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 * @file src/Korowai/Lib/Ldap/Adapter/AdapterInterface.php
 * This file is part of the Korowai package
 * @author Paweł Tomulik <ptomulik@meil.pw.edu.pl>
 * @package korowai\contracts
 * @license Distributed under MIT license.


namespace Korowai\Lib\Ldap\Adapter;

 * Provides access to an LDAP implementation via set of supplementary
 * interfaces.
 * @author Paweł Tomulik <ptomulik@meil.pw.edu.pl>
interface AdapterInterface
     * Returns the current binding object.
     * @return BindingInterface
    public function getBinding() : BindingInterface;
     * Returns the current entry manager.
     * @return EntryManagerInterface
    public function getEntryManager() : EntryManagerInterface;
     * Creates a search query.
     * @param string $base_dn Base DN where the search will start
     * @param string $filter Filter used by ldap search
     * @param array $options Additional search options
     * @return SearchQueryInterface
    public function createSearchQuery(string $base_dn, string $filter, array $options = array()) : SearchQueryInterface;
     * Creates a compare query.
     * @param string $dn DN of the target entry
     * @param string $attribute Target attribute
     * @param string $value Value used for comparison
     * @return CompareQueryInterface
    public function createCompareQuery(string $dn, string $attribute, string $value) : CompareQueryInterface;

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