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 * Клас призначений для експорту даних в файл форматів: csv,xlsx,xls.
 * Також передбачена можливість вигрузки основних та додаткових зображень в ZIP-архів
 * ДЛя коректної роботи експорта потрібно папці дати права -777

namespace import_export\classes;

use CI_DB_active_record;
use CI_DB_result;
use import_export\classes\Logger as LOG;
use MY_Controller;

(defined('BASEPATH')) OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Export

    public $delimiter = ';';

    public $maxRowLength = 10000;

    public $language = 'ru';

    public $attributes = [];

    protected $attributesCF = [];

    protected $enclosure = '"';

    public $encoding = 'utf8';

    protected $selectedCats = [];

    protected $customFields = [];

    protected $completeFields = [];

    protected $errors = [];

     * @var CI_DB_active_record
    protected $db;

    protected $tablesFields = [];

    protected $productsDataTables = [

    public $resultArray = NULL;

    protected $resultString = NULL;

    protected $skipErrors = FALSE;

    protected $categoriesData = NULL;

    protected $categories = NULL;

    protected $withZip = false;

    public function __construct(array $settings = []) {
        $ci = &get_instance();
        $this->db = $ci->db;

        if (count($settings) > 0) {

            foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {

                if (isset($this->$key)) {
                    $this->$key = $value;

        $this->withZip = (bool) $settings['withZip'];

        if ($this->withZip == true && $this->attributes['vimg'] != '1' && $this->attributes['imgs'] != '1') {
            $this->addError(lang('Укажите колонки фотографий для экспорта.', 'import_export'));
            LOG::create()->set('Укажите колонки фотографий для экспорта.');

        if ($this->attributes['name'] != '1') {
            $this->addError(lang('Атрибут Имя товара обязательный для експорта!', 'import_export'));
            LOG::create()->set('Атрибут Имя товара обязательный для експорта!');

        } elseif ($this->attributes['prc'] != '1') {

            $this->addError(lang('Атрибут Цена обязательный для експорта!', 'import_export'));
            LOG::create()->set('Атрибут Цена обязательний для експорта!');

        } elseif ($this->attributes['cat'] != '1') {

            $this->addError(lang('Атрибут Категория обязательный для експорта!', 'import_export'));
            LOG::create()->set('Атрибут \'Категория\' обязательный для експорта!');

        } elseif ($this->attributes['num'] != '1') {

            $this->addError(lang('Атрибут Артикул обязательный для експорта!', 'import_export'));
            LOG::create()->set('Атрибут \'Артикул\' обязательный для експорта!');


        if (!count($this->attributes) > 0) {

            $this->addError(lang('Укажите колонки для экспорта.', 'import_export'));
            LOG::create()->set('Укажите колонки для экспорта.');

        } else {

            $this->customFields = $this->getCustomFields();
            $this->completeFields = $this->getCompleteFields();

        $this->categoriesData = $this->getCategoriesFromBase();

        if (array_key_exists('cat', $this->attributes)) {
            $this->categories = $this->getCategoriesPaths();

        ini_set('max_execution_time', 900);
        $this->language = MY_Controller::getCurrentLocale();

     * Saving csv-file
     * @return string filename
    public function saveToCsvFile($pathToFile) {
        $path = $pathToFile . 'products.csv';
        if (!file_exists($path)) {
            LOG::create()->set('Файл експорта не существует (csv)!');
        $f = fopen($path, 'w+');
        $writeResult = fwrite($f, $this->resultString);
        return $writeResult == FALSE ? FALSE : basename($path);

     * Saving excel-file
     * @param string $type format version (Excel2007|Excel5)
     * @return string filename
    public function saveToExcelFile($pathToFile, $type = 'Excel5') {
        switch ($type) {
            case 'Excel5':
                $path = $pathToFile . 'products.xls';
            case 'Excel2007':
                $path = $pathToFile . 'products.xlsx';
                return FALSE;
        if (!file_exists($path)) {
            LOG::create()->set('Файл експорта не существует (xls)!');

        $objPHPExcel = new \PHPExcel();
        $someProductData = current($this->resultArray);
        $headerArray = [];
        $columnNumber = 0;
        foreach ($someProductData as $field => $junk) {
            if (FALSE == $abbr = $this->getAbbreviation($field)) {
                $this->addError('Error. Abbreviation not found.');
                LOG::create()->set('Error. Abbreviation not found.');
            $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($columnNumber++, 1, $abbr);
        $rowNumber = 2;
        foreach ($this->resultArray as $productData) {
            $columnNumber = 0;
            foreach ($productData as $value) {
                $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($columnNumber++, $rowNumber, $value);    //запис даних в файл рядками
        $objWriter = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, $type);
        return basename($path);

