user still unactivated.
            $insert = $this->ci->user_temp->create_temp($new_user);

            $from = $this->ci->config->item('DX_webmaster_email');
            $subject = sprintf(lang('auth activate subject'), $this->ci->config->item('DX_website_name'));

            // Activation Link
            $new_user['activate_url'] = site_url($this->ci->config->item('DX_activate_uri') . "{$new_user['email']}/{$new_user['activation_key']}");
            // Trigger event and get email content
            $this->ci->dx_auth_event->sending_activation_email($new_user, $message);

            // Send email with activation link
            //            $this->_email($email, $from, $subject, $message);
        } else {
            // Create user
            $insert = $this->ci->users->create_user($new_user);
            $last_user_id = $this->ci->db->insert_id();

            foreach ($this->ci->input->post('custom_field') as $k => $custom_fields) {
                     'field_id'   => $k,
                     'entity_id'  => $last_user_id,
                     'field_data' => $custom_fields,
                     'locale'     => \MY_Controller::defaultLocale(),

            // Trigger event

        if ($insert) {

            // Replace password with plain for email
            $new_user['password'] = $password;
            $new_user['id_user'] = $last_user_id;

            $result = $new_user;

            // Send email based on config
            // Check if user need to activate it's account using email
            if ($this->ci->config->item('DX_email_activation')) {
                // Create email
                $from = $this->ci->config->item('DX_webmaster_email');
                $subject = sprintf(lang('auth activate subject'), $this->ci->config->item('DX_website_name'));

                // Activation Link
                $new_user['activate_url'] = site_url();

                // Trigger event and get email content
                $this->ci->dx_auth_event->sending_account_email($new_user, $message);

                // Send email with activation link
                //                $this->_email($email, $from, $subject, $message);
            } else {
                // Check if need to email account details
                if ($this->ci->config->item('DX_email_account_details')) {
                    // Create email
                    $from = $this->ci->config->item('DX_webmaster_email');
                    $subject = sprintf(lang('auth account subject'), $this->ci->config->item('DX_website_name'));

                    // Trigger event and get email content
                    $this->ci->dx_auth_event->sending_account_email($new_user, $message);

                    // Send email with account details
                    //                    $this->_email($email, $from, $subject, $message);

                $user_variables = [
                                   'user_name'     => $username,
                                   'user_password' => $password,
                                   'user_address'  => $address,
                                   'user_email'    => $email,
                                   'user_phone'    => $phone,

                \cmsemail\email::getInstance()->sendEmail($email, 'create_user', $user_variables);

                if ($login_user) {
                    if ($this->login($email, $password)) {
                        if (class_exists('ShopCore')) {
                        if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest') {
                            redirect('', 'location');
                        //                    if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] != 'XMLHttpRequest') {

        return $result;

    public function forgot_password($login) {
        // Default return value
        $result = FALSE;

        if ($login) {
            // Load Model
            $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/users', 'users');
            // Load Helper

            // Get login and check if it's exist
            if ($query = $this->ci->users->get_login($login) AND $query->num_rows() == 1) {
                // Get User data
                $row = $query->row();

                // Check if there is already new password created but waiting to be activated for this login
                if (strtotime($row->newpass_time) < time()) {
                    // Appearantly there is no password created yet for this login, so we create new password
                    $data['password'] = $this->_gen_pass();

                    // Encode & Crypt password
                    $encode = crypt($this->_encode($data['password']));

                    // Create key
                    $data['key'] = md5(rand() . microtime());

                    // Create new password (but it haven't activated yet)
                    $this->ci->users->newpass($row->id, $encode, $data['key']);

                    // Create reset password link to be included in email
                    $data['reset_password_uri'] = site_url($this->ci->config->item('DX_reset_password_uri') . "{$row->email}/{$data['key']}");

                    // Trigger event and get email content
                    // $this->ci->dx_auth_event->sending_forgot_password_email($data, $message);

                    $settings = $this->ci->cms_base->get_settings();
                    $replaceData = [
                                    'webSiteName'      => $settings['site_title'] ? $settings['site_title'] : $this->ci->config->item('DX_website_name'),
                                    'resetPasswordUri' => $data['reset_password_uri'],
                                    'password'         => $data['password'],
                                    'key'              => $data['key'],
                                    'webMasterEmail'   => $this->ci->config->item('DX_webmaster_email'),

