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Test Coverage
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the new BSD License.
# Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Sebastian Staudt

require 'steam-condenser/error'
require 'steam-condenser/error/timeout'
require 'steam-condenser/servers/base_server'
require 'steam-condenser/servers/steam_player'
require 'steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_info_packet'
require 'steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_player_packet'
require 'steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_rules_packet'
require 'steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_serverquery_getchallenge_packet'
require 'steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info_base_packet'
require 'steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_player_packet'
require 'steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_rules_packet'
require 'steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2c_challenge_packet'

module SteamCondenser

  module Servers

    # This module is included by classes representing different game server
    # implementations and provides the basic functionality to communicate with
    # them using the common query protocol
    # @author Sebastian Staudt
    module GameServer

      include BaseServer

      # Parses the player attribute names supplied by `rcon status`
      # @param [String] status_header The header line provided by `rcon status`
      # @return [Array<Symbol>] Split player attribute names
      # @see .split_player_status
      def self.player_status_attributes(status_header)
        status_header.split.map do |attribute|
          case attribute
            when 'connected'
            when 'frag'

      # Splits the player status obtained with `rcon status`
      # @param [Array<Symbol>] attributes The attribute names
      # @param [String] player_status The status line of a single player
      # @return [Hash<Symbol, String>] The attributes with the corresponding values
      #         for this player
      # @see .player_status_attributes
      def self.split_player_status(attributes, player_status)
        player_status.sub! /^\d+ +/, '' if attributes.first != :userid

        first_quote = player_status.index '"'
        last_quote  = player_status.rindex '"'
        data = [
          player_status[0, first_quote],
          player_status[first_quote + 1..last_quote - 1],
          player_status[last_quote + 1..-1]
        data = [ data[0].split, data[1], data[2].split ]

        if attributes.size > data.size && attributes.include?(:state)
          data.insert 3, nil, nil, nil
        elsif attributes.size < data.size
          data.delete_at 1

        player_data = {}
        data.each_index do |i|
          player_data[attributes[i]] = data[i]


      # Creates a new instance of a game server object
      # @param [String] address Either an IP address, a DNS name or one of them
      #        combined with the port number. If a port number is given, e.g.
      #        'server.example.com:27016' it will override the second argument.
      # @param [Fixnum] port The port the server is listening on
      # @raise [Error] if an host name cannot be resolved
      def initialize(address, port = 27015)

        @rcon_authenticated = false

      # Returns the last measured response time of this server
      # If the latency hasn't been measured yet, it is done when calling this
      # method for the first time.
      # If this information is vital to you, be sure to call {#update_ping}
      # regularly to stay up-to-date.
      # @return [Fixnum] The latency of this server in milliseconds
      # @see #update_ping
      def ping
        update_ping if @ping.nil?

      # Returns a list of players currently playing on this server
      # If the players haven't been fetched yet, it is done when calling this
      # method for the first time.
      # As the players and their scores change quite often be sure to update this
      # list regularly by calling {#update_players} if you rely on this
      # information.
      # @param [String] rcon_password The RCON password of this server may be
      #        provided to gather more detailed information on the players, like
      #        STEAM_IDs.
      # @return [Hash] The players on this server
      # @see update_players
      def players(rcon_password = nil)
        update_players(rcon_password) if @player_hash.nil?

      # Authenticates the connection for RCON communication with the server
      # @abstract Must be be implemented by including classes to handle the
      #           authentication
      # @param [String] password The RCON password of the server
      # @return [Boolean] whether the authentication was successful
      # @see #rcon_exec
      def rcon_auth(password)
        raise NotImplementedError

      # Returns whether the RCON connection to this server is already authenticated
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if the RCON connection is authenticated
      # @see #rcon_auth
      def rcon_authenticated?

      # Remotely executes a command on the server via RCON
      # @abstract Must be be implemented by including classes to handle the command
      #           execution
      # @param [String] command The command to execute on the server
      # @return [String] The output of the executed command
      # @see #rcon_auth
      def rcon_exec(command)
        raise NotImplementedError

      # Returns the settings applied on the server. These settings are also called
      # rules.
      # If the rules haven't been fetched yet, it is done when calling this method
      # for the first time.
      # As the rules usually don't change often, there's almost no need to update
      # this hash. But if you need to, you can achieve this by calling
      # {#update_rules}.
      # @return [Hash<String, String>] The currently active server rules
      # @see #update_rules
      def rules
        update_rules if @rules_hash.nil?

      # Returns a hash with basic information on the server.
      # If the server information haven't been fetched yet, it is done when
      # calling this method for the first time.
      # The server information usually only changes on map change and when players
      # join or leave. As the latter changes can be monitored by calling
      # {#update_players}, there's no need to call {#update_server_info} very
      # often.
      # @return [Hash] Server attributes with their values
      # @see #update_server_info
      def server_info
        update_server_info if @info_hash.nil?

