= mn2pdf Ruby gem
image:["Gem Version", link=""]
image:["Build Status", link=""]
image:["Code Climate", link=""]
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== Purpose
The mn2pdf Ruby gem is a wrapper around the Java[mn2pdf]
which converts Metanorma XML files into native PDFs.
This gem is used to provide mn2pdf.jar with mirrored version numbers, to allow
Ruby code to easily refer to the desired mn2pdf version as dependencies.
== Installation
gem install mn2pdf
Or include it in your gemspec.
== Usage
require 'mn2pdf'
Mn2pdf.convert(sample_xml_path, output_pdf_path, sample_xsl_path, options = "")
The options are any options trailing in the mn2pdf Java executable, e.g. `--split-by-language`.
== Updating the gem
Update `lib/mn2pdf/version.rb` to the desired version of[mn2pdf].
Run `rake` to download the `bin/mn2pdf.jar` file:
rm -f bin/mn2pdf.jar
rake bin/mn2pdf.jar
Then release the gem with `rake release`.