# Service to update the current user
# We're not using angular-devise as the update functionality hasn't been
# merged yet.
# As we're using Devise + Her, we have custom routes to update the current user
# It then makes more sense to have an extra service rather than have customised
# fork of the upstream library
# MnoeCurrentUser.update(name: 'John')
# => PUT /mnoe/jpi/v1/current_user/update
# MnoeCurrentUser.updatePassword1({current_password: 'Password1', password: 'Password2', password_confirmation: 'Password2'})
# => PUT /mnoe/jpi/v1/current_user/update_password
angular.module 'mnoEnterpriseAngular'
.service 'MnoeCurrentUser', (MnoeApiSvc, $window, $state, URI) ->
_self = @
# Store the current_user promise
# Only one call will be executed even if there is multiple callers at the same time
userPromise = null
# Save the current user in variable to be able to reference it directly
@user = {}
# Get the current user
@get = ->
return userPromise if userPromise?
userPromise ='current_user').get().then(
(response) ->
response = response.plain()
if !response.logged_in
redirect = window.encodeURIComponent("#{location.pathname}#{location.hash}")
$window.location.href = URI.login + "?return_to=#{redirect}"
angular.copy(response, _self.user)
@refresh = ->
userPromise = null
# Update the current user infos
@update = (user) ->
MnoeApiSvc.all('current_user').doPUT({user: user}).then(
(response) ->
angular.copy(response, _self.user)
@registerDeveloper = () ->
(response) ->
# Update user password
@updatePassword = (passwordData) ->
MnoeApiSvc.all('/current_user').doPUT({user: passwordData}, 'update_password')
return @