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Test Coverage
Vietnamese Alphabets: A B C D Đ E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U Ư V W X Y Z 0 - 9
Link Example:

See excel for list of fields.

1. Search on field Title or Lyric or Artist or Title and Lyric - default to Title
2. Narrow down search in songlist List1 or List2 or List3....default ALL List
3. Option to narrow down to genre - setting in admin to turn on/off.
4. Option to narrow down to how many singers require - setting in admin to turn on/off

Question: Is there a way to strip Vietnamese symbol on search but result display full Vietnamse symbols.????

Search result should be according to 1, 2, 3 and 4 above, has auto complete (can turn off in admin).

Search Result Display:
title_vn, lyric_vn, artist_vn, song_id, songlist
and title's image if avaliable.
Link to each title to have format http://....../Songlist-SongID-Title-name-and-dash-in-between

Browse by:
Below all have colums for each field and click on field's name to sort.
Title, Lyric, Artist, SongID, Genre, Songlist
Browse Title by Letters - admin site to enable or disable
Browse Title by Artist - admin site to enable or disable
Browse Title by Genre - admin site to enable or disable
Browse Title by Songlist - admin site to enable or disable

Statistic: Title by Artist, Genre, Hit or rating.

Admin import script: New Songs, update songs title, lyric, artist base on song id.

Admin side:
 Create Songlist, Genre and add song.

User side:
 User Submit request for SongID classification
 Must fill in Title, Artist, Lyric

Songlist most likely will be used by mobile devices but does not excluding computer, therefore GUI should be mobile friendly