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Test Coverage
'use strict';
/* global describe, beforeEach, inject, it, expect */

describe('dateParser', function() {

  var $compile, scope, $dateParser, parser, $locale;


  beforeEach(inject(function(_$rootScope_, _$compile_, _$dateParser_, _$locale_) {
    scope = _$rootScope_;
    $compile = _$compile_;
    $dateParser = _$dateParser_;
    $locale = _$locale_;

  function generateTestCases(tests) {
    tests.forEach(function(test) {
      it('should report isValid(' + test.val + ')=' + test.expect + ' (' + test.reason + ')', function() {

  function generateTestCasesForParsing(tests) {
    tests.forEach(function(test) {
      it('should return parse(' + test.val + ')=' + test.expect + ' (' + test.reason + ')', function() {

  // Tests
  describe('isValid', function() {
    describe('date format is "y" (single digit year -- extremely permissive)', function() {
      describe('strict=true', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'y', strict: true});
          {val: '-1', expect: true, reason: 'negative single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '-01', expect: false, reason: 'negative single digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '0', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '00', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '199', expect: true, reason: 'multi digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '0199', expect: false, reason: 'multi digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '2099', expect: true, reason: 'many digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '002099', expect: false, reason: 'many digit, multiple prefixed'},
          {val: '10000', expect: false, reason: 'only support 4-digit years'}
      describe('strict=false', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'y', strict: false});
          {val: '-1', expect: true, reason: 'negative single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '-01', expect: true, reason: 'negative single digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '0', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '00', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '199', expect: true, reason: 'multi digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '0199', expect: true, reason: 'multi digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '2099', expect: true, reason: 'many digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '002099', expect: true, reason: 'many digit, multiple prefixed'},
          {val: '10000', expect: false, reason: 'only support 4-digit years'}

    describe('date format is "M" (single digit month)', function() {
      describe('strict=true', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'M', strict: true});
          {val: '0', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'},
          {val: '00', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '12', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '13', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'}
      describe('strict=false', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'M', strict: false});
          {val: '0', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'},
          {val: '00', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '12', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '13', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'}

    describe('date format is "MMM" (month initials)', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        $ = 'en-US';
        parser = $dateParser({format: 'MMM'});
        {val: 'Feb', expect: true, reason: 'standard month initials'},
        {val: 'FEB', expect: true, reason: 'upper case month initials'},
        {val: 'feb', expect: true, reason: 'lower case month initials'},
        {val: 'Fab', expect: false, reason: 'invalid month initials'}

    describe('date format is "MMMM" (month name)', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        $ = 'en-US';
        parser = $dateParser({format: 'MMMM'});
        {val: 'February', expect: true, reason: 'standard month name'},
        {val: 'FEBRUARY', expect: true, reason: 'upper case month name'},
        {val: 'february', expect: true, reason: 'lower case month name'},
        {val: 'Fabulous', expect: false, reason: 'invalid month name'}

    describe('date format is "d" (single digit date)', function() {
      describe('strict=true', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'd', strict: true});
          {val: '0', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'},
          {val: '00', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '31', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '32', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'}
      describe('strict=false', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'd', strict: false});
          {val: '0', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'},
          {val: '00', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '31', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '32', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'}

    describe('date format is "dd" (two-digit date)', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        parser = $dateParser({format: 'dd', strict: true});
        {val: '0', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'},
        {val: '00', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'},
        {val: '1', expect: false, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
        {val: '01', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
        {val: '31', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
        {val: '32', expect: false, reason: 'invalid date'}

    describe('date format is "h" (single digit hour, 12-hour clock)', function() {
      describe('strict=true', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'h', strict: true});
          {val: '0', expect: false, reason: 'invalid in 12-hour clock'},
          {val: '00', expect: false, reason: 'invalid in 12-hour clock'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '12', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '13', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, invalid hour'}
      describe('strict=false', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'h', strict: false});
          {val: '0', expect: false, reason: 'invalid in 12-hour clock'},
          {val: '00', expect: false, reason: 'invalid in 12-hour clock'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '12', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '13', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, invalid hour'}

    describe('date format is "H" (single digit hour, 24-hour clock)', function() {
      describe('strict=true', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'H', strict: true});
          {val: '0', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '00', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '23', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '24', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, invalid hour'}
      describe('strict=false', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'H', strict: false});
          {val: '0', expect: true, reason: 'single digit'},
          {val: '00', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '23', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '24', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, invalid hour'}

    describe('date format is "m" (single digit minute)', function() {
      describe('strict=true', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'm', strict: true});
          {val: '0', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '00', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '59', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '60', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, too many minutes'}
      describe('strict=false', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 'm', strict: false});
          {val: '0', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '00', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '59', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '60', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, too many minutes'}

    describe('date format is "s" (single digit second)', function() {
      describe('strict=true', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 's', strict: true});
          {val: '0', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '00', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '59', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '60', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, too many seconds'}
      describe('strict=false', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {
          parser = $dateParser({format: 's', strict: false});
          {val: '0', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '00', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '1', expect: true, reason: 'single digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '01', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, prefixed'},
          {val: '59', expect: true, reason: 'double digit, no prefix'},
          {val: '60', expect: false, reason: 'double digit, too many seconds'}

  describe('parse', function() {

    describe('date format "dd/MM/yyyy"', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        parser = $dateParser({ format: 'dd/MM/yyyy' });
        {val: '01/01/2014', expect: new Date(2014, 0, 1), reason: '4 digit year with leading digits'},
        {val: '20/10/2014', expect: new Date(2014, 9, 20), reason: '4 digit year unambiguous day/month'},
        {val: '10/10/2014', expect: new Date(2014, 9, 10), reason: '4 digit year ambiguous day/month'},
        {val: '10/10/1814', expect: new Date(1814, 9, 10), reason: '4 digit year ambiguous day/month with different century'},
        {val: '30/02/2014', expect: false, reason: 'non-existing month day'}

