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# Contributing to chandler

Have a feature idea, bug fix, or refactoring suggestion? Contributions are welcome!

## Pull requests

1. Check [Issues][] to see if your contribution has already been discussed and/or implemented.
2. If not, open an issue to discuss your contribution. I won't accept all changes and do not want to waste your time.
3. Once you have the :thumbsup:, fork the repo, make your changes, and open a PR.
4. Don't forget to add your contribution and credit yourself in ``!

## Coding guidelines

* This project has a coding style enforced by [RuboCop][]. Use hash rockets and double-quoted strings, and otherwise try to follow the [Ruby style guide][style].
* Writing tests is strongly encouraged! This project uses Minitest.

## Getting started

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies.

chandler offers the following development and testing commands:

* `bin/console` loads your working copy of chandler into an irb session
* `bundle exec chandler` runs your working copy of the chandler executable
* `rake` executes all of chandler's tests and RuboCop checks

A Guardfile is also present, so if you'd like to use Guard to do a TDD workflow, then:

1. Run `bundle install --with guard` to get the optional guard dependencies
2. Run `guard` to monitor the filesystem and automatically run tests as you work
