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# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the new BSD License.
# Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Sebastian Staudt

require 'multi_json'
require 'steam-condenser/community/uri'

require 'steam-condenser/error/web_api'

module SteamCondenser::Community

  # This module provides functionality for accessing Steam's Web API
  # The Web API requires you to register a domain with your Steam account to
  # acquire an API key. See http://steamcommunity.com/dev for further details.
  # @author Sebastian Staudt
  module WebApi

    include SteamCondenser::Logging

    @@api_key = nil

    @@secure = true

    # Returns the Steam Web API key currently used by Steam Condenser
    # @return [String] The currently active Steam Web API key
    def self.api_key

    # Sets the Steam Web API key
    # @param [String] api_key The 128bit API key as a hexadecimal string that
    #        has to be requested from http://steamcommunity.com/dev
    # @raise [Error::WebApi] if the given API key is not a valid 128bit
    #        hexadecimal string
    def self.api_key=(api_key)
      unless api_key.nil? || api_key.match(/^[0-9A-F]{32}$/)
        raise SteamCondenser::Error::WebApi, :invalid_key

      @@api_key = api_key

    # Sets whether HTTPS should be used for the communication with the Web API
    # @param [Boolean] secure Whether to use HTTPS
    def self.secure=(secure)
      @@secure = !!secure

    # Returns a raw list of interfaces and their methods that are available in
    # Steam's Web API
    # This can be used for reference when accessing interfaces and methods that
    # have not yet been implemented by Steam Condenser.
    # @return [Array<Hash>] The list of interfaces and methods
    def self.interfaces
      json('ISteamWebAPIUtil', 'GetSupportedAPIList')[:apilist][:interfaces]

    # Fetches JSON data from Steam Web API using the specified interface,
    # method and version. Additional parameters are supplied via HTTP GET.
    # Data is returned as a Hash containing the JSON data.
    # @param [String] interface The Web API interface to call, e.g.
    #        `ISteamUser`
    # @param [String] method The Web API method to call, e.g.
    #        `GetPlayerSummaries`
    # @param [Fixnum] version The API method version to use
    # @param [Hash<Symbol, Object>] params Additional parameters to supply via
    #        HTTP GET
    # @raise [Error::WebApi] if the request to Steam's Web API fails
    # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The JSON data replied to the request
    def self.json(interface, method, version = 1, params = {})
      data = get :json, interface, method, version, params
      MultiJson.load data, symbolize_keys: true

    # Fetches JSON data from Steam Web API using the specified interface,
    # method and version. Additional parameters are supplied via HTTP GET.
    # Data is returned as a Hash containing the JSON data.
    # @param [String] interface The Web API interface to call, e.g.
    #        `ISteamUser`
    # @param [String] method The Web API method to call, e.g.
    #        `GetPlayerSummaries`
    # @param [Fixnum] version The API method version to use
    # @param [Hash<Symbol, Object>] params Additional parameters to supply via
    #        HTTP GET
    # @raise [Error::WebApi] if the request to Steam's Web API fails
    # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The JSON data replied to the request
    def self.json!(interface, method, version = 1, params = {})
      result = json(interface, method, version, params)[:result]

      status = result[:status]
      if status != 1
        raise SteamCondenser::Error::WebApi.new :status_bad, status, result[:statusDetail]


    # Fetches data from Steam Web API using the specified interface, method and
    # version. Additional parameters are supplied via HTTP GET. Data is
    # returned as a string in the given format.
    # @param [Symbol] format The format to load from the API (`:json`, `:vdf`,
    #        or `:xml`)
    # @param [String] interface The Web API interface to call, e.g.
    #        `ISteamUser`
    # @param [String] method The Web API method to call, e.g.
    #        `GetPlayerSummaries`
    # @param [Fixnum] version The API method version to use
    # @param [Hash<Symbol, Object>] params Additional parameters to supply via
    #        HTTP GET
    # @raise [Error::WebApi] if the request to Steam's Web API fails
    # @return [String] The data as replied by the Web API in the desired format
    def self.get(format, interface, method, version = 1, params = {})
      params = { key: WebApi.api_key }.merge params unless WebApi.api_key.nil?
      params = { format: format }.merge params
      protocol = @@secure ? 'https' : 'http'
      url = "#{protocol}://api.steampowered.com/#{interface}/#{method}/v#{version}/" +
            '?' + params.map { |k,v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('&')

        if log.debug?
          debug_url = @@api_key.nil? ? url : url.gsub(@@api_key, 'SECRET')
          log.debug "Querying Steam Web API: #{debug_url}"
        URI.open(url, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' , proxy: true }).read
      rescue OpenURI::HTTPError
        status = $!.io.status[0]
        status = [status, ''] unless status.is_a? Array
        raise SteamCondenser::Error::WebApi, :unauthorized if status[0].to_i == 401
        raise SteamCondenser::Error::WebApi.new :http_error, status[0].to_i, status[1]