     * Getting data from DB
     * (filing $this->resultArray)
    protected function getDataFromBase() {
        $query = $this->createQuery();
        $result = $this->db->query($query);
        $list = [];
        $prodIds = [];

        foreach ($result->result_array() as $row) {
            if ($this->categories !== NULL) {
                $row['category_name'] = $this->categories[$row['category_id']];
            $prodIds[] = $row['id'];
            $list[] = $row;

        if ($this->attributes['addcats']) {
            $pathIdsCat = $this->getAddCategories($prodIds);

        foreach ($list as $k => $v) {

            if ($pathIdsCat) {
                $list[$k]['addcats'] = '';
                if (array_key_exists($v['id'], $pathIdsCat)) {
                    $list[$k]['addcats'] = $pathIdsCat[$v['id']];

            foreach ($v as $kTwo => $vTwo) {

                if (array_key_exists($kTwo, $this->getAbbreviation())) {
                $list[$k][$kTwo] = htmlspecialchars_decode($vTwo);
        if ($this->attributes['imgs'] == '1') {
            foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
                $list[$key]['additional_images'] = $this->addImg($val);

        $this->resultArray = $list;

    private function getAddCategories($prodIds) {
        if (!isset($prodIds)) {
            return [];
        $catIds = [];
        $catsName = [];
        $prodIdCatIds = [];
        $prodPathCat = [];

        $fullPaths = $this->getAddCatFullIds($prodIds);

        foreach ($fullPaths as $productId => $fullPathsArray) {
            foreach ($fullPathsArray as $parentId => $fullPath) {
                $catIds[] = $parentId;
                foreach ($fullPath as $val) {
                    $prodIdCatIds[$productId][$parentId][] = $val;
                    $catIds[] = $val;

        $categories = $this->catsWithI18n($catIds);

        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $catsName[$category['Id']] = $category['Name'];

        foreach ($fullPaths as $productId => $fullPathsArray) {
            $count = count($fullPathsArray);
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($fullPathsArray as $parentId => $fullPath) {
                foreach ($fullPath as $val) {
                    $prodPathCat[$productId] .= $catsName[$val] . '/';
                $prodPathCat[$productId] .= $catsName[$parentId];
                if ($count > 1 && $i != $count) {
                    $prodPathCat[$productId] .= '|';

        return $prodPathCat;

    private function getAddCatFullIds($prodIds) {

        if (count($prodIds)) {
            $catIds = [];
            $cats = [];

            //Доп категории всех товаров
            $query = $this->db->select(', shop_products.category_id as origin_cat, shop_product_categories.category_id, shop_product_categories.product_id')
                ->where_in('product_id', $prodIds)
                ->join('shop_product_categories', ' = shop_product_categories.product_id')

            $catProdIdsTemp = $query->num_rows() ? $query->result_array() : [];

            //Массив всех доп категорий
            foreach ($catProdIdsTemp as $product) {
                if ($product['category_id'] == $product['origin_cat']) {
                $catIds[] = $product['category_id'];
            $categories = $this->catsWithI18n($catIds);

            //Полный ids путь каждой доп категории каждого продукта
            foreach ($catProdIdsTemp as $product) {
                foreach ($categories as $category) {
                    if ($product['origin_cat'] == $category['Id']) {

                    if ($product['category_id'] == $category['Id']) {
                        $cats[$product['product_id']][$category['Id']] = unserialize($category['FullPathIds']);

            return $cats;


    private function catsWithI18n($ids) {
        return \SCategoryQuery::create()

     * Getting additional images
     * @return string|null
     * @author Oleh
    public function addImg($v) {
        $number = $v['number'];
        $productID = $this->db->where('number', $number)->get('shop_product_variants')->row()->product_id;
        $imgsAdd = $this->db->where('product_id', $productID)->get('shop_product_images')->result_array();
        if (count($imgsAdd) > 0) {
            $imgString = '';
            foreach ($imgsAdd as $img) {
                $imgString .= $img['image_name'] . '|';
            $imgString = trim($imgString, '|');
            $imgString = str_replace('||', '|', $imgString);
            return $imgString;

     * Getting products data
     * @return array
    public function getDataArray() {
        if (!$this->resultArray) {

        return $this->resultArray;