    describe('date format "M/d/y"', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        parser = $dateParser({ format: 'M/d/y' });
        {val: '1/1/1', expect: new Date(1, 0, 1), reason: '1 digit year gives one digit year'},
        {val: '1/1/00', expect: new Date(2000, 0, 1), reason: '2 digit year less than fifty gives current century'},
        {val: '1/1/50', expect: new Date(2050, 0, 1), reason: '2 digit year equal to fifty gives current century'},
        {val: '1/1/51', expect: new Date(1951, 0, 1), reason: '2 digit year greater than fifty gives previous century'},
        {val: '1/1/99', expect: new Date(1999, 0, 1), reason: '2 digit year, maximum possible, gives previous century'},
        {val: '1/1/123', expect: new Date(123, 0, 1), reason: '3 digit year gives three digit year'},
        {val: '1/1/2015', expect: new Date(2015, 0, 1), reason: '4 digit year gives four digit year'}

    describe('date format "dd/MM/yyyy" with base values', function() {

      var tests = [
        { val: '01/09/1998', baseVal: new Date(1998, 7, 31), expect: new Date(1998, 8, 1) },
        { val: '01/09/2014', baseVal: new Date(2014, 7, 31), expect: new Date(2014, 8, 1) },
        { val: '01/02/2014', baseVal: new Date(2014, 0, 31), expect: new Date(2014, 1, 1) },
        { val: '31/08/2014', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: new Date(2014, 7, 31) },
        { val: '45/20/2014', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: false },
        { val: '2014/08/31', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: false },
        { val: '2014', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: false },
        { val: 'Jan', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: false },
        { val: '31/09/2014', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: false }

      beforeEach(function() {
        parser = $dateParser({ format: 'dd/MM/yyyy' });

      tests.forEach(function(test) {
        it('should parse value (' + test.val + ') with base value (' + test.baseVal + ')', function() {
          expect(parser.parse(test.val, test.baseVal)).toEqual(test.expect);


    describe('date format "yyyy/MM/dd" with base values', function() {

      var tests = [
        { val: '1998/09/01', baseVal: new Date(1998, 7, 31), expect: new Date(1998, 8, 1) },
        { val: '2014/09/01', baseVal: new Date(2014, 7, 31), expect: new Date(2014, 8, 1) },
        { val: '2014/02/01', baseVal: new Date(2014, 0, 31), expect: new Date(2014, 1, 1) },
        { val: '2014/08/31', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: new Date(2014, 7, 31) },
        { val: '2014/20/45', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: false },
        { val: '31/08/2014', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: false },
        { val: '2014', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: false },
        { val: 'Jan', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: false },
        { val: '2014/09/31', baseVal: new Date(2014, 1, 25), expect: false }

      beforeEach(function() {
        parser = $dateParser({ format: 'yyyy/MM/dd' });

      tests.forEach(function(test) {
        it('should parse value (' + test.val + ') with base value (' + test.baseVal + ')', function() {
          expect(parser.parse(test.val, test.baseVal)).toEqual(test.expect);


    describe('date format is "MMM" (month initials)', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        $ = 'en-US';
        parser = $dateParser({format: 'MMM'});
        {val: 'Feb', expect: new Date(1970, 1, 1), reason: 'standard month initials'},
        {val: 'FEB', expect: new Date(1970, 1, 1), reason: 'upper case month initials'},
        {val: 'feb', expect: new Date(1970, 1, 1), reason: 'lower case month initials'},
        {val: 'Fab', expect: false, reason: 'invalid month initials'}

    describe('date format is "MMMM" (month name)', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        $ = 'en-US';
        parser = $dateParser({format: 'MMMM'});
        {val: 'February', expect: new Date(1970, 1, 1), reason: 'standard month name'},
        {val: 'FEBRUARY', expect: new Date(1970, 1, 1), reason: 'upper case month name'},
        {val: 'february', expect: new Date(1970, 1, 1), reason: 'lower case month name'},
        {val: 'Fabulous', expect: false, reason: 'invalid month name'}

    describe('fullDate format "EEEE, d MMMM y"', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        parser = $dateParser({format: 'EEEE, d MMMM y'});
        {val: 'Wednesday, 01 January 2014', expect: new Date(2014, 0, 1), reason: 'full date'}

    describe('fullDate format "EEEE, d \'de\' MMMM \'de\' y" with literals', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        parser = $dateParser({ format: "EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y" });
        {val: 'Wednesday, 01 de January de 2014', expect: new Date(2014, 0, 1), reason: 'full date with literals'},
        {val: 'Wednesday, 01 January 2014', expect: false, reason: 'full date does not include literals'}

    describe('format with escaped literals', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        parser = $dateParser({ format: "'It''s' H 'o''clock'" });

      it('should validate date with escaped literals', function() {
        expect(parser.isValid('It\'s 3 o\'clock')).toBe(true);

        {val: 'It\'s 3 o\'clock', expect: new Date(1970, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0), reason: 'format string with escaped literal'}

    describe('format with reserved symbols', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        parser = $dateParser({format: 'EEEE.d/y'});

      it('should validate date with reserved symbols', function() {

      it('should ignore literal contents', function() {
        parser = $dateParser({format: '\'.+*?\\$^\' EEEE.d/y'});
        var testString = '.+*?\\$^ Wednesday.01/2014';
        expect(parser.parse(testString)).toEqual(new Date(2014, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0));

        {val: 'Wednesday.01/2014', expect: new Date(2014, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), reason: 'format string with escaped literal'}
