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1 day
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'use strict';

(function() {
  var Schedule = {
    _default_schedule: {
      type: 'normal',
      minute: {
        value: '*',
        type: 'every'
      hour: {
        value: '*',
        type: 'every'
      day_of_the_month: {
        value: '*',
        type: 'every'
      month: {
        value: '*',
        type: 'every'
      day_of_the_week: {
        value: '*',
        type: 'every'
      special: {
        value: '@hourly'

    _initialised: false,
    _view_only: false,

     * Initialise the schedule
     * @param {String} schedule
    init: function() {
      this._initialised = true;
      this._schedule = this._default_schedule;

      // Get a reference to the form
      var $form = $('#schedule-editor').parent('form');

      // Are we in view only mode?
      this._view_only = $form.data('view-only') === '';

      // Grab the schedule from the input box
      var schedule = $('#schedule-input').find('input').val();

      // Parse and set the schedule
      if (schedule) {
        // Parse the schedule into a nice structured object
        var parsed_schedule = this.parse(schedule);

        // Update each of the schedules parts based on the parsed schedule
        this._schedule = parsed_schedule;

        // Update the GUI

      // Watch for updates

     * Return the formatted cron schedule
     * @return {String}
    formatted: function() {

      if (this._schedule.type === 'special') {
        return this._schedule.special.value;

      var schedule =  this._schedule.minute.value + ' ';
          schedule += this._schedule.hour.value + ' ';
          schedule += this._schedule.day_of_the_month.value + ' ';
          schedule += this._schedule.month.value + ' ';
          schedule += this._schedule.day_of_the_week.value;

      return schedule;

     * Return the structured cron schedule
     * @return {String}
    structured: function() {

      return {
        minute: this._schedule.minute.value,
        hour: this._schedule.hour.value,
        day_of_the_month: this._schedule.day_of_the_month.value,
        month: this._schedule.month.value,
        day_of_the_week: this._schedule.day_of_the_week.value,
        special: this._schedule.special.value,

     * Parse a cron expression into an object
     * @param {String} rawSchedule
    parse: function(rawSchedule) {
      // Set up the cron object
      var schedule = this._schedule;

      // Is it a special cron or not?
      if (rawSchedule.substr(0, 1) === '@') {
        schedule.type = 'special';
        schedule.special.value = rawSchedule;
      // Otherwise it's a 'normal' expression
      } else {
        schedule.type = 'normal';

        // Split the schedule into its 5 parts based on whitespace
        var expression = rawSchedule.split(' ');

        // It should be an array of length 5..
        if (expression.length !== 5) {
          throw 'Expression "' + rawSchedule + '" is not valid, expected to contain 5 parts';

        // Map of indexes to expression parts
        var map = {
          0: 'minute',
          1: 'hour',
          2: 'day_of_the_month',
          3: 'month',
          4: 'day_of_the_week'

        // Loop every value in the expression
        for (var i = 0; i < expression.length; i++) {
          // What part of the expression is it?
          var part = map[i];

          // Get the value of this part of the expression
          var value = expression[i];

          // Set the value of this partof the expression
          schedule[part].value = value;

          // Is it an every minute/hour/day etc part?
          if (value === '*') {
            schedule[part].type = 'every';
          // If it's a */n expression
          } else if (value.substr(0, 2) === '*/' && this._isNumeric(value.substr(2))) {
            schedule[part].type = 'every-n';
          // If it's a x-y/n expression aka step
          } else if (value.split('-').length >= 2 && value.split('/').length >= 2) {
            schedule[part].type = 'each-range-step';
          // If it's an each selected expression
          } else if (this._isNumeric(value)) {
            schedule[part].type = 'each';
          } else if (value.split(',').length >= 2) {
            schedule[part].type = 'each-csv';
          } else if (value.split('-').length >= 2) {
            schedule[part].type = 'each-range';
          } else {
            throw 'Unknown expression part "' + value + '" in expression "' + rawSchedule + '"';

      return schedule;

     * Check that the schedule has been initialised
    _checkInit: function() {
      if (!this._initialised) {
        throw 'Not initialised! You must call init() first.';

     * Watch for events we care about, such as tabs or labels being clicked
    _watch: function() {

      var self = this;

