

6 hrs
Test Coverage
package object

import (
    io "io"


// ActionName returns the name of the method, signal or property.
func (m *MetaObject) ActionName(id uint32) (string, error) {
    for k, method := range m.Methods {
        if k == id {
            return method.Name, nil
    for k, signal := range m.Signals {
        if k == id {
            return signal.Name, nil
    for k, property := range m.Properties {
        if k == id {
            return property.Name, nil
    return "", fmt.Errorf("action not found: %d", id)

// MethodID returns the ID of a method given its name, the parameters
// signature and the returned value signature.
func (m *MetaObject) MethodID(name, signature string) (uint32, string, error) {
    for k, method := range m.Methods {
        if method.Name == name &&
            method.ParametersSignature == signature {
            return k, method.ReturnSignature, nil
    for k, method := range m.Methods {
        if method.Name == name {
            return k, method.ReturnSignature, nil
    return 0, "", fmt.Errorf("missing method %s", name)

// SignalID returns the ID of a signal given its name and its
// signature. If the signature does not match:
// - if it is not a tuple, try with a tuple
// - else return the first signal with the same name
func (m *MetaObject) SignalID(name, sig string) (uint32, error) {
    for _, signal := range m.Signals {
        if signal.Name == name &&
            signal.Signature == sig {
            return signal.Uid, nil
    t, err := signature.Parse(sig)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse signal signature: %s", err)
    _, ok := t.(*signature.TupleType)
    if !ok {
        // try to wrap the type in a tuple
        tuple := signature.NewTupleType([]signature.Type{t})
        return m.SignalID(name, tuple.Signature())
    // last chance: try the first signal with the same name.
    for _, signal := range m.Signals {
        if signal.Name == name {
            return signal.Uid, nil
    return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot find signal %s", name)

// PropertyID returns the ID of a property given its name and its
// signature. If the signature does not match:
// - if it is not a tuple, try with a tuple
// - else return the first property with the same name
func (m *MetaObject) PropertyID(name, sig string) (uint32, error) {
    for _, property := range m.Properties {
        if property.Name == name &&
            property.Signature == sig {
            return property.Uid, nil
    // The signature may or may not include the tuple parameters.
    // If it does not, add it and test again.
    t, err := signature.Parse(sig)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse property signature: %s", err)
    _, ok := t.(*signature.TupleType)
    if !ok {
        // try to wrap the type in a tuple
        tuple := signature.NewTupleType([]signature.Type{t})
        return m.PropertyID(name, tuple.Signature())
    // last chance: try the first signal with the same name.
    for _, property := range m.Properties {
        if property.Name == name {
            return property.Uid, nil
    return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot find property %s", name)

func (m *MetaObject) PropertyName(id uint32) (string, error) {
    prop, ok := m.Properties[id]
    if !ok {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("missing property %d", id)
    return prop.Name, nil

func registerName(name string, names map[string]bool) string {
    newName := name
    for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
        if _, ok := names[newName]; !ok {
        newName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", name, i)
    names[newName] = true
    return newName

// JSON returns a json string describing the meta object.
func (m *MetaObject) JSON() string {
    json, _ := json.MarshalIndent(m, "", "    ")
    return string(json)

// ForEachMethodAndSignal call methodCall and signalCall for each
// method and signal respectively. Always call them in the same order
// and unsure the generated method names are unique within the object.
func (m *MetaObject) ForEachMethodAndSignal(
    methodCall func(m MetaMethod, methodName string) error,
    signalCall func(s MetaSignal, signalName string) error,
    propertyCall func(p MetaProperty, propertyName string) error) error {

    methodNames := make(map[string]bool)
    keys := make([]int, 0)
    for k := range m.Methods {
        keys = append(keys, int(k))
    for _, i := range keys {
        k := uint32(i)
        m := m.Methods[k]

        // generate uniq name for the method
        methodName := registerName(strings.Title(m.Name), methodNames)
        if err := methodCall(m, methodName); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("method callback failed for %s: %s", m.Name, err)
    keys = make([]int, 0)
    for k := range m.Signals {
        keys = append(keys, int(k))
    for _, i := range keys {
        k := uint32(i)
        s := m.Signals[k]
        signalName := registerName(strings.Title(s.Name), methodNames)

        if err := signalCall(s, signalName); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("signal callback failed for %s: %s", s.Name, err)
    keys = make([]int, 0)
    for k := range m.Properties {
        keys = append(keys, int(k))
    for _, i := range keys {
        k := uint32(i)
        p := m.Properties[k]
        propertyName := registerName(strings.Title(p.Name), methodNames)

        if err := propertyCall(p, propertyName); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("property callback failed for %s: %s",
                p.Name, err)
    return nil

// ReadMetaObject unserialize a MetaObject and returns it.
func ReadMetaObject(r io.Reader) (s MetaObject, err error) {
    return readMetaObject(r)

// WriteMetaObject serialize a MetaObject.
func WriteMetaObject(s MetaObject, w io.Writer) (err error) {
    return writeMetaObject(s, w)

// ReadMetaObject serialize an ObjectReference.
func ReadObjectReference(r io.Reader) (s ObjectReference, err error) {
    return readObjectReference(r)

// WriteObjectReference unserialize an ObjectReference and returns it.
func WriteObjectReference(s ObjectReference, w io.Writer) (err error) {
    return writeObjectReference(s, w)

// FullMetaObject fills the meta object with generic objects methods.
func FullMetaObject(from MetaObject) MetaObject {

    var meta MetaObject
    meta.Description = from.Description
    meta.Methods = make(map[uint32]MetaMethod)
    meta.Signals = make(map[uint32]MetaSignal)
    meta.Properties = make(map[uint32]MetaProperty)
    for id, m := range from.Methods {
        meta.Methods[id] = m
    for id, s := range from.Signals {
        meta.Signals[id] = s
    for id, p := range from.Properties {
        meta.Properties[id] = p

    for i, method := range ObjectMetaObject.Methods {
        meta.Methods[i] = method
    for i, signal := range ObjectMetaObject.Signals {
        meta.Signals[i] = signal
    for i, property := range ObjectMetaObject.Properties {
        meta.Properties[i] = property
    return meta