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package registry

import (


// createNodeService create the local node service -> $node.
func createNodeService(registry *ServiceRegistry) *service.Service {
    var startedTime time.Time
    isAvailable := func(nodeID string) bool {
        node, exists := registry.nodes.findNode(nodeID)
        return exists && node.IsAvailable()

    isLocal := func(nodeID string) bool {
        return registry.localNode.GetID() == nodeID

    without := func(in map[string]interface{}, key string) map[string]interface{} {
        delete(in, key)
        return in
    return service.FromSchema(moleculer.ServiceSchema{
        Name: "$node",
        Started: func(moleculer.BrokerContext, moleculer.ServiceSchema) {
            startedTime = time.Now()
        Actions: []moleculer.Action{
                Name: "events",
                Handler: func(context moleculer.Context, params moleculer.Payload) interface{} {
                    onlyLocal := params.Get("onlyLocal").Exists() && params.Get("onlyLocal").Bool()
                    onlyAvailable := params.Get("onlyAvailable").Exists() && params.Get("onlyAvailable").Bool()
                    skipInternal := params.Get("skipInternal").Exists() && params.Get("skipInternal").Bool()
                    withEndpoints := params.Get("withEndpoints").Exists() && params.Get("withEndpoints").Bool()

                    result := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
                    for name, entries := range {
                        has := func(check func(nodeID string) bool) bool {
                            for _, item := range entries {
                                if check(item.service.NodeID()) {
                                    return true
                            return false
                        endpoints := func() []map[string]interface{} {
                            list := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
                            for _, item := range entries {
                                nodeID := item.service.NodeID()
                                list = append(list, map[string]interface{}{
                                    "nodeID":    nodeID,
                                    "available": isAvailable(nodeID),
                            return list
                        if onlyLocal && !has(isLocal) {
                        if onlyAvailable && !has(isAvailable) {
                        if skipInternal && strings.Index(name, "$") == 0 {
                        item := map[string]interface{}{
                            "name":      name,
                            "group":     entries[0].event.Group(),
                            "count":     len(entries),
                            "hasLocal":  has(isLocal),
                            "available": has(isAvailable),
                        if withEndpoints {
                            item["endpoints"] = endpoints()
                        result = append(result, item)

                    return result
                Name:        "actions",
                Description: "Find and return a list of actions in the registry of this service broker.",
                Handler: func(context moleculer.Context, params moleculer.Payload) interface{} {
                    onlyLocal := params.Get("onlyLocal").Exists() && params.Get("onlyLocal").Bool()
                    onlyAvailable := params.Get("onlyAvailable").Exists() && params.Get("onlyAvailable").Bool()
                    skipInternal := params.Get("skipInternal").Exists() && params.Get("skipInternal").Bool()
                    withEndpoints := params.Get("withEndpoints").Exists() && params.Get("withEndpoints").Bool()

                    result := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
                    for name, entries := range registry.actions.listByName() {
                        has := func(check func(nodeID string) bool) bool {
                            for _, item := range entries {
                                if check(item.service.NodeID()) {
                                    return true
                            return false
                        endpoints := func() []map[string]interface{} {
                            list := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
                            for _, item := range entries {
                                list = append(list, map[string]interface{}{
                                    "nodeID":    item.service.NodeID(),
                                    "available": isAvailable(item.service.NodeID()),
                            return list
                        context.Logger().Debug("$node.actions name: ", name)
                        if onlyLocal && !has(isLocal) {
                        if onlyAvailable && !has(isAvailable) {
                        if skipInternal && strings.Index(name, "$") == 0 {
                        item := map[string]interface{}{
                            "name":      name,
                            "count":     len(entries),
                            "hasLocal":  has(isLocal),
                            "available": has(isAvailable),
                        if withEndpoints {
                            item["endpoints"] = endpoints()
                        result = append(result, item)
                        context.Logger().Debug("$node.actions name: ", name, " contents: ", item)

                    return result
                Name:        "services",
                Description: "Find and return a list of services in the registry of this service broker.",
                Schema: moleculer.ObjectSchema{
                    Source: struct {
                        withActions   bool
                        withEndpoints bool
                        withEvents    bool `required:"true"`
                        skipInternal  bool
                        onlyAvailable bool
                        onlyLocal     bool
                        result        []map[string]interface{}
                    }{withActions: true},
                Handler: func(context moleculer.Context, params moleculer.Payload) interface{} {
                    context.Logger().Debug("$ params: ", params.Value())

                    //TODO simplify this by removing the .Exists() check once we have action schema validation and default values assignment.
                    skipInternal := params.Get("skipInternal").Exists() && params.Get("skipInternal").Bool()
                    onlyAvailable := params.Get("onlyAvailable").Exists() && params.Get("onlyAvailable").Bool()
                    onlyLocal := params.Get("onlyLocal").Exists() && params.Get("onlyLocal").Bool()
                    withActions := params.Get("withActions").Exists() && params.Get("withActions").Bool()
                    withEvents := params.Get("withEvents").Exists() && params.Get("withEvents").Bool()
                    withEndpoints := params.Get("withEndpoints").Exists() && params.Get("withEndpoints").Bool()

