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import {ListenerHandler} from './listen';

 * UndoStack class.
export class UndoStack {
   * Array of commands.
   * @type {Array}
  #stack = [];

   * Current command index.
   * @type {number}
  #curCmdIndex = 0;

   * Listener handler.
   * @type {ListenerHandler}
  #listenerHandler = new ListenerHandler();

   * Get the stack size.
   * @returns {number} The size of the stack.
  getStackSize() {
    return this.#stack.length;

   * Get the current stack index.
   * @returns {number} The stack index.
  getCurrentStackIndex() {
    return this.#curCmdIndex;

   * Add a command to the stack.
   * @param {object} cmd The command to add.
   * @fires UndoStack#undoadd
  add(cmd) {
    // clear commands after current index
    this.#stack = this.#stack.slice(0, this.#curCmdIndex);
    // store command
    // increment index
     * Command add to undo stack event.
     * @event UndoStack#undoadd
     * @type {object}
     * @property {string} command The name of the command added to the
     *   undo stack.
      type: 'undoadd',
      command: cmd.getName()

   * Remove a command to the stack.
   * @param {string} name The name of the command to remove.
   * @returns {boolean} True if the command was found and removed.
   * @fires UndoStack#undoremove
  remove(name) {
    let res = false;
    const hasInputName = function (element) {
      return element.getName() === name;
    const index = this.#stack.findIndex(hasInputName);
    if (index !== -1) {
      // remove command
      this.#stack.splice(index, 1);
      // decrement index
      // result
      res = true;
       * Command remove from undo stack event.
       * @event UndoStack#undoremove
       * @type {object}
       * @property {string} command The name of the command added to the
       *   undo stack.
        type: 'undoremove',
        command: name
    return res;

   * Undo the last command.
   * @fires UndoStack#undo
  undo() {
    // a bit inefficient...
    if (this.#curCmdIndex > 0) {
      // decrement command index
      // undo last command
       * Command undo event.
       * @event UndoStack#undo
       * @type {object}
       * @property {string} command The name of the undone command.
        type: 'undo',
        command: this.#stack[this.#curCmdIndex].getName()

   * Redo the last command.
   * @fires UndoStack#redo
  redo() {
    if (this.#curCmdIndex < this.#stack.length) {
      // run last command
       * Command redo event.
       * @event UndoStack#redo
       * @type {object}
       * @property {string} command The name of the redone command.
        type: 'redo',
        command: this.#stack[this.#curCmdIndex].getName()
      // increment command index

   * Add an event listener to this class.
   * @param {string} type The event type.
   * @param {Function} callback The function associated with the provided
   *    event type, will be called with the fired event.
  addEventListener(type, callback) {
    this.#listenerHandler.add(type, callback);

   * Remove an event listener from this class.
   * @param {string} type The event type.
   * @param {Function} callback The function associated with the provided
   *   event type.
  removeEventListener(type, callback) {
    this.#listenerHandler.remove(type, callback);

   * Fire an event: call all associated listeners with the input event object.
   * @param {object} event The event to fire.
  #fireEvent = (event) => {

} // UndoStack class