# Geocoding options
# timeout: 3, # geocoding service timeout (secs)
#lookup: :nominatim, # name of geocoding service (symbol)
#lookup: :google, # name of geocoding service (symbol)
# ip_lookup: :ipinfo_io, # name of IP address geocoding service (symbol)
language: 'pt-br', # ISO-639 language code
#use_https: true, # use HTTPS for lookup requests? (if supported)
# http_proxy: nil, # HTTP proxy server (user:pass@host:port)
# https_proxy: nil, # HTTPS proxy server (user:pass@host:port)
#api_key: "AIzaSyAHpzTI62Hio3f7O9Ep61SbWHom3jeYYrw", # API key for geocoding service
# cache: nil, # cache object (must respond to #[], #[]=, and #del)
# cache_prefix: 'geocoder:', # prefix (string) to use for all cache keys
# Exceptions that should not be rescued by default
# (if you want to implement custom error handling);
# supports SocketError and Timeout::Error
# always_raise: [],
# Calculation options
units: :km, # :km for kilometers or :mi for miles
# distances: :linear # :spherical or :linear