const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const remark = require('remark');
const html = require('remark-html');
const inline = require('remark-inline-links');
const slug = require('remark-slug');
const highlight = require('remark-highlight.js');
const gemoji = require('remark-gemoji');
const emojiParser = require('emoji-parser');
const visit = require('unist-util-visit');
const VFile = require('vfile');
const through = require('through2');
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
const globby = require('globby');
const humanize = require('string-humanize');
const pkg = require('../package.json');
const layout = require('./partials/page-layout');
const emojiBase = './.tmp/emoji/';
const emoji = emojiParser.init(emojiBase).update();
module.exports = function (gulp, paths) {
'use strict';
function toHtml() {
const rewrite = function () {
return function (ast, file) {
const base = path.relative(file.filePath(), path.resolve('./'));
pkg.staticBase = base === '..' ? '.' : path.dirname(base);
visit(ast, 'link', node => {
// Rewrite local md links to html files in md
if (node.url[0] === '.') {
node.url = node.url
.replace('.md', '.html')
.replace('readme', 'index');
// Rewrite local md links to html files in inline html
visit(ast, 'html', node => {
node.value = node.value.replace(/href=\"\.\/(.*?)\.md\"/g, (match, basename) => {
const name = basename.replace('readme', 'index');
return `href="./${name}.html"`;
const processor = remark()
const markdownFiles = globby.sync(paths.source.markdown);
return through.obj((file, enc, cb) => {
const isPlain = file.contents.indexOf('<!doctype html>') === 0;
if (isPlain) {
return cb(null, file);
const vfile = new VFile({
contents: emoji.parse(file.contents.toString('utf-8'), '', (match, url, className, options) => {
const name = match[1];
if (options.parser.list.indexOf(name) > -1) {
const image = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(emojiBase, `${name}.png`));
return `<img width="20" height="20" class="emoji" src="data:image/png;base64,${image.toString('base64')}" />`;
return match;
directory: path.dirname(file.path),
filename: path.basename(file.path, path.extname(file.path)),
extension: path.extname(file.path).slice(1)
const result = processor.process(vfile);
const navigationFiles = markdownFiles
.map(markdownFile => {
const absolutePath = path.resolve(markdownFile);
const base = `${path.basename(markdownFile, path.extname(markdownFile))}.html`;
const target = base === 'readme.html' ? path.join(markdownFile, '..', 'index.html') : path.join(path.dirname(markdownFile), base);
const href = `${path.relative(file.path, target).slice(1)}`;
const name = base === 'readme.html' ? humanize(path.dirname(target)) : humanize(path.basename(target));
const active = absolutePath === file.path;
return href && name ? {href, name, active, path: absolutePath} : null;
const navigation = [
name: 'Home',
href: path.relative(file.path, './').slice(1)
const renderedResult = layout({
pkg: pkg,
navigation: navigation,
body: result,
static: pkg.staticBase
file.contents = new Buffer(renderedResult);
cb(null, file);
return function html() {
/* @desc compile markdown to html */
return gulp.src(paths.source.markdown)
.pipe(rename(info => {
info.basename = info.basename === 'readme' ? 'index' : info.basename;
info.extname = '.html';