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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace XoopsModules\Publisher;

 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
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 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * @copyright       XOOPS Project (
 * @license GNU public license
 * @since           1.0
 * @author          trabis <>
 * @author          The SmartFactory <>
require_once \dirname(__DIR__) . '/include/common.php';

 * Categories handler class.
 * This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source
 * of Category class objects.
 * @author  marcan <>
class CategoryHandler extends \XoopsPersistableObjectHandler
    private const TABLE      = 'publisher_categories';
    private const ENTITY     = Category::class;
    private const ENTITYNAME = 'Category';
    private const KEYNAME    = 'categoryid';
    private const IDENTIFIER = 'name';
     * @var Helper
    public $helper;
    public $publisherIsAdmin;

    public function __construct(\XoopsDatabase $db = null, Helper $helper = null)
        /** @var Helper $this- >helper */
        $this->helper           = $helper ?? Helper::getInstance();
        $this->db               = $db;
        $this->publisherIsAdmin = $this->helper->isUserAdmin();
        parent::__construct($db, static::TABLE, static::ENTITY, static::KEYNAME, static::IDENTIFIER);

     * @param bool $isNew
     * @return \XoopsObject
    public function create($isNew = true)
        $obj = parent::create($isNew);
        //        if ($isNew) {
        //            $obj->setDefaultPermissions();
        //        }
        $obj->helper = $this->helper;

        return $obj;

     * retrieve an item
     * @param int|null $id  itemid of the user
     * @param null     $fields
     * @return mixed reference to the <a href='psi_element://Category'>Category</a> object, FALSE if failed
     *                      object, FALSE if failed
    public function get($id = null, $fields = null)
        static $cats;
        if (isset($cats[$id])) {
            return $cats[$id];
        $obj       = parent::get($id);
        $cats[$id] = $obj;

        return $obj;

     * insert a new category in the database
     * @param \XoopsObject $category reference to the {@link Category}
     * @param bool         $force
     * @return bool        FALSE if failed, TRUE if already present and unchanged or successful
    public function insert(\XoopsObject $category, $force = false) //insert(&$category, $force = false)
        // Auto create meta tags if empty
        /** @var Category $category */
        if (!$category->meta_keywords || !$category->meta_description) {
            $publisherMetagen = new Metagen($category->name, $category->getVar('meta_keywords'), $category->getVar('description'));
            if (!$category->meta_keywords) {
                $category->setVar('meta_keywords', $publisherMetagen->keywords);
            if (!$category->meta_description) {
                $category->setVar('meta_description', $publisherMetagen->description);
        // Auto create short_url if empty
        if (!$category->short_url) {
            $category->setVar('short_url', Metagen::generateSeoTitle($category->name('n'), false));
        $ret = parent::insert($category, $force);

        return $ret;

     * delete a category from the database
     * @param \XoopsObject $category reference to the category to delete
     * @param bool         $force
     * @return bool FALSE if failed.
    public function delete(\XoopsObject $category, $force = false) //delete(&$category, $force = false)
        /** @var Category $category */
        // Deleting this category ITEMs
        $criteria = new \Criteria('categoryid', $category->categoryid());
        // Deleting the sub categories
        $subcats = &$this->getCategories(0, 0, $category->categoryid());
        foreach ($subcats as $subcat) {
        if (!parent::delete($category, $force)) {
            $category->setErrors('An error while deleting.');

            return false;
        $moduleId = $this->helper->getModule()
        \xoops_groupperm_deletebymoditem($moduleId, 'category_read', $category->categoryid());
        \xoops_groupperm_deletebymoditem($moduleId, 'item_submit', $category->categoryid());
        \xoops_groupperm_deletebymoditem($moduleId, 'category_moderation', $category->categoryid());

        return true;

     * retrieve categories from the database
     * @param \CriteriaElement|null $criteria {@link CriteriaElement} conditions to be met
     * @param bool                  $idAsKey  use the categoryid as key for the array?
     * @param bool                  $as_object
     * @return array array of <a href='psi_element://XoopsItem'>XoopsItem</a> objects
    public function &getObjects(\CriteriaElement $criteria = null, $idAsKey = false, $as_object = true) //&getObjects($criteria = null, $idAsKey = false)
        $ret        = [];
        $theObjects = parent::getObjects($criteria, true);
        foreach ($theObjects as $theObject) {
            if ($idAsKey) {
                $ret[$theObject->categoryid()] = $theObject;
            } else {
                $ret[] = $theObject;

        return $ret;

     * @param int    $limit
     * @param int    $start
     * @param int    $parentid
     * @param string $sort
     * @param string $order
     * @param bool   $idAsKey
     * @return array
    public function &getCategories($limit = 0, $start = 0, $parentid = 0, $sort = 'weight', $order = 'ASC', $idAsKey = true)
        $ret      = [];
        $criteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
        $criteria->order = $order; // used to fix bug in setOrder() for XOOPS < 2.5.10
        if (-1 != $parentid) {
            $criteria->add(new \Criteria('parentid', (int)$parentid));
        if (!$this->publisherIsAdmin) {
            $criteria2 = new \CriteriaCompo();
            /** @var PermissionHandler $permissionHandler */
            $permissionHandler = $this->helper->getHandler('Permission');
            $categoriesGranted = $permissionHandler->getGrantedItems('category_read');
            if (\count($categoriesGranted) > 0) {
                $criteria2->add(new \Criteria('categoryid', '(' . \implode(',', $categoriesGranted) . ')', 'IN'));
            } else {
                return $ret;
            if (\is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'])) {
                $criteria2->add(new \Criteria('moderator', $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid')), 'OR');
        $ret = $this->getObjects($criteria, $idAsKey);

        return $ret;

