namespace luya\admin\models;
use luya\admin\aws\DetailViewActiveWindow;
use luya\admin\Module;
use luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel;
use yii\base\Arrayable;
use yii\helpers\Json;
* Application Logger.
* Logger to store information when working in controllers and actions.
* + {{luya\admin\models\Logger::info()}}
* + {{luya\admin\models\Logger::success()}}
* + {{luya\admin\models\Logger::success()}}
* + {{luya\admin\models\Logger::error()}}
* Sometimes its usefull to trace data from an action or controller in order to find out what happens an critical areas runing trough the system.
* An example of how to use the logger inside an order action:
* ```php
* public function actionPaymentOrder($id)
* {
* Logger::info('loading the payment model: ' . $id);
* $model = MyModel::findOne($id);
* if (!$model) {
* Logger::error('Unable to find the model id: ' . $id);
* throw new \Exception("abort");
* }
* if ($model->amount < 0) {
* Logger::warning('Maybe something is wrong with model is amount is less then 0');
* }
* if ($model->save()) {
* Logger::success("The model has been saved and validatet successful");
* }
* }
* ```
* If there are multiple log informations on the same site and you like to seperate them use the group attribute.
* ```php
* public function actionLogin()
* {
* Yii::$app->user->login();
* Logger::info('User is logging in', 'user');
* Yii::$app->user->addToBasket('Product 1');
* Logger::info('Add Product to users Cart', 'basket');
* Logger::info('Redirect the user to basket', 'user');
* Yii::$app->user->redirect();
* }
* ```
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $time
* @property string $message
* @property integer $type
* @property string $trace_file
* @property string $trace_line
* @property string $trace_function
* @property string $trace_function_args
* @property string $get
* @property string $post
* @property string $session
* @property string $server
* @property string $group_identifier If provided the group_identifier is used to group multiple logging informations into one trace in order to see what messages should be display togher (trace behavior).
* @property integer $group_identifier_index
* @author Basil Suter <>
* @since 1.0.0
final class Logger extends NgRestModel
* @var integer Type level info.
public const TYPE_INFO = 1;
* @var integer Type level warning.
public const TYPE_WARNING = 2;
* @var integer Type level error.
public const TYPE_ERROR = 3;
* @var integer Type level success.
public const TYPE_SUCCESS = 4;
* @inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return '{{%admin_logger}}';
* @inheritdoc
public static function ngRestApiEndpoint()
return 'api-admin-logger';
* @inheritdoc
public function ngRestAttributeTypes()
return [
'time' => 'datetime',
'message' => 'text',
'group_identifier' => 'text',
'group_identifier_index' => 'number',
* @inheritdoc
public function ngRestExtraAttributeTypes()
return [
'typeBadge' => ['html', 'sortField' => 'type'],
* Get the html badge for a status type in order to display inside the admin module.
* @return string Type value evaluated as a badge.
public function getTypeBadge()
return match ($this->type) {
self::TYPE_INFO => '<span class="badge badge-info">info</span>',
self::TYPE_WARNING => '<span class="badge badge-warning">Warning</span>',
self::TYPE_ERROR => '<span class="badge badge-danger">Error</span>',
self::TYPE_SUCCESS => '<span class="badge badge-success">success</span>',
default => '',
public function ngRestGroupByField()
return 'group_identifier';
* @inheritdoc
public function extraFields()
return ['typeBadge'];
* @inheritdoc
public function ngRestConfig($config)
'class' => DetailViewActiveWindow::class,
'attributes' => [
$this->ngRestConfigDefine($config, ['list'], ['message', 'typeBadge', 'time', 'group_identifier', 'group_identifier_index']);
$config->delete = true;
* @inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['time', 'message', 'type'], 'required'],
[['time', 'type', 'group_identifier_index'], 'integer'],
[['message', 'get', 'post', 'session', 'server', 'group_identifier'], 'string'],
[['trace_file', 'trace_line', 'trace_function', 'trace_function_args'], 'safe'],
private static array $identiferIndex = [];
private static $requestIdentifier;
* Generate request identifier.
* @return string
private static function getRequestIdentifier()
if (self::$requestIdentifier === null) {
self::$requestIdentifier = uniqid('logger', true);
return self::$requestIdentifier;
* Get array index based on identifiers.