     * Creating csv text view
     * @return string
    public function getDataCsv() {
        if (!$this->resultString) {
            $fileContents = '';
            $someProductData = current($this->resultArray);
            $headerArray = [];
            foreach ($someProductData as $field => $junk) {
                if (FALSE == $abbr = $this->getAbbreviation($field)) {
                    $this->addError('Error. Abbreviation not found.');
                    LOG::create()->set('Ошибка. Абревиатуру не найдено.');
                $headerArray[] = $abbr;
            $fileContents .= $this->getCsvLine($headerArray);
            foreach ($this->resultArray as $row) {
                $fileContents .= $this->getCsvLine($row);
            $this->resultString = $fileContents;
        return $this->resultString;

     * CSV line creating
     * @param array $dataArray
     * @return string data in quotes and separated by a comma
    protected function getCsvLine($dataArray) {
        $row = '';
        foreach ($dataArray as $value) {
            $row .= $this->enclosure . str_replace($this->enclosure, $this->enclosure . $this->enclosure, $value) . $this->enclosure . $this->delimiter;
        return rtrim($row, ';') . PHP_EOL;

     * Creating SQL-query
     * @return string SQL-query
    protected function createQuery() {
        $fieldsArray = []; // tables and fields
        $fields = '';
        $joins = '';
        foreach ($this->completeFields as $field) {
            if (in_array(trim($field), $this->customFields)) {// this is property of product
                // mysql has no pivot, but max(if... construction helps :
                $fieldsArray[] = $this->getPropertyField(trim($field));
            } else { // this is field
                $fieldsArray[] = $this->getFullField(trim($field));
        foreach ($fieldsArray as $field) {
            if ($field == FALSE && $this->skipErrors == TRUE) {
                $this->addError('Error while creating query. Field missing.');
                LOG::create()->set('Error while creating query. Field missing.');
            $fields .= $field != FALSE ? " \n {$field}, " : '';
        // last comma removing
        $fields = substr($fields, 0, - 2);
        $this->fields = $fields;
        // if categories are selected adding condition to query
        if (is_array($this->selectedCats) && count($this->selectedCats) > 0) {
            // to avoid query error checking if category exists
            $selectedCatsCount = count($this->selectedCats);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $selectedCatsCount; $i++) {
                if (!array_key_exists($this->selectedCats[$i], $this->categoriesData)) {
            $catIds = implode(',', $this->selectedCats);
            $selCatsCondition = " AND `shop_products`.`category_id` IN ({$catIds}) ";
        } else {
            $selCatsCondition = ' ';
        $query = "
            `shop_products`.`id` as id,
            `shop_category`.`id` as category_id,
            LEFT JOIN `shop_products` ON `shop_product_variants`.`product_id` = `shop_products`.`id`
            LEFT JOIN `shop_product_variants_i18n` ON `shop_product_variants`.`id` = `shop_product_variants_i18n`.`id`
            LEFT JOIN `shop_products_i18n` ON `shop_products_i18n`.`id` = `shop_products`.`id` AND `shop_product_variants_i18n`.`locale` = `shop_products_i18n`.`locale`

            LEFT JOIN `shop_category` ON `shop_products`.`category_id` = `shop_category`.`id`
            LEFT JOIN `shop_category_i18n` ON `shop_category_i18n`.`id` = `shop_category`.`id` AND `shop_product_variants_i18n`.`locale` = `shop_category_i18n`.`locale`

            LEFT JOIN `shop_product_properties_data` ON `shop_product_properties_data`.`product_id` = `shop_product_variants`.`product_id`
            LEFT JOIN `shop_product_property_value` ON `shop_product_properties_data`.`value_id` = `shop_product_property_value` .`id`
            LEFT JOIN `shop_product_property_value_i18n` ON `shop_product_property_value`.`id` = `shop_product_property_value_i18n` .`id`
            LEFT JOIN `shop_product_properties` ON `shop_product_properties`.`id` = `shop_product_properties_data`.`property_id`
            LEFT JOIN `shop_product_properties_i18n` ON `shop_product_properties_i18n`.`id` = `shop_product_properties`.`id` AND `shop_product_variants_i18n`.`locale` = `shop_product_properties_i18n`.`locale`

            LEFT JOIN `shop_brands` ON `shop_brands`.`id` = `shop_products`.`brand_id`
            LEFT JOIN `shop_brands_i18n` ON `shop_brands_i18n`.`id` = `shop_brands`.`id` AND `shop_product_variants_i18n`.`locale` = `shop_brands_i18n`.`locale`

            LEFT JOIN `shop_currencies` ON `shop_currencies`.`id` = `shop_product_variants`.`currency`

            LEFT JOIN `shop_product_images` ON `shop_product_variants`.`product_id` = `shop_product_images`.`product_id`
            LEFT JOIN `route` ON `shop_products`.`route_id` = `route`.`id`

