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"""Draws DAG in ASCII."""

import math
import os

from grandalf.graphs import Edge, Graph, Vertex
from grandalf.layouts import SugiyamaLayout
from grandalf.routing import EdgeViewer, route_with_lines

from dvc.log import logger

logger = logger.getChild(__name__)

class VertexViewer:
    """Class to define vertex box boundaries that will be accounted for during
    graph building by grandalf.

        name (str): name of the vertex.

    HEIGHT = 3  # top and bottom box edges + text

    def __init__(self, name):
        self._h = self.HEIGHT  # top and bottom box edges + text
        self._w = len(name) + 2  # right and left bottom edges + text

    def h(self):
        """Height of the box."""
        return self._h

    def w(self):
        """Width of the box."""
        return self._w

class AsciiCanvas:
    """Class for drawing in ASCII.

        cols (int): number of columns in the canvas. Should be > 1.
        lines (int): number of lines in the canvas. Should be > 1.

    TIMEOUT = 10

    def __init__(self, cols, lines):
        assert cols > 1
        assert lines > 1

        self.cols = cols
        self.lines = lines

        self.canvas = [[" "] * cols for line in range(lines)]

    def draw(self):
        """Draws ASCII canvas on the screen."""
        lines = map("".join, self.canvas)
        return os.linesep.join(lines)

    def point(self, x, y, char):
        """Create a point on ASCII canvas.

            x (int): x coordinate. Should be >= 0 and < number of columns in
                the canvas.
            y (int): y coordinate. Should be >= 0 an < number of lines in the
            char (str): character to place in the specified point on the
        assert len(char) == 1
        assert x >= 0
        assert x < self.cols
        assert y >= 0
        assert y < self.lines

        self.canvas[y][x] = char

    def line(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, char):  # noqa: C901, PLR0912
        """Create a line on ASCII canvas.

            x0 (int): x coordinate where the line should start.
            y0 (int): y coordinate where the line should start.
            x1 (int): x coordinate where the line should end.
            y1 (int): y coordinate where the line should end.
            char (str): character to draw the line with.
        if x0 > x1:
            x1, x0 = x0, x1
            y1, y0 = y0, y1

        dx = x1 - x0
        dy = y1 - y0

        if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
            self.point(x0, y0, char)
        elif abs(dx) >= abs(dy):
            for x in range(x0, x1 + 1):
                if dx == 0:
                    y = y0
                    y = y0 + int(round((x - x0) * dy / float(dx)))
                self.point(x, y, char)
        elif y0 < y1:
            for y in range(y0, y1 + 1):
                if dy == 0:
                    x = x0
                    x = x0 + int(round((y - y0) * dx / float(dy)))
                self.point(x, y, char)
            for y in range(y1, y0 + 1):
                if dy == 0:
                    x = x0
                    x = x1 + int(round((y - y1) * dx / float(dy)))
                self.point(x, y, char)

    def text(self, x, y, text):
        """Print a text on ASCII canvas.

            x (int): x coordinate where the text should start.
            y (int): y coordinate where the text should start.
            text (str): string that should be printed.
        for i, char in enumerate(text):
            self.point(x + i, y, char)

    def box(self, x0, y0, width, height):
        """Create a box on ASCII canvas.

            x0 (int): x coordinate of the box corner.
            y0 (int): y coordinate of the box corner.
            width (int): box width.
            height (int): box height.
        assert width > 1
        assert height > 1

        width -= 1
        height -= 1

        for x in range(x0, x0 + width):
            self.point(x, y0, "-")
            self.point(x, y0 + height, "-")

        for y in range(y0, y0 + height):
            self.point(x0, y, "|")
            self.point(x0 + width, y, "|")

        self.point(x0, y0, "+")
        self.point(x0 + width, y0, "+")
        self.point(x0, y0 + height, "+")
        self.point(x0 + width, y0 + height, "+")

def _build_sugiyama_layout(vertices, edges):
    # Just a reminder about naming conventions:
    # +------------X
    # |
    # |
    # |
    # |
    # Y

    vertices = {v: Vertex(f" {v} ") for v in vertices}
    # NOTE: reverting edges to correctly orientate the graph
    edges = [Edge(vertices[e], vertices[s]) for s, e in edges]
    vertices = vertices.values()
    graph = Graph(vertices, edges)

    for vertex in vertices:
        vertex.view = VertexViewer(

    # NOTE: determine min box length to create the best layout
    minw = min(v.view.w for v in vertices)

    for edge in edges:
        edge.view = EdgeViewer()

    sug = SugiyamaLayout(graph.C[0])
    graph = graph.C[0]
    roots = list(filter(lambda x: len(x.e_in()) == 0, graph.sV))

    sug.init_all(roots=roots, optimize=True)

    sug.yspace = VertexViewer.HEIGHT
    sug.xspace = minw
    sug.route_edge = route_with_lines


    return sug

def draw(vertices, edges):
    """Build a DAG and draw it in ASCII.

        vertices (list): list of graph vertices.
        edges (list): list of graph edges.

        str: ASCII representation

        >>> from dvc.dagascii import draw
        >>> vertices = [1, 2, 3, 4]
        >>> edges = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (1, 4)]
        >>> print(draw(vertices, edges))
        +---+     +---+
        | 3 |     | 4 |
        +---+    *+---+
          *    **   *
          *  **     *
          * *       *
        +---+       *
        | 2 |      *
        +---+     *
             *    *
              *  *
             | 1 |

    # NOTE: coordinates might me negative, so we need to shift
    # everything to the positive plane before we actually draw it.
    Xs = []  # noqa: N806
    Ys = []  # noqa: N806

    sug = _build_sugiyama_layout(vertices, edges)

    for vertex in sug.g.sV:
        # NOTE: moving boxes w/2 to the left
        Xs.append(vertex.view.xy[0] - vertex.view.w / 2.0)
        Xs.append(vertex.view.xy[0] + vertex.view.w / 2.0)
        Ys.append(vertex.view.xy[1] + vertex.view.h)

    for edge in sug.g.sE:
        for x, y in edge.view._pts:

    minx = min(Xs)
    miny = min(Ys)
    maxx = max(Xs)
    maxy = max(Ys)

    canvas_cols = int(math.ceil(math.ceil(maxx) - math.floor(minx))) + 1
    canvas_lines = int(round(maxy - miny))

    canvas = AsciiCanvas(canvas_cols, canvas_lines)

    # NOTE: first draw edges so that node boxes could overwrite them
    for edge in sug.g.sE:
        assert len(edge.view._pts) > 1
        for index in range(1, len(edge.view._pts)):
            start = edge.view._pts[index - 1]
            end = edge.view._pts[index]

            start_x = int(round(start[0] - minx))
            start_y = int(round(start[1] - miny))
            end_x = int(round(end[0] - minx))
            end_y = int(round(end[1] - miny))

            assert start_x >= 0
            assert start_y >= 0
            assert end_x >= 0
            assert end_y >= 0

            canvas.line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, "*")

    for vertex in sug.g.sV:
        # NOTE: moving boxes w/2 to the left
        x = vertex.view.xy[0] - vertex.view.w / 2.0
        y = vertex.view.xy[1]
            int(round(x - minx)),
            int(round(y - miny)),

        canvas.text(int(round(x - minx)) + 1, int(round(y - miny)) + 1,

    return canvas.draw()