* @param string $message
* @param string $groupIdentifier
* @return string[]|mixed[]
private static function getHashArray($message, $groupIdentifier)
$hash = md5(static::getRequestIdentifier() . Json::encode((array) $groupIdentifier));
if (isset(self::$identiferIndex[$hash])) {
} else {
self::$identiferIndex[$hash] = 1;
$hashIndex = self::$identiferIndex[$hash];
return [
'hash' => $hash,
'index' => $hashIndex,
* Internal generate log message.
* @param string $type
* @param string $message
* @param string $trace
* @param string $groupIdentifier
* @return boolean
private static function log($type, $message, $trace, $groupIdentifier)
$hashArray = static::getHashArray($message, $groupIdentifier);
$file = 'unknown';
$line = 'unknown';
$fn = 'unknown';
$fnArgs = [];
if (isset($trace[0])) {
$file = !isset($trace[0]['file']) ?: $trace[0]['file'];
$line = !isset($trace[0]['line']) ?: $trace[0]['line'];
$fn = !isset($trace[0]['function']) ?: $trace[0]['function'];
$fnArgs = !isset($trace[0]['args']) ?: $trace[0]['args'];
if (isset($trace[1])) {
$fn = !isset($trace[1]['function']) ?: $trace[1]['function'];
$fnArgs = !isset($trace[1]['args']) ?: $trace[1]['args'];
if ($message instanceof Arrayable) {
$message = $message->toArray();
$model = new self();
$model->attributes = [
'time' => time(),
'message' => is_array($message) ? Json::encode($message) : $message,
'type' => $type,
'trace_file' => $file,
'trace_line' => $line,
'trace_function' => $fn,
'trace_function_args' => Json::encode($fnArgs),
'get' => (isset($_GET)) ? Json::encode($_GET) : '{}',
'post' => (isset($_POST)) ? Json::encode($_POST) : '{}',
'session' => (isset($_SESSION)) ? Json::encode($_SESSION) : '{}',
'server' => (isset($_SERVER)) ? Json::encode($_SERVER) : '{}',
'group_identifier' => $hashArray['hash'],
'group_identifier_index' => $hashArray['index'],
return $model->save(false);
* @inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => Module::t('model_pk_id'),
'time' => Module::t('model_logger_time'),
'message' => Module::t('model_logger_message'),
'type' => Module::t('model_logger_type'),
'trace_file' => Module::t('model_logger_trace_file'),
'trace_line' => Module::t('model_logger_trace_line'),
'trace_function' => Module::t('model_logger_trace_function'),
'trace_function_args' => Module::t('model_logger_trace_function_args'),
'get' => Module::t('model_logger_get'),
'post' => Module::t('model_logger_post'),
'session' => Module::t('model_logger_session'),
'server' => Module::t('model_logger_server'),
'group_identifier' => Module::t('model_logger_group_identifier'),
'group_identifier_index' => Module::t('model_logger_group_identifier_index'),
'typeBadge' => Module::t('model_logger_badgetype'),
* Log a success message.
* @param string $message The message to log for this current request event.
* @param string $groupIdentifier If multiple logger events are in the same action and you want to seperate them, define an additional group identifier.
* @return boolean
public static function success($message, $groupIdentifier = null)
return static::log(self::TYPE_SUCCESS, $message, debug_backtrace(false, 2), $groupIdentifier);
* Log an error message.
* @param string $message The message to log for this current request event.
* @param string $groupIdentifier If multiple logger events are in the same action and you want to seperate them, define an additional group identifier.
* @return boolean
public static function error($message, $groupIdentifier = null)
return static::log(self::TYPE_ERROR, $message, debug_backtrace(false, 2), $groupIdentifier);
* Log an info message.
* @param string $message The message to log for this current request event.
* @param string $groupIdentifier If multiple logger events are in the same action and you want to seperate them, define an additional group identifier.
* @return boolean
public static function info($message, $groupIdentifier = null)
return static::log(self::TYPE_INFO, $message, debug_backtrace(false, 2), $groupIdentifier);
* Log a warning message.
* @param string $message The message to log for this current request event.
* @param string $groupIdentifier If multiple logger events are in the same action and you want to seperate them, define an additional group identifier.
* @return boolean
public static function warning($message, $groupIdentifier = null)
return static::log(self::TYPE_WARNING, $message, debug_backtrace(false, 2), $groupIdentifier);