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"""Helper methods for formatting the output of data

.. codeauthor:: Michael Holtzscher <mholtzscher@fanthreesixty.com>
.. codeauthor:: John Lane <john.lane93@gmail.com>


import datetime
from functools import reduce
import random
from typing import Any

from flask import make_response, request
from jinja2 import Template
import pandas as pd
import simplejson

from mockerena.errors import ERROR_422
from mockerena.generate import fake

def to_boolean(var: Any) -> bool:
    """Convert string or object to boolean

    :param var: String or object
    :return: Boolean value
    :rtype: bool

    return var.lower() in ("true", "t", "yes", "y", "1") if isinstance(var, str) else bool(var)

def un_flatten(data: dict, separator: str = '.') -> dict:
    """Un-flatten a dictionary

    :param dict data: Dictionary data
    :param str separator: Key separator
    :return: Un-flattened dictionary
    :rtype: dict

    def _un_flatten(acc: dict, item: tuple) -> dict:
        """Recursively un-flatten dictionary

        :param dict acc: Dictionary data output
        :param tuple item: Key, value pairs
        :return: Un-flattened dictionary
        :rtype: dict

        key, *terms = str(item[0]).split(separator, 1)
        _ = _un_flatten(acc.setdefault(key, {}), (terms[0], item[1])) if terms else acc.update({key: item[1]})
        return acc

    return reduce(_un_flatten, data.items(), {}) if isinstance(data, dict) else data

def generate_xml_template(columns: dict, root_node: str = None) -> str:
    """Convert columns to a Jinja template string

    :param dict columns:
    :param str root_node:
    :return: Jinja template string
    :rtype: str

    if not (isinstance(columns, dict) and columns):
        return ''

    def _generate_xml_template(children: dict, root: str = None) -> str:
        """Convert dictionary to xml

        :param dict children: Mapping of child nodes
        :param str root: Root node name
        :return: XML string
        :rtype: str

        xml = ''
        nested = []

        for key, value in dict.items(children):

            if isinstance(value, dict):
                nested.append(_generate_xml_template(value, key))

                xml += f'<{key}>{str(value)}</{key}>'

        if nested:
            for child in nested:
                xml += child

        return f'<{root}>{str(xml)}</{root}>' if root else xml

    wrapper = (f'<{root_node}>', f'</{root_node}>') if root_node else ('', '')
    return f'{wrapper[0]}{{% for r in records %}}{_generate_xml_template(columns)}{{% endfor %}}{wrapper[1]}'

def format_output(mock: dict, schema: dict, size: int = DEFAULT_SIZE) -> tuple:  # pylint: disable=R0914
    """Formats output as defined in schema

    :param dict mock: Mock data
    :param dict schema: Provider integration data schema
    :param int size: Number of rows
    :return: A http response
    :rtype: tuple

    file_format = request.args.get('file_format', schema.get('file_format', DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT))
    include_header = to_boolean(request.args.get('include_header', schema.get('include_header', DEFAULT_INCLUDE_HEAD)))
    exclude_null = to_boolean(request.args.get('exclude_null', schema.get('exclude_null', DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_NULL)))
    delimiter = schema.get('delimiter', DEFAULT_DELIMITER)
    quote_character = schema.get('quote_character', DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER)
    key_separator = schema.get('key_separator', DEFAULT_KEY_SEPARATOR)
    is_nested = schema.get('is_nested', DEFAULT_IS_NESTED)
    truncated_columns = [column['name'] for column in filter(lambda c: c.get('truncate', False), schema.get('columns'))]

    # Determine how the service will respond
    responses = schema.get('responses', DEFAULT_RESPONSES)
    responses = responses if isinstance(responses, (list, tuple)) and responses else DEFAULT_RESPONSES
    response = random.choices(responses, weights=[response.get('weight', 1) for response in responses])[0]
    status_code = response.get('status_code', 200)
    headers = response.get('headers', None)

