"Error.Passport.Password.Invalid": "The provided password is invalid!",
"Error.Passport.Password.Wrong": "Whoa, that password wasn't quite right!",
"Error.Passport.Password.NotSet": "Oh no, you haven't set a password yet!",
"Error.Passport.Username.NotFound": "Uhm, what's your name again?",
"Error.Passport.User.Exists": "This username is already taken.",
"Error.Passport.Email.NotFound": "That email doesn't seem right",
"Error.Passport.Email.Missing": "You need to supply an email-address for verification",
"Error.Passport.Email.Exists": "This email already exists. So try logging in.",
"Error.Passport.Username.Missing": "You need to supply a username",
"Error.Passport.Password.Missing": "Oh no, you haven't set a password yet!",
"Error.Passport.Generic": "Snap. Something went wrong with authorization."