namespace luya\admin\ngrest\base;
use luya\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use Yii;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\db\ActiveQuery;
use yii\db\Exception;
use yii\db\Expression;
* NgRest Active Query.
* This class extends the {{yii\db\ActiveQuery}} with the {{i18nWhere()}} method which does only work on mysql 5.7.
* @author Basil Suter <>
* @since 1.2.2
class NgRestActiveQuery extends ActiveQuery
* Very basic where condition for i18n fields which use mysql's JSON_EXTRACT function.
* This method allows very basic where condition for NgRest model fiels which are cased as {{luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel::$i18n}}.
* Assuming your ngrest model has an i18n field:
* ```php
* class MyModel extends NgRestModel
* {
* public $i18n = ['slug', 'name'];
* }
* ```
* The value for slug will be stored as json in the database, an example record for slug could look like `{"en":"english-slug","de":"german-slug"}`.
* In order to perform where conditions with the json fields you can use {{i18nWhere}}. The above example where condition could be:
* ```php
* $model = MyModel::find()->i18nWhere('slug', 'german-slug')->one();
* ```
* > Keep in mind this only works with mysql version 5.7 and above.
* @param string $field The field (attribute) name which is cased with {{luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel::$i18n}}
* @param string $value The value to compare within the json string
* @param string $operator The operator which should be used for the where condition, by default its "EQUALS" or "=" {@since 2.0.2}
* @return NgRestActiveQuery
public function i18nWhere($field, $value, $operator = '=')
return $this->jsonWhere($operator, $field, Yii::$app->composition->langShortCode, $value);
* Where condition with json values.
* ```
* jsonWhere(['=', 'json_values', 'key', 'value']);
* ```
* Assuming you have a json value in the field `json_values` stored as objects, for example `{"key":"value", "key":"value2"}`
* > Keep in mind this only works with mysql version 5.7 and above.
* @param string $operator The operator to compare the value
* @param string $field The field which contains the json data
* @param string $key The key inside the json object to compare
* @param string|integer $value The value to compare against the key value.
* @return NgRestActiveQuery
* @since 2.0.0
public function jsonWhere($operator, $field, $key, $value)
return $this->andWhere([$operator, "JSON_EXTRACT({$field}, \"$.{$key}\")", $value]);
* Order by a given json key inside a field.
* ```
* ->orderBy('title_json', 'de', 'asc')
* ```
* Assuming the database content of `title_json` looks like this:
* ```
* {'de': 'foobar', 'en' : 'foobar'}
* ```
* @param string $field The field name (attribute) which contains the json
* @param string $key The json key inside the json object to sort after
* @param string $direction Either `desc` or `asc`
* @see
* @return NgRestActiveQuery
* @since 4.5.0
public function jsonOrderBy($field, $key, $direction)
return $this->orderBy(new Expression($field . '->"$.'.$key.'" ' . $direction));
* Where condition for a field inside an array.
* ```
* jsonWhere(['json_values', 'key', 'value']);
* ```
* Assuming you have a json value in the field `json_values` stored as array with obejcts, for example `[{"key":"value"}, {"key":"value2"}]`.
* > Keep in mind this only works with mysql version 5.7 and above.
* @param string $field The field which contains the json data
* @param string $key The key inside the json array object
* @param string|integer $value The value to compare against the key
* @return NgRestActiveQuery
* @since 2.1.0
public function jsonArrayWhere($field, $key, $value)
return $this->andWhere(['>', "JSON_CONTAINS(JSON_EXTRACT({$field}, \"$[*].{$key}\"), \"{$value}\")", 0]);
* Generate a pool where condition for a given ngRestPools() definition.
* The defined pool must exists in the list of {{luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel::ngRestPools()}}. If not found
* the where condition will not be added. If $exception is enabled an exception will be thrown when the pool identifier
* is not found in the list of pools.
* @param string $pool The name of the pool to lookup in the ngRestPools(). Usually provied via Yii::$app->request->get('pool')
* @param boolean $exception Whether the method should throw an exception if the pool can not be found in the list of model pools. {@since 2.4.0}
* @return NgRestActiveQuery
* @since 2.0.0
public function inPool($pool = null, $exception = false)
if (empty($pool)) {
return $this;
$model = Yii::createObject($this->modelClass);
if (array_key_exists($pool, $model->ngRestPools())) {
return $this->andWhere($model->ngRestPools()[$pool]);
if ($exception) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("The requested pool identifier '{$pool}' does not exist in the ngRestPools() definition.");
return $this;
* Add a where condition for the current model primary key.
* ```php
* MyModel::ngRestFind()->byPrimaryKey(1);
* // equals to if primary key field is id
* MyModel::ngRestFind()->andWhere(['id' => 1]);
* ```
* Composite keys
* ```php
* MyModel::ngRestFind()->byPrimaryKey("1,14");
* // or
* MyModel::ngRerstFind()->byPrimaryKey([1,14]);
* // equals to if composite primary key would be user_id and group_id
* MyModel::ngRestFind()->andWhere(['user_id' => 1, 'group_id' => 14]);
* ```
* @param string|array $condition
* @return NgRestActiveQuery
* @since 2.0.1
public function byPrimaryKey($condition)
$modelClass = $this->modelClass;
$keys = $modelClass::primaryKey();
$values = is_array($condition) ? array_values($condition) : explode(',', (string) $condition);
if (count($keys) !== count($values)) {
throw new Exception("The number of primary key condition values must be equals the number of primary keys ".count($keys)." available for this model.");
return $this->andWhere(array_combine($keys, ArrayHelper::typeCast($values)));