angular.module 'mnoEnterpriseAngular'
.service 'MnoeAppInstances', ($q, MnoeApiSvc, MnoeOrganizations, MnoLocalStorage, MnoeCurrentUser, LOCALSTORAGE) ->
_self = @
# Store selected organization app instances
@appInstances = []
appInstancesPromise = null
@getAppInstances = ->
return appInstancesPromise if appInstancesPromise?
deferred = $q.defer()
# If app instances are stored return it and refresh the cache asynchronously
cache = MnoLocalStorage.getObject( + "_" + LOCALSTORAGE.appInstancesKey)
if cache?
# Refresh the cache content asynchronously
# Append response array to service array
_self.appInstances = cache
# Return the promised cache
# If the cache is empty return the call promise
fetchAppInstances().then((response) -> deferred.resolve(response))
return appInstancesPromise = deferred.promise
@refreshAppInstances = ->
appInstancesPromise = null
# Retrieve app instances from the backend
fetchAppInstances = ->
# Workaround as the API is not standard (return a hash map not an array)
# (Prefix operation by '/' to avoid data extraction)
# TODO: Standard API
defer = $q.defer()
_self.appInstancesPromise ='organizations', MnoeOrganizations.selectedId).one('/app_instances').get().then(
(response) ->
response = response.plain()
# Save the app instances in the local storage
appInstances = processAppInstances(response)
MnoLocalStorage.setObject( + "_" + LOCALSTORAGE.appInstancesKey, appInstances)
# Process the response
return defer.promise
# Process app instances to append them to the public variable
processAppInstances = (response) ->
# Empty app instances service array
_self.appInstances.length = 0
# Transform hash map to array
arr = _.values(response.app_instances)
# Append response array to service array
Array.prototype.push.apply(_self.appInstances, arr)
return _self.appInstances
# Path to connect this app instance and redirect to the current page
@oAuthConnectPath = (instance, extra_params = '') ->
redirect = window.encodeURIComponent("#{location.pathname}#{location.hash}")
@terminate = (id) ->'app_instances', id).remove().then(
# Remove the corresponding app from the list
_.remove(_self.appInstances, {id: id})
# Update the local storage cache
MnoLocalStorage.setObject( + "_" + LOCALSTORAGE.appInstancesKey, _self.appInstances)
@emptyAppInstances = () ->
appInstancesPromise = null
@appInstances.length = 0
@clearCache = () ->
MnoLocalStorage.removeItem( + "_" + LOCALSTORAGE.appInstancesKey)
@installStatus = (appInstance) ->
if appInstance.app_nid != 'office-365' && appInstance.stack == 'connector' && !appInstance.oauth_keys_valid
return @