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55 mins
Test Coverage
 * Created for IG Monitoring.
 * User: jakim <pawel@jakimowski.info>
 * Date: 12.06.2018

namespace app\components\builders;

use app\components\instagram\models\Account;
use app\components\traits\NextUpdateCalculatorTrait;
use app\components\traits\SaveModelTrait;
use app\components\traits\SetAccountTrait;
use app\models\AccountStats;
use DateTime;
use Throwable;
use yii\base\Component;
use yii\db\Expression;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use function count;

class AccountBuilder extends Component
    use SaveModelTrait, SetAccountTrait, NextUpdateCalculatorTrait;

    private $postStats;

    public function init()

     * Update username and instagram_id.
     * @param \app\components\instagram\models\Account $account
     * @return $this
    public function setIdents(Account $account)
        $this->account->username = $account->username;
        $this->account->instagram_id = (string)$account->id;

        return $this;

     * @param \app\components\instagram\models\Account $account
     * @return $this
    public function setDetails(Account $account)
        $this->account->profile_pic_url = $account->profilePicUrl;
        $this->account->full_name = $account->fullName;
        $this->account->biography = $account->biography;
        $this->account->external_url = $account->externalUrl;
        $this->account->is_verified = $account->isVerified;
        $this->account->is_business = $account->isBusiness;
        $this->account->business_category = $account->businessCategory;

        return $this;

    public function setMonitoring()
        $this->account->monitoring = 1;

        return $this;

    public function setIsValid()
        $this->account->is_valid = 1;
        $this->account->invalidation_count = 0;
        $this->account->invalidation_type_id = null;

        return $this;

    public function setIsInvalid(?int $invalidationType = null)
        $this->account->is_valid = 0;
        $this->account->invalidation_count = (int)$this->account->invalidation_count + 1;
        $this->account->invalidation_type_id = $invalidationType;

        return $this;

     * If true, then will be automatically calculate from invalidation_count
     * @param true|int|null $interval
     * @return $this
    public function setNextStatsUpdate($interval = 24)
        $this->account->update_stats_after = $this->getNextUpdateDate($this->account, $interval);

        return $this;

     * Direct account statistics.
     * @param \app\components\instagram\models\Account $account
     * @param array|\app\components\instagram\models\Post[] $posts
     * @param bool $createHistory
     * @return $this
    public function setStats(Account $account, array $posts, bool $createHistory = true)
        if ($this->account->media === null || $this->statsNeedUpdate($account, $posts)) {
            $postsStats = $this->postsStats($account, $posts);
            $this->account->media = $account->media;
            $this->account->follows = $account->follows;
            $this->account->followed_by = $account->followedBy;
            $this->account->er = $postsStats['er'];
            $this->account->avg_likes = $postsStats['avg_likes'];
            $this->account->avg_comments = $postsStats['avg_comments'];

            if ($lastPost = ArrayHelper::getValue($posts, '0')) {
                try {
                    $takenAt = (new DateTime('@' . ArrayHelper::getValue($lastPost, 'takenAt')))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                    $this->account->last_post_taken_at = $takenAt;
                } catch (Throwable $e) {


            if ($createHistory) {

        return $this;

     * @throws \yii\web\ServerErrorHttpException
    public function save()

    protected function createHistory()
        // dirty fix - avoiding duplicates
        // the possibility of occurrence if the account is monitored and appears as a tagged/mentioned in the post
            ['account_id' => $this->account->id],
            new Expression('DATE(created_at)=DATE(NOW())'),
        $accountStats = new AccountStats([
            'account_id' => $this->account->id,
            'media' => $this->account->media,
            'follows' => $this->account->follows,
            'followed_by' => $this->account->followed_by,
            'er' => $this->account->er,
            'avg_likes' => $this->account->avg_likes,
            'avg_comments' => $this->account->avg_comments,

        return $accountStats;

    private function statsNeedUpdate(Account $account, array $posts): bool
        $res = $this->account->media != $account->media ||
            $this->account->follows != $account->follows ||
            $this->account->followed_by != $account->followedBy;
        if ($res === false) {
            $postStats = $this->postsStats($account, $posts);
            $res = $this->account->er != $postStats['er'] ||
                $this->account->avg_likes != $postStats['avg_likes'] ||
                $this->account->avg_comments != $postStats['avg_comments'];

        return $res;

     * Statistics calculated from posts (engagement, avg_likes, avg_comments).
     * @param \app\components\instagram\models\Account $account
     * @param array|\app\components\instagram\models\Post[] $posts
     * @return array
    private function postsStats(Account $account, array $posts): array
        if (!empty($this->postStats)) {
            return $this->postStats;

        $er = [];
        if ($account->followedBy) {
            foreach ($posts as $post) {
                $er[] = ($post->likes + $post->comments) / $account->followedBy;
        $er = $er ? array_sum($er) / count($er) : 0;

        $avgLikes = [];
        $avgComments = [];
        foreach ($posts as $post) {
            $avgLikes[] = $post->likes;
            $avgComments[] = $post->comments;
        $avgLikes = $avgLikes ? array_sum($avgLikes) / count($avgLikes) : 0;
        $avgComments = $avgComments ? array_sum($avgComments) / count($avgComments) : 0;

        return $this->postStats = [
            'er' => $er,
            'avg_likes' => $avgLikes,
            'avg_comments' => $avgComments,