     * @param $category
     * @param $level
     * @param $catArray
     * @param $catResult
    public function getSubCatArray($category, $level, $catArray, $catResult): void
        global $theresult;
        $spaces = '';
        for ($j = 0; $j < $level; ++$j) {
            $spaces .= '--';
        $theresult[$category['categoryid']] = $spaces . $category['name'];
        if (isset($catArray[$category['categoryid']])) {
            foreach ($catArray[$category['categoryid']] as $parentid => $cat) {
                $this->getSubCatArray($cat, $level, $catArray, $catResult);

     * @return array
    public function &getCategoriesForSubmit()
        global $theresult;
        $ret      = [];
        $criteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
        $criteria->order = 'ASC'; // patch for XOOPS <= 2.5.10, does not set order correctly using setOrder() method
        if (!$this->publisherIsAdmin) {
            $categoriesGranted = $this->helper->getHandler('Permission')
            if (\count($categoriesGranted) > 0) {
                $criteria->add(new \Criteria('categoryid', '(' . \implode(',', $categoriesGranted) . ')', 'IN'));
            } else {
                return $ret;
            if (\is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'])) {
                $criteria->add(new \Criteria('moderator', $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid')), 'OR');
        $categories = $this->getAll($criteria, ['categoryid', 'parentid', 'name'], false, false);
        if (0 == \count($categories)) {
            return $ret;
        $catArray = [];
        foreach ($categories as $cat) {
            $catArray[$cat['parentid']][$cat['categoryid']] = $cat;
        // Needs to have permission on at least 1 top level category
        if (!isset($catArray[0])) {
            return $ret;
        $catResult = [];
        foreach ($catArray[0] as $thecat) {
            $level = 0;
            $this->getSubCatArray($thecat, $level, $catArray, $catResult);

        return $theresult; //this is a global

     * @return array
    public function getCategoriesForSearch()
        global $theresult;

        $ret      = [];
        $criteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
        $criteria->order = 'ASC'; // patch for XOOPS <= 2.5.10, does not set order correctly using setOrder() method
        if (!$this->publisherIsAdmin) {
            $categoriesGranted = $this->helper->getHandler('Permission')
            if (\count($categoriesGranted) > 0) {
                $criteria->add(new \Criteria('categoryid', '(' . \implode(',', $categoriesGranted) . ')', 'IN'));
            } else {
                return $ret;
            if (\is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'])) {
                $criteria->add(new \Criteria('moderator', $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid')), 'OR');
        $categories = $this->getAll($criteria, ['categoryid', 'parentid', 'name'], false, false);
        if (0 == \count($categories)) {
            return $ret;
        $catArray = [];
        foreach ($categories as $cat) {
            $catArray[$cat['parentid']][$cat['categoryid']] = $cat;
        // Needs to have permission on at least 1 top level category
        if (!isset($catArray[0])) {
            return $ret;
        $catResult = [];
        foreach ($catArray[0] as $thecat) {
            $level = 0;
            $this->getSubCatArray($thecat, $level, $catArray, $catResult);

        return $theresult; //this is a global

     * @param int $parentid
     * @return int
    public function getCategoriesCount($parentid = 0)
        if (-1 == $parentid) {
            return $this->getCount();
        $criteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
        if (isset($parentid) && (-1 != $parentid)) {
            $criteria->add(new \Criteria('parentid', $parentid));
            if (!$this->publisherIsAdmin) {
                $categoriesGranted = $this->helper->getHandler('Permission')
                if (\count($categoriesGranted) > 0) {
                    $criteria->add(new \Criteria('categoryid', '(' . \implode(',', $categoriesGranted) . ')', 'IN'));
                } else {
                    return 0;
                if (\is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'])) {
                    $criteria->add(new \Criteria('moderator', $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid')), 'OR');

        return $this->getCount($criteria);

     * Get all subcats and put them in an array indexed by parent id
     * @param array $categories
     * @return array
    public function getSubCats($categories)
        $criteria = new \CriteriaCompo(new \Criteria('parentid', '(' . \implode(',', \array_keys($categories)) . ')', 'IN'));
        $ret      = [];
        if (!$this->publisherIsAdmin) {
            $categoriesGranted = $this->helper->getHandler('Permission')
            if (\count($categoriesGranted) > 0) {
                $criteria->add(new \Criteria('categoryid', '(' . \implode(',', $categoriesGranted) . ')', 'IN'));
            } else {
                return $ret;

            if (\is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'])) {
                $criteria->add(new \Criteria('moderator', $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid')), 'OR');
        $criteria->order = 'ASC'; // patch for XOOPS <= 2.5.10, does not set order correctly using setOrder() method
        $subcats         = $this->getObjects($criteria, true);
        /** @var Category $subcat */
        foreach ($subcats as $subcat) {
            $ret[(int)$subcat->getVar('parentid')][$subcat->getVar('categoryid')] = $subcat;

        return $ret;

     * delete categories matching a set of conditions
     * @param \CriteriaElement|null $criteria {@link CriteriaElement}
     * @param bool                  $force
     * @param bool                  $asObject
     * @return bool FALSE if deletion failed
    public function deleteAll(\CriteriaElement $criteria = null, $force = true, $asObject = false) //deleteAll($criteria = null)
        $categories = $this->getObjects($criteria);
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            if (!$this->delete($category)) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * @param int $catId
     * @return mixed
    public function publishedItemsCount($catId = 0)
        $status = [Constants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_PUBLISHED];

        return $this->itemsCount($catId, $status);

     * @param int   $catId
     * @param array $status
     * @return mixed
    public function itemsCount($catId = 0, $status = '')
        /** @var ItemHandler $itemHandler */
        $itemHandler = $this->helper->getHandler('Item');

        return $itemHandler->getCountsByCat($catId, $status);