                    result := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
                    for name, entries := range {
                        has := func(check func(nodeID string) bool) bool {
                            for _, item := range entries {
                                if check(item.nodeID) {
                                    return true
                            return false
                        endpoints := func() []map[string]interface{} {
                            list := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
                            for _, item := range entries {
                                list = append(list, map[string]interface{}{
                                    "nodeID":    item.nodeID,
                                    "available": isAvailable(item.nodeID),
                            return list
                        if onlyLocal && !has(isLocal) {
                        if onlyAvailable && !has(isAvailable) {
                        if skipInternal && strings.Index(name, "$") == 0 {
                        smap := entries[0].service.AsMap()
                        smap["available"] = has(isAvailable)
                        smap["hasLocal"] = has(isLocal)
                        smap = without(smap, "nodeID")
                        if withEndpoints {
                            smap["endpoints"] = endpoints()
                        if !withActions {
                            smap = without(smap, "actions")
                        if !withEvents {
                            smap = without(smap, "events")
                        result = append(result, smap)
                    return result
                Name:        "list",
                Description: "Find and return a list of nodes in the registry of this service broker.",
                Handler: func(context moleculer.Context, params moleculer.Payload) interface{} {
                    withServices := params.Get("withServices").Exists() && params.Get("withServices").Bool()
                    onlyAvailable := params.Get("onlyAvailable").Exists() && params.Get("onlyAvailable").Bool()

                    nodes := registry.nodes.list()
                    result := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
                    for _, node := range nodes {
                        if onlyAvailable && !node.IsAvailable() {
                        maps := node.ExportAsMap()
                        if withServices {
                            if !isLocal(node.GetID()) {
                                maps["services"] = filterLocal(maps["services"].([]map[string]interface{}))
                        } else {
                            delete(maps, "services")
                        result = append(result, maps)

                    return result
            /* FIXME: currently returns incomplete payload */
                Name:        "health",
                Description: "Return health status of local node including transit, os, cpu, memory, process, network, client information.",
                Handler: func(context moleculer.Context, params moleculer.Payload) interface{} {
                    /* TODO: map as JSON which follows standard structure
                    { cpu:
                         { load1: 1.802734375,
                         load5: 1.8603515625,
                         load15: 1.82666015625,
                         cores: 16,
                         utilization: 11 },
                         { free: 886513664,
                         total: 68719476736,
                         percent: 1.2900471687316895 },
                         { uptime: 1507874,
                         type: 'Darwin',
                         release: '18.5.0',
                         hostname: 'imac.local',
                         arch: 'x64',
                         platform: 'darwin',
                            { uid: 501,
                            gid: 20,
                            username: 'dehypnosis',
                            homedir: '/Users/dehypnosis',
                            shell: '/bin/zsh' } },
                         { pid: 67218,
                            { rss: 60497920,
                            heapTotal: 32743424,
                            heapUsed: 27003144,
                            external: 104085 },
                         uptime: 80.434,
                            [ '/usr/local/bin/node',
                            'nats://dev.nats.svc.cluster.local:4222' ] },
                        client: { type: 'nodejs', version: '0.13.8', langVersion: 'v8.16.0' },
                        net: { ip: [ '', '' ] },
                         { stat:
                            { packets:
                             { sent: { count: 28, bytes: 13409 },
                                 received: { count: 158, bytes: 199426 } } } },
                         { now: 1556737026387,
                         iso: '2019-05-01T18:57:06.387Z',
                         utc: 'Wed, 01 May 2019 18:57:06 GMT' } }
                    nodeInfo := registry.localNode.ExportAsMap()
                    return map[string]interface{}{
                        "cpu": map[string]interface{}{},
                        "mem": map[string]interface{}{},
                        "os":  map[string]interface{}{},
                        "process": map[string]interface{}{
                            "uptime": time.Since(startedTime),
                        "client": nodeInfo["client"],
                        "net": map[string]interface{}{
                            "ip": nodeInfo["ipList"],
                        "transit": map[string]interface{}{
                            // TODO
                        "time": map[string]interface{}{
                            // TODO
            /* TODO: support $node.options */
                Name:        "options",
                Description: "Return broker configuration of local node.",
                Handler: func(context moleculer.Context, params moleculer.Payload) interface{} {
                    /* TODO: map as JSON which follows standard structure
                    { logger: true,
                        transporter: 'nats://dev.nats.svc.cluster.local:4222',
                        nodeID: 'cli-imac.local-67218',
                        namespace: '',
                        logLevel: null,
                        logFormatter: 'default',
                        logObjectPrinter: null,
                        requestTimeout: 0,
                         { enabled: false,
                         retries: 5,
                         delay: 100,
                         maxDelay: 1000,
                         factor: 2,
                         check: [Function: check] },
                        maxCallLevel: 0,
                        heartbeatInterval: 5,
                        heartbeatTimeout: 15,
                        tracking: { enabled: false, shutdownTimeout: 5000 },
                        disableBalancer: false,
                        registry: { strategy: 'RoundRobin', preferLocal: true },
                         { enabled: false,
                         threshold: 0.5,
                         windowTime: 60,
                         minRequestCount: 20,
                         halfOpenTime: 10000,
                         check: [Function: check] },
                        bulkhead: { enabled: false, concurrency: 10, maxQueueSize: 100 },
                         { maxQueueSize: 50000,
                         packetLogFilter: [],
                         disableReconnect: false,
                         disableVersionCheck: false },
                        cacher: null,
                        serializer: null,
                        validation: true,
                        validator: null,
                        metrics: false,
                        metricsRate: 1,
                        internalServices: true,
                        internalMiddlewares: true,
                        hotReload: false,
                        middlewares: null,
                        replCommands: null }
                    // from ?
                    return map[string]interface{}{}

func filterLocal(in []map[string]interface{}) []map[string]interface{} {
    out := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
    for _, item := range in {
        if strings.Index(item["name"].(string), "$") == 0 {
        out = append(out, item)
    return out