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    function () {

                function () {

            function initDiscounts() {

                var isGift = $('#gift_checkbox').attr('checked') == 'checked';
                if (isGift) {

                 * set begin discount date to now date
                var today = new Date();
                $(".beginDateDiscount").datepicker({minDate: new Date(), dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd"});
                $(".endDateDiscount").datepicker({minDate: new Date(today.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)), dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd"});

                 * Change is discount active or not
                    function () {
                            var $this = $(this);
                            var discountId = $(this).attr('data-id');
                                    type: 'POST',
                                    data: 'id=' + discountId,
                                    dataType: 'json',
                                    url: base_url + 'admin/components/init_window/mod_discount/ajaxChangeActive',
                                    success: function (response) {
                                        if (response.status == 0) {
                                                function () {
                                                        var switcher = $('[data-id="' + discountId + '"]');
                                                    if ($(switcher).hasClass('disable_tovar')) {
                                                        $(switcher).removeClass('disable_tovar').css('background-position', '-64px 0');
                                                    } else {
                                                        $(switcher).addClass('disable_tovar').css('background-position', '-92px 0');


                 * If check/unckech input for no limit count for discount
                    function () {
                            var isGift = $('#gift_checkbox').attr('checked') == 'checked';
                        if (isGift & $(this).hasClass('spanForNoLimitCheckbox')) {
                            return false;
                            var spanBlock = $(this);
                            var checkBox = spanBlock.find('.noLimitCountCheck');
                            var controlBlock = spanBlock.closest('.noLimitC');

                        if (checkBox.prop('checked') == true) {
                        } else {
                            controlBlock.find('input:text').prop('disabled', 'disabled');

                 * Show/hide blocks for every type of discount
                    function () {
                            var selectElement = $(this);
                            var discountType = selectElement.find("option:selected").val();

                            $('#' + discountType + 'Block').show();

                 * Change discount value type (percent or fixed)
                    function () {
                            var selectElement = $(this);
                            valueType = selectElement.find("option:selected").val();

                        if (valueType == 1) {
                        } else {

                 * Generate discount key and insert into input
                    function () {
                                    type: 'POST',
                                    url: base_url + 'admin/components/init_window/mod_discount/generateDiscountKey',
                                    success: function (response) {
                                        if (response != null) {

                 *  Autocomplete users
                if ($('#usersForDiscount').length) {
                            source: base_url + 'admin/components/init_window/mod_discount/autoCompliteUsers?limit=25',
                            search: function (event, ui) {
                                $('#usersForDiscount').css('border-color', 'coral')
                            select: function (event, ui) {
                                userData = ui.item;
                                $('#usersForDiscount').css('border-color', 'darkturquoise')
                            close: function (event, ui) {

                 * Autocomplete products
                if ($('#productForDiscount').length) {
                    var locale = $('input[name="Locale"]').val();
                    locale = locale ? locale : '';
                            source: base_url + 'admin/components/init_window/mod_discount/autoCompliteProducts/' + locale + '?limit=25',
                            search: function (event, ui) {
                                $('#productForDiscount').css('border-color', 'coral')
                            select: function (event, ui) {
                                productsData = ui.item;
                                $('#productForDiscount').css('border-color', 'darkturquoise')
                            close: function () {

                 * Make input only for numbers. If type of value == percent, then (1-100), if type of value == fixed, then type int.
                    function () {
                            var typeOfValue = $('#selectTypeValue').val();
                            var value = $(this).val();
                            var regexp = /[^0-9]/gi;
                            value = value.replace(regexp, '');

                            // Can not begin from 0
                        if (parseInt(value) == 0) {
                            value = '';

                            // Percent
                        if (typeOfValue == 1) {
                            if (parseInt(value) > 99) {

                 * Make input only numbers (int)
                    function () {
                            var value = $(this).val();
                            var regexp = /[^0-9]/gi;
                            value = value.replace(regexp, '');

                 * Remove discount from list
                    function () {
                            var discountRow = $(this).closest('tr');
                            var discountId ='id');
                                    async: false,
                                    type: 'POST',
                                    data: 'id=' + discountId,
                                    url: base_url + 'admin/components/init_window/mod_discount/ajaxDeleteDiscount',
                                    success: function (response) {
                                        if (response == true) {
                                        showMessage(lang('Message') + ':', lang('Discount was successfully deleted'), '')


                 * Filter list by discount type
                    function () {
                            var option = $(this).val();
                        if (option) {
                            window.location.replace(base_url + 'admin/components/init_window/mod_discount/index?filterBy=' + option);
                        } else {
                            window.location.replace(base_url + 'admin/components/init_window/mod_discount/index');

                 * If is selected use discount as gift
                $('#giftSpanCheckbox').bind('click', giftCheckboxCallback);
                    function () {
                        if ($(this).val() == 'certificate') {
                            if ($('.spanForNoLimitCheckbox input[type=checkbox]').attr("checked")) {
                            $('#how-much').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
                        } else {
                            if (!$('.spanForNoLimitCheckbox input[type=checkbox]').attr("checked")) {


            function giftCheckboxCallback() {
                var countUsesBlock = $('.noLimitC')[0];
                if ($(this).find('input').prop('checked')) {
                } else {
                    $(countUsesBlock).find('#how-much').prop('disabled', 'disabled');
                    $(countUsesBlock).find('.noLimitCountCheck').prop('checked', false);
                    $(countUsesBlock).find('.niceCheck').css('background-position', '-46px 0px');

            /** Change active or not category*/
            function changeEmtyActive() {

                    function () {
                            var $this = $(this);
                        if (!$this.hasClass('disabled')) {
                            if ($this.hasClass('disable_tovar')) {

                                $this.parent().attr('data-original-title', lang('No'))

                            } else {

                                if ($this.parent().data('only-original-title') == undefined) {
                                    $this.parent().attr('data-original-title', lang('Yes'))


