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Test Coverage

test_020_variable_types () {
    declare test_input

    # Integers and absolute integers.
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_integer $test_input" 0
        assert_raises "is_int $test_input" 0
    done < "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/integers"
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_integer $test_input" 1
        assert_raises "is_int $test_input" 1
    done < "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/non_integers"
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_absolute_integer $test_input" 0
        assert_raises "is_abs_int $test_input" 0
    done < <(grep -v -- "-" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/integers")
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_absolute_integer $test_input" 1
        assert_raises "is_abs_int $test_input" 1
    done < <(grep -- "-" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/integers")

    # Float.
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_float $test_input" 0
    done < "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/floats"
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_float $test_input" 1
    done < "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/integers"

    # Zero and non-zero.
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_zero $test_input" 0
        assert_raises "is_positive $test_input" 1
        assert_raises "is_negative $test_input" 1
    done < <(grep -- "-" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/zero")
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_zero $test_input" 1
    done < <(grep -- "-" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/non_zero")

    # Save nocasematch original state.
    shopt -q nocasematch
    declare -xi nocasematch=$?

    shopt -s nocasematch
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_boolean $test_input" 0
        assert_raises "is_true $test_input" 0
        assert_raises "is_false $test_input" 1
    done < "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/boolean_true"
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_true $test_input" 1
        assert_raises "is_false $test_input" 0
        assert_raises "is_boolean $test_input" 0
    done < "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/boolean_false"

    shopt -u nocasematch
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_true $test_input" 1
        assert_raises "is_boolean $test_input" 1
    done < <(grep "[A-Z]" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/boolean_true")
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_true $test_input" 0
        assert_raises "is_boolean $test_input" 0
    done < <(grep -v "[A-Z]" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/boolean_true")
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_false $test_input" 1
        assert_raises "is_boolean $test_input" 1
    done < <(grep "[A-Z]" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/boolean_false")
    while read -r test_input ; do
        assert_raises "is_false $test_input" 0
        assert_raises "is_boolean $test_input" 0
    done < <(grep -v "[A-Z]" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/boolean_false")

    # Reset nocasematch to original state.
    [[ "$nocasematch" -eq 0 ]] && shopt -s nocasematch

    assert_end "${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/}"