                    \cmsemail\email::getInstance()->sendEmail($row->email, 'forgot_password', $replaceData);

                    // Send instruction email
                    //$this->_email($row->email, $from, $subject, $message);

                    $result = TRUE;
                } else {
                    // There is already new password waiting to be activated
                    $this->_auth_error = lang('auth request sent');
            } else {
                $this->_auth_error = lang('auth username or email not exist');
        return $result;

    public function reset_password($email, $key = '') {
        // Load Models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/users', 'users');
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/user_autologin', 'user_autologin');

        // Default return value
        $result = FALSE;

        // Default user_id set to none
        $user_id = 0;

        // Get user id
        if ($query = $this->ci->users->get_user_by_email($email) AND $query->num_rows() == 1) {
            $user_id = $query->row()->id;

            // Try to activate new password
            if (!empty($email) AND ! empty($key) AND $this->ci->users->activate_newpass($user_id, $key) AND $this->ci->db->affected_rows() > 0) {
                // Clear previously setup new password and keys

                $result = TRUE;
        return $result;

    public function activate($email, $key = '') {
        // Load Models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/users', 'users');
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/user_temp', 'user_temp');

        // Default return value
        $result = FALSE;

        if ($this->ci->config->item('DX_email_activation')) {
            // Delete user whose account expired (not activated until expired time)

        // Activate user
        if ($query = $this->ci->user_temp->activate_user($email, $key) AND $query->num_rows() > 0) {
            // Get user
            $row = $query->row_array();

            $del = $row['id'];

            // Unset any unwanted fields
            unset($row['id']); // We don't want to copy the id across

            // Create user
            if ($this->ci->users->create_user($row)) {
                // Trigger event

                // Delete user from temp

                $result = TRUE;

        return $result;

    public function change_password($old_pass, $new_pass) {
        // Load Models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/users', 'users');

        // Default return value
        $result = FAlSE;

        // Search current logged in user in database
        if ($query = $this->ci->users->get_user_by_id($this->ci->session->userdata('DX_user_id')) AND $query->num_rows() > 0) {
            // Get current logged in user
            $row = $query->row();
            $pass = $this->_encode($old_pass);

            // Check if old password correct
            if (crypt($pass, $row->password) === $row->password) {
                // Crypt and encode new password
                $new_pass_for_user = $new_pass;
                $new_pass = crypt($this->_encode($new_pass));

                // Replace old password with new password
                $this->ci->users->change_password($this->ci->session->userdata('DX_user_id'), $new_pass);

                // Trigger event
                $this->ci->dx_auth_event->user_changed_password($this->ci->session->userdata('DX_user_id'), $new_pass);

                $replaceData = [
                                'user_name' => $row->username,
                                'password'  => $new_pass_for_user,

                \cmsemail\email::getInstance()->sendEmail($row->email, 'change_password', $replaceData);

                $result = TRUE;
            } else {
                $this->_auth_error = lang('auth incorrect old password');

        return $result;

    public function cancel_account($password) {
        // Load Models
        $this->ci->load->model('dx_auth/users', 'users');

        // Default return value
        $result = FAlSE;

        // Search current logged in user in database
        if ($query = $this->ci->users->get_user_by_id($this->ci->session->userdata('DX_user_id')) AND $query->num_rows() > 0) {
            // Get current logged in user
            $row = $query->row();

            $pass = $this->_encode($password);

            // Check if password correct
            if (crypt($pass, $row->password) === $row->password) {
                // Trigger event

                // Delete user
                $result = $this->ci->users->delete_user($this->ci->session->userdata('DX_user_id'));

                // Force logout
            } else {
                $this->_auth_error = lang('auth incorrect password');

        return $result;

    /* End of main function */

    /* Captcha related function */

    public function captcha() {
        // Load library SESSION

        $vals = [
                 'img_path'   => $this->ci->config->item('DX_captcha_path'),
                 'img_url'    => media_url() . 'captcha/',
                 'font_path'  => $this->ci->config->item('DX_captcha_fonts_path'),
                 'font_size'  => $this->ci->config->item('DX_captcha_font_size'),
                 'img_width'  => $this->ci->config->item('DX_captcha_width'),
                 'img_height' => $this->ci->config->item('DX_captcha_height'),
                 'show_grid'  => $this->ci->config->item('DX_captcha_grid'),
                 'expiration' => $this->ci->config->item('DX_captcha_expire'),

