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40 mins
Test Coverage
package registry

import (

    log ""

type ActionEntry struct {
    targetNodeID string
    action       *service.Action
    isLocal      bool
    service      *service.Service
    logger       *log.Entry

type actionsMap map[string][]ActionEntry

type ActionCatalog struct {
    actions sync.Map
    logger  *log.Entry

func CreateActionCatalog(logger *log.Entry) *ActionCatalog {
    return &ActionCatalog{actions: sync.Map{}, logger: logger}

var actionCallRecovery = true //TODO extract this to a Config - useful to turn for Debug in tests.

type ActionError struct {
    message string
    stack   string
    action  string

func (e *ActionError) Error() string {
    return e.message

func (e *ActionError) Stack() string {
    return e.stack

func (e *ActionError) Action() string {
    return e.action

// catchActionError is called defered after invoking a local action
// if there is an error (recover () != nil) this functions log the error and stack track and encapsulate
// the error inside a moleculer.Payload
func (actionEntry *ActionEntry) catchActionError(context moleculer.BrokerContext, result chan moleculer.Payload) {
    if !actionCallRecovery {
    if err := recover(); err != nil {
        stackTrace := string(debug.Stack())
        actionEntry.logger.Error("Action failed: ", context.ActionName(), "\n[Error]: ", err, "\n[Stack Trace]: ", stackTrace)
        errT, isError := err.(error)
        msg := ""
        if isError {
            msg = errT.Error()
        } else {
            msg = fmt.Sprint(err)
        result <- payload.New(&ActionError{msg, stackTrace, actionEntry.action.Name()})

func (actionEntry *ActionEntry) invokeLocalAction(context moleculer.BrokerContext) chan moleculer.Payload {
    result := make(chan moleculer.Payload, 1)

    actionEntry.logger.Trace("Before Invoking action: ", context.ActionName(), " params: ", context.Payload())

    go func() {
        defer actionEntry.catchActionError(context, result)
        handler := actionEntry.action.Handler()
        actionResult := handler(context.(moleculer.Context), context.Payload())

        actionEntry.logger.Trace("After Invoking action: ", context.ActionName(), " result: ", actionResult)
        result <- payload.New(actionResult)

    return result

func (actionEntry ActionEntry) TargetNodeID() string {
    return actionEntry.targetNodeID

func (actionEntry ActionEntry) IsLocal() bool {
    return actionEntry.isLocal

func (actionEntry ActionEntry) Service() *service.Service {
    return actionEntry.service

func (actionCatalog *ActionCatalog) listByName() map[string][]ActionEntry {
    result := make(map[string][]ActionEntry)
    actionCatalog.actions.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
        result[key.(string)] = value.([]ActionEntry)
        return true
    return result

// Add a new action to the catalog.
func (actionCatalog *ActionCatalog) Add(action service.Action, serv *service.Service, local bool) {
    entry := ActionEntry{serv.NodeID(), &action, local, serv, actionCatalog.logger}
    name := action.FullName()
    ver := serv.Version()
    if ver != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(name, ver) {
        name = service.JoinVersionToName(name, "v"+ver)
    list, exists := actionCatalog.actions.Load(name)
    if !exists {
        list = []ActionEntry{entry}
    } else {
        list = append(list.([]ActionEntry), entry)
    actionCatalog.actions.Store(name, list)

func (actionCatalog *ActionCatalog) Update(nodeID string, fullname string, updates map[string]interface{}) {
    //TODO .. the only thing that can be udpated is the Action Schema (validation) and that does not exist yet

// RemoveByNode remove actions for the given nodeID.
func (actionCatalog *ActionCatalog) RemoveByNode(nodeID string) {
    actionCatalog.actions.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
        name := key.(string)
        actions := value.([]ActionEntry)
        var toKeep []ActionEntry
        for _, action := range actions {
            if action.targetNodeID != nodeID {
                toKeep = append(toKeep, action)
        if len(toKeep) == 0 {
        } else {
            actionCatalog.actions.Store(name, toKeep)
        return true

func (actionCatalog *ActionCatalog) Remove(nodeID string, name string) {
    value, exists := actionCatalog.actions.Load(name)
    if !exists {
    actions := value.([]ActionEntry)
    var toKeep []ActionEntry
    for _, action := range actions {
        if action.targetNodeID != nodeID {
            toKeep = append(toKeep, action)
    actionCatalog.actions.Store(name, toKeep)

func (actionCatalog *ActionCatalog) NextFromNode(actionName string, nodeID string) *ActionEntry {
    list, exists := actionCatalog.actions.Load(actionName)
    if !exists {
        return nil
    actions := list.([]ActionEntry)
    for _, action := range actions {
        if action.targetNodeID == nodeID {
            return &action
    return nil

func (actionCatalog *ActionCatalog) printDebugActions() {
    allActions := []string{}
    actionCatalog.actions.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
        action := key.(string)
        if strings.Index(action, "$node") == -1 {
            allActions = append(allActions, action)
        return true
    fmt.Println("actions: ", strings.Join(allActions, ", "))

// Next find all actions registered in this node and use the strategy to select and return the best one to be called.
func (actionCatalog *ActionCatalog) Next(actionName string, stg strategy.Strategy) *ActionEntry {
    actions := actionCatalog.Find(actionName)
    if actions == nil {
        actionCatalog.logger.Debug("actionCatalog.Next() action not found: ", actionName, "  actionCatalog.actions: ", actionCatalog.actions)
        return nil
    nodes := make([]strategy.Selector, len(actions))
    for index, action := range actions {
        nodes[index] = action
        if action.IsLocal() {
            return &action
    if selected := stg.Select(nodes); selected != nil {
        entry := (*selected).(ActionEntry)
        return &entry
    actionCatalog.logger.Debug("actionCatalog.Next() no entries selected for name: ", actionName, "  actionCatalog.actions: ", actionCatalog.actions)
    return nil

func (actionCatalog *ActionCatalog) Find(name string) []ActionEntry {
    list, exists := actionCatalog.actions.Load(name)
    if !exists {
        return nil
    return list.([]ActionEntry)