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Trait for Laravel Eloquent models to allow easy implementation of a "user alerts" feature.
#### Composer Install (for Laravel 5.5 and above)
composer require inpin/lara-alert
#### Install and then run the migrations
'providers' => [
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Inpin\LaraAlert\LaraAlertServiceProvider" --tag=migrations
php artisan migrate
#### Model and database schema
it will create you a table of `laraalert_alerts` with following fields:
`type` is the type of alert, ex: 'alert', 'confirmation complete', 'software update, etc.
`description` a nullable text which describe alert.
`seen_at` determines if current alert is new (seen_at is null_) or not (seen_at fills with timestamp)
#### Setup your models
class Book extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
use Inpin\LaraAlert\Alertable;
#### Sample Usage
// Create an alert with type of 'alert' by currently logged in user without description.
// Create a alert on $book object with type of "some-alert-type", and null description.
// Create a alert on $book object with type of "some-alert-type", null description,
// and current logged in user form 'api' guard as owner.
$book->createAlert('some-alert-type', 'api');
// Create a alert on $book object with type of "some-alert-type", null description, and $user as owner.
$book->createAlert('some-alert-type', $user);
// Create a alert on $book object with type of "some-alert-type", with description of "some message,
// and current logged in user form 'api' guard as owner.
$book->createAlert('some-alert-type', 'api', 'some message');
// Create a alert on $book object with type of "some-alert-type", with description of "some message,
// and current logged in user form 'api' guard as owner.
$book->createAlert('some-alert-type', $user, 'some message');
// Create a alert on $book object with "alert item id" of 1 and 2, put user message of "some message on it",
// and put $user (3rd param) as alerter.
$book->createAlert([1, 2], 'some message', $user');
$book->alerts(); // HasMany relation to alerts of book.
$book->alerts; // Collection of book's alerts.
$book->isAlertedBy() // check if current logged in user form default guard has alerted book.
$book->isAlertedBy('api') // check if current logged in user form 'api' guard has alerted book.
$book->isAlertedBy($user) // check if '$user' has alerted book.
$book->isAlerted() // check if $book has alert.
$book->isAlerted // check if $book has alert.
$book->alertsCount; // return number of alerts on $book.
$book->alertsCount(); // return number of alerts on $book.
Alert objects
// set seen_at with current timestamp.
// check if $alert is new or not.
// check if $alert is seen or not.
#### Credits
- Mohammad Nourinik -