      // If we're in view only mode we want to disable clicking the inner nav tabs
      if (self._view_only) {
        $('#schedule-editor').find('.nav-tabs a').on('click', function(e) {
          return false;

      // Handle when one of the tabs or labels (checkboxes) is clicked
      $('#schedule-editor').find('a[data-toggle="collapse"], a[data-toggle="tab"], .btn-group > label').on('click', function(e) {
        var $this = $(this);

        // If it's a collapse panel header then pass a reference to it's first tab
        if ($this.data('toggle') === 'collapse') {
          $this = $this.parent().find('.nav li.active a');

        // Are we in view only mode?
        if (self._view_only) {

          // Is it a label (checkbox)? Then we want to stop the click event bubbling
          // up the DOM so the label doesn't get highlighted
          if ($this[0].nodeName === 'LABEL') {
            return false;
        } else {
          // Only handle the update if it isn't a label (checkbox)
          if ($this[0].nodeName !== 'LABEL') {

      // Handle when one of the 'every n x' is inputs is changed
      $('#schedule-editor').find('input[type="number"], input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]').on('change', function(e) {
        if (self._view_only) {
          return false;
        } else {

     * Used to parse the schedule on view load and update the GUI with those values
     * @param {Object} parsed_schedule
    _updateGui: function(parsed_schedule) {
      var self = this;

      if (parsed_schedule.type === 'special') {
        // Select the panel for this expression
        var $panel = $('#schedule-special').parent('.panel');

        // Show the panel
        $panel.find('> a').trigger('click');

        // Check the appropriate radio button
        var $button = $panel.find('input[data-value="' + parsed_schedule.special.value + '"]');
        $button.prop('checked', true);
      } else {
        // Loop each part of the schedule
        Object.keys(parsed_schedule).forEach(function(key, i) {
          var value = parsed_schedule[key].value;
          var type = parsed_schedule[key].type;
          i--; // We need i to be zero indexed

          // Handle updating the GUI
          // TODO: this can probably be refactored into something simpler

          // If it's an every type part, i.e *, then we can just leave the editor in its default state
          if (type === 'every') {

          // Select the panel for this expression
          var $panel = $('#schedule-editor').find('.panel').eq(i);

          // If it's an every-n, i.e */n expression
          if (type === 'every-n') {
            // Show the correct tab
            $panel.find('.nav li:eq(1) a').tab('show');

            // Set the value of the expression in the input box
            $panel.find('.tab-content .active input[type="number"]').val(value.substr(2));
          // If it's an each selected or range, i.e 1,2,3 or 4-5 expression or range/step expression
          } else if (type === 'each' || type === 'each-csv' || type === 'each-range' || type === 'each-range-step') {
            var range,
                selected = [];

            // Show the correct tab
            $panel.find('.nav li').last().find('a').tab('show');

            // If it's just a plain number add it to selected array and we're done
            if (type === 'each') {
            // If it's a csv expression e.g 1,2,3 we need to split them up
            } else if (type === 'each-csv') {
              var split_by_comma = value.split(',');

              for (var j = 0; j < split_by_comma.length; j++) {
            } else if (type === 'each-range' || type === 'each-range-step') {
              // Split the range into its start and end
              range = value.split('-');

              // Loop every value in the range and add it to the selected array
              for (var pos = parseInt(range[0]); pos <= parseInt(range[1]); pos++) {
                // If it's a step expression we need to "jump" over certain parts of the range
                if (type === 'each-range-step') {
                  // Extract the step value from the expression
                  var step = parseInt(value.split('/')[1], 10);

                  // If the position is not divisible by the step value then it can be included in the range
                  if (pos % step !== 0) {


            // Loop every value in the selected array and 'check' it
            $panel.find('.tab-content .active input[type="checkbox"]').each(function(k, v) {
              // Get the 'value' of the checkbox
              var $this = $(this);
              value = $this.data('value');

              // Should it be checked?
              if (selected.indexOf(value.toString()) >= 0) {
                $this.prop('checked', true);

      // Update the hidden form inputs for the schedule
      var formatted_schedule = this.formatted();
      this._updateForm(this.formatted(), this.parse(formatted_schedule));