            WHERE  1
                AND `shop_product_variants_i18n`.`locale` = '{$this->language}'
            GROUP BY `shop_product_variants`.`id`
            ORDER BY `shop_products`.`category_id`
        return $query;

     * Returns a field in a database table with him.
     * (The field can be on the table is in the format `table`. `Field` - if there are field with the same name in a different tables).
     * @param string $fieldName
     * @return FALSE|string FALSE if error or field with it table
    protected function getFullField($fieldName) {
        if (preg_match('/^\`[0-9a-zA-Z\_]+\`\.\`[0-9a-zA-Z\_]+\`/i', $fieldName)) {
            return $fieldName;
        } elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z\_]+$/i', $fieldName)) {
            // тільки поле
            foreach ($this->tablesFields as $table => $fieldsArray) {
                if (in_array(trim($fieldName), $fieldsArray)) {
                    return "`{$table}`.`{$fieldName}`";
        return FALSE;

     * Returns product attribute like it is field (pivot)
     * @param string $propertyName
     * @return string
    protected function getPropertyField($propertyName) {
        return 'GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT IF(`shop_product_properties_data`.`property_id` = ' . array_search($propertyName, $this->customFields) . ", `shop_product_property_value_i18n`.`value`, NULL) SEPARATOR '|') AS `{$propertyName}`";

     * Returns all product properties
     * @return array
    protected function getCustomFields() {
        /** @var CI_DB_result $result */
        $result = $this->db->select(['id', 'csv_name'])
        $customFields = [];
        foreach ($result->result() as $row) {
            $customFields[$row->id] = $row->csv_name;
        return $customFields;

     * Gets and merge fields and properties
     * (via constructor arrive reduction)
     * @return array
    protected function getCompleteFields() {
        $abbreviations = $this->getAbbreviation();
        $completeFields = [];

        //a reduction of the field names and field attributes
        foreach (array_keys($this->attributes) as $field) {

            if (array_key_exists($field, $abbreviations)) {

                $completeFields[] = $abbreviations[$field];

            } elseif (in_array($field, $this->customFields)) {

                $completeFields[] = $field;

            } else {

                if ($this->skipErrors == FALSE) {

                    $this->addError('Unknown column: ' . $field);
                    LOG::create()->set('Неизвестная колонка: ' . $field);
        return $completeFields;

     * Returns field abbreviation
     * @param string $field (optional) if empty returns array of abbreviations
     * @return array|bool|int|null|string
    protected function getAbbreviation($field = NULL) {
        $abbreviationsArray = [
                               'name'    => '`shop_products_i18n`.`name` as product_name', //
                               'url'     => '`route`.`url` as url', //
                               'oldprc'  => 'old_price', //
                               'archive' => 'archive', //
                               'prc'     => 'price_in_main', //
                               'stk'     => 'stock', //
                               'num'     => 'number', //
                               'var'     => '`shop_product_variants_i18n`.`name` as variant_name',
                               'act'     => 'active', //
                               'hit'     => 'hit', //
                               'hot'     => 'hot', //новинка
                               'action'  => 'action', //акція
                               'brd'     => '`shop_brands_i18n`.`name` as brand_name', //
                               'modim'   => 'mainModImage',
                               'modis'   => 'smallModImage',
                               'cat'     => '`shop_category_i18n`.`name` as category_name',
                               'addcats' => 'addcats',
                               'relp'    => 'related_products',
                               'vimg'    => 'mainImage',
                               'cur'     => 'currency',
                               'imgs'    => '`shop_product_images`.`image_name` as additional_images',
                               'shdesc'  => 'short_description',
                               'desc'    => 'full_description',
                               'mett'    => 'meta_title',
                               'metd'    => 'meta_description',
                               'metk'    => 'meta_keywords',
                               'skip'    => 'skip',
        if (!$field) {
            return $abbreviationsArray;
        } else {
            if (in_array($field, $this->customFields)) { // properties just returns
                return $field;
            foreach ($abbreviationsArray as $abbreviation => $field_) {
                if (strpos(trim($field_), trim($field)) !== FALSE) {
                    return $abbreviation;
        return FALSE; //

     * Get categories data from DB
     * @return array
    protected function getCategoriesFromBase() {
        $query = "
            LEFT JOIN `shop_category_i18n` ON `shop_category_i18n`.`id` = `shop_category`.`id`
                `shop_category_i18n`.`locale` = '" . \MY_Controller::getCurrentLocale() . "'
        $categoriesData = [];
        $result = $this->db->query($query);
        if (!$result) {
            LOG::create()->set('Пустой результат вибора категорий');
        foreach ($result->result_array() as $row) {
            $categoriesData[$row['id']] = [
                                           'parent_id'     => $row['parent_id'],
                                           'name'          => $row['name'],
                                           'full_path_ids' => unserialize($row['full_path_ids']),
        return $categoriesData;

