namespace luya\admin\ngrest\plugins;
use luya\admin\ngrest\base\Plugin;
* Sortable Plugin.
* Generates an arrow down/up ability to click direct in the CRUD list.
* When using the Sortable Plugin make sure to use the {{luya\admin\traits\SortableTrait}} within the Model. This will
* ensure the default ordering for your fields and disabled the sorting inside the grid.
* @author Basil Suter <>
* @since 1.0.0
class Sortable extends Plugin
* @inheritdoc
public function renderList($id, $ngModel)
return [
$this->createTag('i', 'keyboard_arrow_up', ['ng-init' => '$first ? changeOrder(\''.$this->name.'\', \'+\') : null', 'ng-click' => 'sortableUp($index, item, \''.$this->name.'\')', 'ng-class' => '{\'sortable-up-first\' : $first && pager.currentPage == 1}', 'class' => 'material-icons btn btn-outline-secondary btn-symbol']),
$this->createTag('i', 'keyboard_arrow_down', ['ng-click' => 'sortableDown($index, item, \''.$this->name.'\')', 'ng-class' => '{\'sortable-up-last\' : $last && pager.currentPage == pager.pageCount}', 'class' => 'material-icons btn btn-outline-secondary btn-symbol']),
$this->createTag('span', '{{'.$ngModel.'}}', ['class' => 'badge badge-light'])
* @inheritdoc
public function renderCreate($id, $ngModel)
return $this->createFormTag('zaa-number', $id, $ngModel, ['min' => 1]);
* @inheritdoc
public function renderUpdate($id, $ngModel)
return $this->renderCreate($id, $ngModel);