        $cap = create_captcha($vals);

        $store = [
                  'captcha_word' => $cap['word'],
                  'captcha_time' => $cap['time'],

        // Plain, simple but effective

        // Set our captcha
        $this->_captcha_image = $cap['image'];

    public function get_captcha_image() {
        if ($this->use_recaptcha) {
            return $this->_get_recaptcha_data();
        } else {
            return $this->_captcha_image;

    // Check if captcha already expired
    // Use this in callback function in your form validation

    public function is_captcha_expired() {
        // Captcha Expired
        list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
        $now = ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);

        // Check if captcha already expired

        return (($this->ci->session->flashdata('captcha_time') + $this->ci->config->item('DX_captcha_expire')) < $now);

    // Check is captcha match with code
    // Use this in callback function in your form validation

    public function is_captcha_match($code) {
        // Just check if code is the same value with flash data captcha_word which created in captcha() function
        if ($this->ci->config->item('DX_captcha_case_sensetive')) {
            return ($code == $this->ci->session->flashdata('captcha_word'));
        } else {
            return (strtolower($code) == strtolower($this->ci->session->flashdata('captcha_word')));

    /* End of captcha related function */

    public function captcha_check($code) {
        $CI = get_instance();
        $result = TRUE;

        if ($this->use_recaptcha) {
            $result = $this->is_recaptcha_match();
            if (!$result) {
                $CI->form_validation->set_message('captcha_check', lang('Improper protection code'));
        } else {
            if ($this->is_captcha_expired()) {
                // Will replace this error msg with $lang
                $CI->form_validation->set_message('captcha_check', lang('Improper protection code'));
                $result = FALSE;
            } elseif (!$this->is_captcha_match($code)) {
                $CI->form_validation->set_message('captcha_check', lang('Improper protection code'));
                $result = FALSE;
        return $result;

    /* Recaptcha function */

    public function get_recaptcha_reload_link($text = 'Get another CAPTCHA') {
        return '<a href="javascript:Recaptcha.reload()">' . $text . '</a>';

    public function get_recaptcha_switch_image_audio_link($switch_image_text = 'Get an image CAPTCHA', $switch_audio_text = 'Get an audio CAPTCHA') {
        return '<div class="recaptcha_only_if_image"><a href="javascript:Recaptcha.switch_type(\'audio\')">' . $switch_audio_text . '</a></div>
            <div class="recaptcha_only_if_audio"><a href="javascript:Recaptcha.switch_type(\'image\')">' . $switch_image_text . '</a></div>';

    public function get_recaptcha_label($image_text = 'Enter the words above', $audio_text = 'Enter the numbers you hear') {
        return '<span class="recaptcha_only_if_image">' . $image_text . '</span>
            <span class="recaptcha_only_if_audio">' . $audio_text . '</span>';

    // Get captcha image

    public function get_recaptcha_image() {
        return '<div id="recaptcha_image"></div>';

    // Get captcha input box
    // IMPORTANT: You should at least use this function when showing captcha even for testing, otherwise reCAPTCHA image won't show up
    // because reCAPTCHA javascript will try to find input type with id="recaptcha_response_field" and name="recaptcha_response_field"

    public function get_recaptcha_input() {
        return '<input type="text" id="recaptcha_response_field" name="recaptcha_response_field" />';

    // Get recaptcha javascript and non javasript html
    // IMPORTANT: you should put call this function the last, after you are using some of get_recaptcha_xxx function above.

    public function get_recaptcha_html() {
        // Load reCAPTCHA helper function

        // Add custom theme so we can get only image
        $options = "<script>
            var RecaptchaOptions = {
                 theme: 'clean',
                 custom_theme_widget: 'recaptcha_widget'

        // Get reCAPTCHA javascript and non javascript HTML
        $html = recaptcha_get_html($this->ci->config->item('DX_recaptcha_public_key'));

        return $options . $html;

    // Check if entered captcha code match with the image.
    // Use this in callback function in your form validation

    public function is_recaptcha_match() {

        $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($this->ci->config->item('DX_recaptcha_private_key'), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'], $_POST['recaptcha_response_field']);

        return $resp->is_valid;

    private function _get_recaptcha_data() {
        return $this->get_recaptcha_html();

    /* End of Recaptcha function */