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// Package dson implements encoding, decoding, marshaling, unmarshaling,
// and verification of the DSON (Doge Serialized Object Notation)
// as defined here:
// Examples can be found here:
// Version 1.0.0
// MIT License;
// (c) 2018 Muhammad Muzzammil <>
package dson

import "encoding/json"

// Encode encodes a JSON string into the DSON equivalent and
// retruns that DSON string
func Encode(json string) string {
    return translate([]rune(json), map[string]string{
        "{":     "such",
        "}":     "wow",
        ":":     "is",
        "[":     "so",
        "]":     "many",
        "true":  "yes",
        "false": "no",
        "null":  "empty",
    }, false)

// Decode decodes a DSON string into the JSON equivalent and
// retruns that JSON string
func Decode(dson string) string {
    return translate([]rune(dson), map[string]string{
        "such":  "{",
        "wow":   "}",
        "is":    ":",
        "so":    "[",
        "many":  "]",
        "and":   ",",
        "also":  ",",
        ".":     ",",
        ",":     ",",
        "!":     ",",
        "?":     ",",
        "yes":   "true",
        "no":    "false",
        "empty": "null",
    }, true)

// Marshal returns the DSON encoding of v.
func Marshal(v interface{}) (string, error) {
    m, err := json.Marshal(v)
    return Encode(string(m)), err

// Unmarshal parses the DSON-encoded data and stores the result
// in the value pointed to by v. If v is nil or not a pointer,
// Unmarshal returns an InvalidUnmarshalError.
func Unmarshal(dson string, v interface{}) error { return json.Unmarshal([]byte(Decode(dson)), &v) }

// Valid returns true if the input DSON string is valid, otherwise returns false
func Valid(dson string) bool { return json.Valid([]byte(Decode(dson))) }