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Test Coverage
# njtool

> Tool for users

[![Test Coverage](](

`njtool` provides useful commands to operate on with [Puppeteer].

## How to use

A command below fetches PDF files of articles in "Nature Volume 555 Issue 7694",
and saves them into /journals/nature/555/7694:

$ njtool scrape journal nature:555:7694 | \
    njtool download -u your@email.address -p your_password -o /journals

You can use the following environment variables instead of specified options in
`download` subcommand:


$ cat .envrc
export NJTOOL_NATURE_USERNAME="your@email.address"
export NJTOOL_NATURE_PASSWORD="your_password"
export NJTOOL_NATURE_OUTDIR="/journals"

$ njtool scrape journal nature:555:7694 | njtool download

Downloading multiple journals are supported:

$ njtool scrape journal nature:555:7695 nature:555:7696 | \
    njtool download

Downloading journals of specific volumes:

$ njtool scrape volume --only-ids nature:555 nature:556 | \
    njtool scrape journal | njtool download

At this moment, `njtool` supports only Nature.  I have no plan to support other
journals.  Because I have no plan to subscribe others.

`njtool` works fine on macOS, Linux and Windows.

It's recommended for macOS users to use `caffeinate` in order to prevent the
system from sleeping when you run `njtool download` which typically takes a long

$ njtool scrape journal nature:555:7697 | caffeinate -i njtool download ...

Linux users may need to run commands with the `--no-sandbox` option.

See help for details of each command:

$ njtool help

## License

This software is distributed under the MIT license.  See [LICENSE] file for
