namespace luya\admin\dashboard;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\helpers\Html;
* ECharts library dashboard object.
* The see all possible configuration options visit:
* Example usage:
* ```php
* public $dashboardObjects = [
* [
* 'class' => 'luya\admin\dashboard\ChartDashboardObject',
* 'dataApiUrl' => 'admin/api-addressbook-contact/sale',
* 'title' => 'Echart'
* ]
* ];
* ```
* Doughnut echarts ( example response:
* ```php
* public function actionSale()
* {
* return [
* 'tooltip' => ['trigger' => 'item', 'formatter' => '{b}: {c} million ({d}%)'],
* 'legend' => ['orient' => 'vertical', 'x' => 'left', 'data' => ['Asia', 'Africa', 'America', 'Europe', 'Oceania']],
* 'series' => [
* [
* 'name' => "Continent",
* 'type' => 'pie',
* 'radius' => ['50%', '70%'],
* 'avoidLabelOverlap' => false,
* 'labelLine' => ['normal' => ['show' => false]],
* 'label' => [
* 'normal' => ['show' => false, 'position' => 'center'],
* 'emphasis' => [
* 'show' => true,
* 'textStyle' => [
* 'fontSize' => '30',
* 'fontWeight' => 'bold'
* ]
* ]
* ],
* 'data' => [
* ['value' => 4437, 'name' => 'Asia'],
* ['value' => 1203, 'name' => 'Africa'],
* ['value' => 997, 'name' => 'America'],
* ['value' => 740, 'name' => 'Europe'],
* ['value' => 40, 'name' => 'Oceania'],
* ]
* ]
* ]
* ];
* }
* ```
* An API response example for a line diagram:
* ```php
* return [
* 'xAxis' => ['type' => 'category', 'boundaryGap' => false, 'data' => ['Jan', 'Feb', 'March']],
* 'yAxis' => ['type' => 'value'],
* 'series' => [
* 'data' => [100,200,125],
* 'type' => 'line',
* ]
* ];
* ```
* Read more about echarts:
* @author Oom <>
* @since 1.0.2
class ChartDashboardObject extends BaseDashboardObject
* @var array Options to generate the wrapper element. Generates a tag like:
* ```php
* <div class="card-panel" ng-controller="DefaultDashboardObjectController" ng-init="loadData(\'{{dataApiUrl}}\');">
* <!-- content from: $outerTemplate -->
* </div>
* ```
* The tag element `<div>` can be changed by overriding the key `tag`.
public $wrapperOptions = [
'class' => 'card',
'tag' => 'div'
* Get outer Template for echarts
* ```php
* <div class="card-header"><h4>{{title}}<h4></div>
* <echarts id="charts_'.$uniqid.'" legend="legend" data="data"></echarts>
* ```
* The variables
* + {{title}}
* + {{dataApiUrl}}
* Will be automatically parsed to its original input while rendering.
* @return string
public function getOuterTemplate()
return '<div class="card-header">{{title}}</div><div class="card-body"><echarts id="charts_'.$this->generateUniqueId().'" data="data"></echarts></div>';
* @inheritdoc
public function getOuterTemplateContent()
$options = ArrayHelper::merge([
'ng-controller' => 'DefaultDashboardObjectController',
'ng-init' => 'loadData(\'{{dataApiUrl}}\')'], $this->wrapperOptions);
return Html::tag(ArrayHelper::remove($this->wrapperOptions, 'tag', 'div'), $this->getOuterTemplate(), $options);
* @return string An unique string.
protected function generateUniqueId()
return md5($this::class . $this->getTitle() . uniqid());