     * Gets categories pathes
     * @return string $categoriesPathes
    protected function getCategoriesPaths() {
        $categoriesPathes = [];
        foreach ($this->categoriesData as $id => $data) {
            if (is_array($data['full_path_ids']) & $data['full_path_ids'] !== FALSE) {
                $pathNames = [];
                foreach ($data['full_path_ids'] as $parentId) {
                    $pathNames[] = $this->categoriesData[$parentId]['name'];
                $pathNames[] = $data['name'];
                $categoriesPathes[$id] = implode('/', $pathNames);
        $this->categories = $categoriesPathes;
        return $categoriesPathes;

     * Gets filds of tables
     * @param array $tables
    protected function getTablesFields($tables) {
        if (!is_array($tables)) {
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
            $query = "DESCRIBE `{$table}`";
            $result = $this->db->query($query);
            foreach ($result->result() as $row) {
                $this->tablesFields[$table][] = $row->Field;

     * addError
     * @param mixed $msg
     * @access protected
     * @return void
    protected function addError($msg) {
        $this->errors[] = $msg;

     * Check for errors
     * @access public
     * @return boolean
    public function hasErrors() {
        if (count($this->errors) > 0) {
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

     * Get errors array
     * @access public
     * @return array
    public function getErrors() {
        return $this->errors;

     * Add photos to ZIP
     * @access public
     * @author Oleh
    public function addToArchive($arr) {
        $zip = new \ZipArchive();
        $date = date('m_d_y');
        $time = date('G_i_s');
        $zipName = 'archive_' . $date . '_' . $time . '.zip';
        if ($zip->open('./application/backups/' . $zipName, \ZipArchive::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
            LOG::create()->set('Невозможно создать zip-архив.');
        //        foreach($arr as $key => $val){
        //            //вигрузка основних фотографій варіанту
        //            if($this->attributes['vimg'] == '1'){
        //                if(file_exists('./uploads/shop/products/origin/' . $val['mainImage']) && $val['mainImage'] != ""){
        //                    $fN = "./uploads/shop/products/origin/" . $val['mainImage'];
        //                    $zFN ='origin/' . $val['mainImage'];
        //                    $zip->addFile($fN, $zFN);
        //                } else {
        //                    LOG::create()->set("Невозможна архивация основного изображения: " . $val['mainImage']);
        //                }
        //            }
        //            //вигрузка додаткових фотографій продуктів
        //            if($this->attributes['imgs'] == '1'){
        //                $number = $val['number'];
        //                $prodId = $this->db->where('number',$number)->get('shop_product_variants')->row()->product_id;
        //                $imgsAdd = $this->db->where('product_id',$prodId)->get('shop_product_images')->result_array();
        //                if(count($imgsAdd) > 0){
        //                    foreach($imgsAdd as $img){
        //                        if(file_exists('./uploads/shop/products/origin/additional/' . $img['image_name'])){
        //                            $filename = "./uploads/shop/products/origin/additional/" . $img['image_name'];
        //                            $zipname = "origin/additional/" . $img['image_name'];
        //                            $zip->addFile($filename,$zipname);
        //                        } else {
        //                            LOG::create()->set("Невозможна архивация дополнительного изображения: " . $img['image_name']);
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }

        if ($this->attributes['vimg'] == '1') {
            foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
                if (file_exists('./uploads/shop/products/origin/' . $val['mainImage']) && $val['mainImage'] != '') {
                    $fN = './uploads/shop/products/origin/' . $val['mainImage'];
                    $zFN = 'origin/' . $val['mainImage'];
                    $zip->addFile($fN, $zFN);
                } else {
                    LOG::create()->set('Невозможна архивация основного изображения: ' . $val['mainImage']);

        if ($this->attributes['imgs'] == '1') {
            foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
                $number = $val['number'];
                $prodId = $this->db->where('number', $number)->get('shop_product_variants')->row()->product_id;
                $imgsAdd = $this->db->where('product_id', $prodId)->get('shop_product_images')->result_array();
                if (count($imgsAdd) > 0) {
                    foreach ($imgsAdd as $img) {
                        if (file_exists('./uploads/shop/products/origin/additional/' . $img['image_name'])) {
                            $filename = './uploads/shop/products/origin/additional/' . $img['image_name'];
                            $zipname = 'origin/additional/' . $img['image_name'];
                            $zip->addFile($filename, $zipname);
                        } else {
                            LOG::create()->set('Невозможна архивация дополнительного изображения: ' . $img['image_name']);
