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require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'interfaces' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'FileImport' . EXT;

 * Class UsersController for mod_stats module
 * @uses ControllerBase
 * @author DevImageCms
 * @copyright (c) 2014, ImageCMS
 * @package ImageCMSModule
class UsersController extends ControllerBase implements FileImport

    public $params = [];

    public function __construct($controller) {
        $this->params = [
                         'dateFrom' => CI::$APP->input->get('from') ? CI::$APP->input->get('from') : '2005-05-05',
                         'dateTo'   => CI::$APP->input->get('to') ? CI::$APP->input->get('to') : date('Y-m-d'),
                         'interval' => CI::$APP->input->get('group') ? CI::$APP->input->get('group') : 'day',

     * Show template for users online with data
    public function online() {
        $onlineUsers = $this->controller->attendance_model->getOnline();

            ['data' => $onlineUsers]

     * Show template for users online with data
    public function history() {
        $data = $this->controller->attendance_model->getUserHistory(CI::$APP->input->post('userId'));
        $this->controller->assetManager->setData(['data' => $data]);

     * Render template for users info with data
    public function info() {
        $data = $this->controller->users_model->getInfo();
            ['data' => $data]

     * Render template for users attendance with data
    public function attendance() {
        // getting view type
        if (CI::$APP->input->get('view_type')) {
            $vt = CI::$APP->input->get('view_type');
            $viewType = $vt == 'table' || $vt == 'chart' ? $vt : 'chart';
        } else {
            $viewType = 'table';


        $data = $this->controller->attendance_model->getCommonAttendance($this->params);

             'data'     => $data,
             'viewType' => $viewType,

     * Output chart data for users attendance
    public function getAttendanceData() {
        $params = $this->params;


        $params['type'] = 'registered';
        $data = $this->controller->attendance_model->getCommonAttendance($params);
        $registered = [];
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            $registered[] = [
                             'x' => $row['unix_date'] * 1000,
                             'y' => (int) $row['users_count'],

        $params['type'] = 'unregistered';
        $data = $this->controller->attendance_model->getCommonAttendance($params);
        $unregistered = [];
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            $unregistered[] = [
                               'x' => $row['unix_date'] * 1000,
                               'y' => (int) $row['users_count'],


        $response = [];
        if ($registered) {
            $response[] = [
                           'key'    => lang('Count of unique registered users', 'mod_stats'),
                           'values' => ZeroFiller::fill($registered, 'x', 'y', $this->params['interval']),
        if ($unregistered) {
             'key'    => lang('Count of unique unregistered users', 'mod_stats'),
             'values' => ZeroFiller::fill($unregistered, 'x', 'y', $this->params['interval']),
        echo json_encode($response);

     * Render template for users registration
    public function registered() {
        // getting view type
        if (CI::$APP->input->get('view_type')) {
            $vt = CI::$APP->input->get('view_type');
            $viewType = $vt == 'table' || $vt == 'chart' ? $vt : 'chart';
        } else {
            $viewType = 'table';

        $params = [
                   'dateFrom' => CI::$APP->input->get('from') ? CI::$APP->input->get('from') : '2005-05-05',
                   'dateTo'   => CI::$APP->input->get('to') ? CI::$APP->input->get('to') : date('Y-m-d'),
                   'interval' => CI::$APP->input->get('group') ? CI::$APP->input->get('group') : 'day',

        $data = $this->controller->users_model->getRegister();

             'data'     => $data,
             'viewType' => $viewType,

     * Output chart data for users registration
    public function getRegisterData() {
        $params = [
                   'dateFrom' => CI::$APP->input->get('from') ? CI::$APP->input->get('from') : '2005-05-05',
                   'dateTo'   => CI::$APP->input->get('to') ? CI::$APP->input->get('to') : date('Y-m-d'),
                   'interval' => CI::$APP->input->get('group') ? CI::$APP->input->get('group') : 'day',

        $data = $this->controller->users_model->getRegister();
        $chartValues = [];
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            $chartValues[] = [
                              'x' => (int) $row['unix_date'] * 1000,
                              'y' => (int) $row['count'],
        echo json_encode(
              'key'    => lang('Registration dynamic', 'mod_stats'),
              'values' => ZeroFiller::fill($chartValues, 'x', 'y', CI::$APP->input->get('group') ? CI::$APP->input->get('group') : 'day'),

    public function robots_attendance() {
        $date = CI::$APP->input->get('date') ? CI::$APP->input->get('date') : date('Y-m-d');
        $robots = RobotsAttendance::getInstance()->getRobots();
        $currentRobot = CI::$APP->input->get('currentRobot') ? CI::$APP->input->get('currentRobot') : $robots[0];

        $data = $this->controller->attendance_model->getRobotAttendance($currentRobot, $date);

             'data'         => $data,
             'robots'       => $robots,
             'currentRobot' => $currentRobot,

     * Include file (or all recursively files in dir)
     * The starting directory is the directory where the class is (witch using trait)
     * @param string $filePath
    public function import($filePath) {
        $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
        if ($ext != 'php' && $ext != '') {

        $filePath = str_replace('.php', '', $filePath);
        $reflection = new ReflectionClass($this);
        $workingDir = pathinfo($reflection->getFileName(), PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
        $filePath = $workingDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filePath);

        if (strpos($filePath, '*') === FALSE) {
            include_once $filePath . EXT;
        } else {
            $filesOfDir = get_filenames(str_replace('*', '', $filePath), TRUE);
            foreach ($filesOfDir as $file) {
                if (strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == 'php') {
                    include_once str_replace(['\\', '/'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file);
