DashboardOrganizationSettingsCtrl = ($scope, $window, MnoeOrganizations, Utilities) ->
# Pre-Initialization
$scope.isLoading = true
$scope.model = {}
$scope.origModel = {}
$scope.forms = {}
# Scope Management
# Initialize the data used by the directive
$scope.initialize = (organization) ->
angular.copy(organization, $scope.model)
angular.copy(organization, $scope.origModel)
$scope.isLoading = false
# Save the current state of the credit card
$ = ->
$scope.isLoading = true
(response) ->
$scope.errors = ''
angular.copy(response.organization, $scope.model)
angular.copy(response.organization, $scope.origModel)
(errors) ->
$scope.errors = Utilities.processRailsError(errors)
).finally(-> $scope.isLoading = false)
# Cancel the temporary changes made by the
# user
$scope.cancel = ->
angular.copy($scope.origModel, $scope.model)
$scope.errors = ''
# Check if the user has started editing the
# form
$scope.isChanged = ->
!angular.equals($scope.model, $scope.origModel)
# Check whether we should display the cancel
# button or not
$scope.isCancelShown = ->
# Should we enable the save button
$scope.isSaveEnabled = ->
f = $scope.forms
$scope.isChanged() && f.settings.$valid
# Post-Initialization
$scope.$watch(MnoeOrganizations.getSelected, (newValue) ->
$scope.isLoading = true
if newValue?
angular.module 'mnoEnterpriseAngular'
.directive('dashboardOrganizationSettings', ->
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
templateUrl: 'app/views/company/settings/organization-settings.html',
controller: DashboardOrganizationSettingsCtrl