     * Used to update the hidden form values
     * @param {String} formatted_schedule
     * @param {Object} parsed_schedule
    _updateForm: function(formatted_schedule, parsed_schedule) {
      // Update the schedule input box

      var $hidden_container = $('#hidden-schedule-inputs');

      // Reset all the values first

      // Is it a special schedule?
      if (parsed_schedule.type === 'special') {
      // Otherwise set all the individual parts of the schedules value
      } else {

     * Called when updates are made to the cron GUI
     * @param  {Object} $this
    _onUpdate: function($this) {

      // The 'id' of the event which we use to defer the type
      // it's either the href with the # stripped off if it's a
      // tab click or the actual id attribute of the element
      var id;

      // If the href exists we can assume it's a tab
      if (typeof $this.attr('href') !== 'undefined') {
        id = $this.attr('href').substr(1);
      } else {
        id = $this.attr('id');

        // If it's a checkbox set the id to it's parents parent
        if ($this.attr('type') === 'checkbox' || $this.attr('type') === 'radio') {
          id = $this.closest('.tab-pane').attr('id');
        // If it's a every-n-value then strip off the -value
        } else if (id.substr(-6) === '-value') {
          id = id.substr(0, id.length - 6);

      // Define the types of schedules we are searching for
      var every_n = ['every-minute', 'every-hour', 'every-day-of-the-month', 'every-month', 'every-day-of-the-week'];
      var every_n_type = ['every-n-minutes', 'every-n-hours'];

      // Define the key/value vars used when the change to the schedule is set
      var key = $this.closest('.panel').find('> a[data-toggle="collapse"]').data('type'),
          type = 'normal',
          value = '';

      // Is it a special schedule?
      if (key === 'special') {
        // TODO: this code is terrible but it's late at night, refactor it when you're in a better mood
        value = $this.data('value') === undefined ? $('#schedule-special').find('label.active > input').data('value') : $this.data('value');

        // Default to @hourly if needed
        if (value === undefined) {
          value = '@hourly';

          // Hack the button to be selected, yuck
          var $button = $('#schedule-special').find('input[data-value="@hourly"]');
          $button.prop('checked', true);

        type = 'special';
      // Is it an 'every n' i.e *
      } else if (every_n.indexOf(id) >= 0) {
        value = '*';
      // Is it any 'every n type' i.e */n
      } else if (every_n_type.indexOf(id) >= 0) {
        // Set the value using the value of the input
        value = '*/' + $('#' + id + '-value').val();
      // Otherwise we can assume it's a each selected type
      } else {
        // Loop every checkbox
        $('#' + id).find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function(k, v) {
          // If the checkbox is checked add the value
          if (v.checked === true) {
            value += $(this).data('value') + ',';

        // If no value has been set i.e no checkboxes are ticked, default to *
        if (value.length === 0) {
          value = '*';
        // Otherwise we need to remove the trailing ,
        } else if (value.substr(-1) === ',') {
          value = value.substr(0, value.length - 1);

      // Update the schedule part
      this._schedule.type = type;
      this._schedule[key].value = value;

      // Update the schedule input text box
      var formatted_schedule = this.formatted();
      this._updateForm(this.formatted(), this.parse(formatted_schedule));

     * Normalise expression values, such as the string equivelants of months/days
     * @param  {String} value
     * @return {String}
    _normaliseExpressionValue: function(value) {
      var mappings = {
        'jan': '1',
        'feb': '2',
        'mar': '3',
        'apr': '4',
        'may': '5',
        'jun': '6',
        'jul': '7',
        'aug': '8',
        'sep': '9',
        'oct': '10',
        'nov': '11',
        'dec': '12',
        'sun': '0',
        'mon': '1',
        'tue': '2',
        'wed': '3',
        'thu': '4',
        'fri': '5',
        'sat': '6',
        '@annually': '@yearly'

      // If it was found in the mappings object return it
      if (typeof mappings[value.toLowerCase()] !== 'undefined') {
        return mappings[value.toLowerCase()];

      return value;

     * Is a value numeric?
     * @param  {mixed} value
     * @return {Boolean}
    _isNumeric: function(value) {
      return !isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && isFinite(value);

  // Add it to the Minicron global object
  window.Minicron.Schedule = Schedule;

  // Go!