    # Remove truncated columns
    for column in truncated_columns:
        mock.pop(column, None)

    if isinstance(response.get('data'), str):
        content = response.get('data')
        content_type = response.get('content_type', 'text/plain')

    elif file_format in ('csv', 'tsv'):
        _delimiter = delimiter if delimiter and len(delimiter) == 1 else ('\t' if file_format == 'tsv' else ',')
        content = _format_pandas(mock, _delimiter, include_header, quote_character)
        content_type = response.get('content_type', 'text/csv')

    elif file_format == 'json':
        content = _format_json(mock, sep=key_separator, exclude_null=exclude_null, is_nested=is_nested)
        content_type = response.get('content_type', 'application/json')

    elif file_format == 'sql':

        def get_row(row: int) -> Any:
            """Get row data from dataset

            :param int row: Row number
            :return: Row data
            :rtype: Any

            return tuple([mock[column][row] for column in mock.keys()])

        table_name = schema.get('table_name', 'EXAMPLE_DATA')
        fields = ', '.join(mock.keys())

        # noinspection SqlNoDataSourceInspection
        content = "\n".join([f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({fields}) VALUES {get_row(row)};" for row in range(0, size)])
        content_type = response.get('content_type', 'application/sql')

    elif file_format == 'xml' or schema.get('template', None):

        key_words = {
            "include_header": include_header,
            "request_param": request.args,
            "fake": fake,
            "exclude_null": exclude_null

        template = schema.get('template')

        if file_format == 'xml' and not template:

            columns = {column['name']: f"{{{{ r['{column['name']}'] }}}}" for column in schema['columns']}

            if is_nested:
                columns = un_flatten(columns, key_separator)

            template = generate_xml_template(columns, schema.get('root_node', 'root'))

        content = _format_template(mock, template, **key_words)
        content_type = response.get(
            'application/xml' if file_format == 'xml' else f'text/{file_format}'


        error = {
            "_status": "ERR",
            "_issues": {
                "validation exception": f"You must provide a template for file format '{str(file_format)}'."
            "_error": ERROR_422

        return simplejson.dumps(error), 422, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")
    filename = schema.get('file_name', schema.get('schema', 'file') + '_{}').format(now)

    resp = make_response(content, status_code)
    resp.headers["Content-Type"] = content_type
    resp.headers["Content-Disposition"] = f'attachment; filename={filename}.{file_format}'

    if headers:
        for header in headers:
            resp.headers[header] = headers[header]

    return resp

def _format_pandas(mock: dict, sep: str, header: bool, quote_character: str = '"') -> str:
    """Returns mock data as csv format

    :param dict mock: Mock data
    :param str sep: Column delimiter
    :param bool header: File headers if any
    :param str quote_character: Character used to quote fields
    :return: Pandas data frame as CSV
    :rtype: str

    return pd.DataFrame(mock).to_csv(sep=sep, index=None, header=header, quotechar=quote_character)

def _format_json(mock: dict, sep: str, exclude_null: bool = False, is_nested: bool = True) -> str:
    """Returns mock data in json format

    :param dict mock: Mock data
    :param str sep: Nested attribute key separator
    :param bool exclude_null: Exclude null entries
    :param bool is_nested: Un-flatten json by separating keys
    :return: JSON string
    :rtype: str

    data_frame = pd.DataFrame(mock)
    records = [row.dropna().to_dict() if exclude_null else row.to_dict() for _, row in data_frame.iterrows()]
    return simplejson.dumps([un_flatten(record, sep) if is_nested else record for record in records], ignore_nan=True)

def _format_template(mock: dict, template: str, **kwargs) -> str:
    """Returns mock data in html format

    :param dict mock: Mock data
    :param str template: Jinja template
    :return: Rendered template
    :rtype: str

    data = pd.DataFrame(mock).to_dict(orient='records')
    return Template(template).render(records=data, **kwargs)