      # Sends the specified request to the server and handles the returned response
      # Depending on the given request type this will fill the various data
      # attributes of the server object.
      # @param [Symbol] request_type The type of request to send to the server
      # @param [Boolean] repeat_on_failure Whether the request should be repeated,
      #        if the replied packet isn't expected. This is useful to handle
      #        missing challenge numbers, which will be automatically filled in,
      #        although not requested explicitly.
      # @raise [Error] if either the request type or the response
      #        packet is not known
      def handle_response_for_request(request_type, repeat_on_failure = true)
        case request_type
          when :challenge then
            request_packet = Packets::A2S_PLAYER_Packet.new
            expected_response = Packets::S2C_CHALLENGE_Packet
          when :info then
            request_packet = Packets::A2S_INFO_Packet.new
            expected_response = Packets::S2A_INFO_BasePacket
          when :players then
            request_packet = Packets::A2S_PLAYER_Packet.new(@challenge_number)
            expected_response = Packets::S2A_PLAYER_Packet
          when :rules then
            request_packet = Packets::A2S_RULES_Packet.new(@challenge_number)
            expected_response = Packets::S2A_RULES_Packet
            raise SteamCondenser::Error, 'Called with wrong request type.'

        @socket.send_packet request_packet
        response_packet = @socket.reply

        if response_packet.kind_of? Packets::S2A_INFO_BasePacket
          @info_hash = response_packet.info
        elsif response_packet.kind_of? Packets::S2A_PLAYER_Packet
          @player_hash = response_packet.player_hash
        elsif response_packet.kind_of? Packets::S2A_RULES_Packet
          @rules_hash = response_packet.rules_hash
        elsif response_packet.kind_of? Packets::S2C_CHALLENGE_Packet
          @challenge_number = response_packet.challenge_number
          raise SteamCondenser::Error, "Response of type #{response_packet.class} cannot be handled by this method."

        unless response_packet.kind_of? expected_response
          if log.info?
            expected_class = expected_response.class.name[/[^:]*\z/]
            response_class = response_packet.class.name[/[^:]*\z/]
            log.info "Expected #{expected_class}, got #{response_class}."
          handle_response_for_request(request_type, false) if repeat_on_failure

      # Initializes this server object with basic information
      # @see #update_challenge_number
      # @see #update_ping
      # @see #update_server_info
      def init

      # Sends a A2S_PLAYERS request to the server and updates the players' data for
      # this server
      # As the players and their scores change quite often be sure to update this
      # list regularly by calling this method if you rely on this
      # information.
      # @param [String] rcon_password The RCON password of this server may be
      #        provided to gather more detailed information on the players, like
      #        STEAM_IDs.
      # @see #handle_response_for_request
      # @see #players
      def update_players(rcon_password = nil)
        handle_response_for_request :players

        unless @rcon_authenticated
          return if rcon_password.nil?
          rcon_auth rcon_password

        players = rcon_exec('status').lines.select do |line|
          line.start_with?('#') && line != "#end\n"
        end.map do |line|
        attributes = GameServer.player_status_attributes players.shift

        players.each do |player|
          player_data = GameServer.split_player_status(attributes, player)
          player_name = player_data[:name]
          if @player_hash.key? player_name
            @player_hash[player_name].add_info player_data

      # Sends a A2S_RULES request to the server and updates the rules of this
      # server
      # As the rules usually don't change often, there's almost no need to update
      # this hash. But if you need to, you can achieve this by calling this method.
      # @see #handle_response_for_request
      # @see #rules
      def update_rules
        handle_response_for_request :rules

      # Sends a A2S_INFO request to the server and updates this server's basic
      # information
      # The server information usually only changes on map change and when players
      # join or leave. As the latter changes can be monitored by calling
      # {#update_players}, there's no need to call this method very often.
      # @see #handle_response_for_request
      # @see #server_info
      def update_server_info
        handle_response_for_request :info

      # Sends a A2S_SERVERQUERY_GETCHALLENGE request to the server and updates the
      # challenge number used to communicate with this server
      # There's usually no need to call this method explicitly, because
      # {#handle_response_for_request} will automatically get the challenge number
      # when the server assigns a new one.
      # @see #handle_response_for_request
      # @see #init
      def update_challenge_number
        handle_response_for_request :challenge

      # Sends a A2S_INFO request to the server and measures the time needed for the
      # reply
      # If this information is vital to you, be sure to call this method regularly
      # to stay up-to-date.
      # @return [Fixnum] The latency of this server in milliseconds
      # @see #ping
      def update_ping
        @socket.send_packet Packets::A2S_INFO_Packet.new
        start_time = Time.now
        end_time = Time.now
        @ping = (end_time - start_time) * 1000

      # Returns a human-readable text representation of the server
      # @return [String] Available information about the server in a human-readable
      #         format
      def to_s
        return_string = ''

        return_string << "Ping: #@ping\n"
        return_string << "Challenge number: #@challenge_number\n"

        unless @info_hash.nil?
          return_string << "Info:\n"
          @info_hash.each do |key, value|
            return_string << "  #{key}: #{value.inspect}\n"

        unless @player_hash.nil?
          return_string << "Players:\n"
          @player_hash.each_value do |player|
            return_string << "  #{player}\n"

        unless @rules_hash.nil?
          return_string << "Rules:\n"
          @rules_hash.each do |key, value|
            return_string << "  #{key}: #{value}\n"

