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 * Client-side code for [Netzke::Base](
 * @class Netzke.Base
Ext.define("Netzke.Base", {
  extend: 'Ext.Mixin',

  mixinConfig: {
    before: {
      constructor: 'netzkeBeforeConstructor',
      initComponent: 'netzkeBeforeInitComponent'

    after: {
      constructor: 'netzkeAfterConstructor',
      initComponent: 'netzkeAfterInitComponent'

   * This is `true` for all Netzke components.
   * @property isNetzke
   * @type boolean
  isNetzke: true,

   * Override this property globally if you to use a custom notifier class.
   * @property netzkeNotifier
   * @type Netzke.Notifier
  netzkeNotifier: Ext.create('Netzke.Notifier'),

   * Called before constructor. Implements all kinds of Netzke component initializations. Override as needed.
   * @method netzkeBeforeConstructor
   * @param config {Object} Passed configuration
  netzkeBeforeConstructor: function(config){
    this.server = {}; // namespace for endpoint functions
    this.netzkeComponents = config.netzkeComponents;
    this.passedConfig = config;
    this.serverConfig = config.clientConfig || {};

   * Called after constructor. Override as needed.
   * @method netzkeAfterConstructor
   * @param config {Object} Passed configuration
  netzkeAfterConstructor: function(config){

   * Called before `initComponent`. Override as needed.
   * @method netzkeBeforeInitComponent
  netzkeBeforeInitComponent: function(){

   * Called after `initComponent`. Override as needed.
   * @method netzkeAfterInitComponent
  netzkeAfterInitComponent: function(){

  * Evaluates CSS passed from the server.
  * @method netzkeEvalCss
  * @param code {String} CSS code
  netzkeEvalCss : function(code){
    var head ='head')[0]);
    Ext.core.DomHelper.append(head, {
      tag: 'style',
      type: 'text/css',
      html: code

  * Evaluates Javascript passed from the server.
  * @method netzkeEvalJs
  * @param code {String} Javascript code
  netzkeEvalJs : function(code){

  * Executes a bunch of methods. This method is called almost every time a communication to the server takes place.
  * Thus the server side of a component can provide any set of commands to its client side.
  * @method netzkeBulkExecute
  * @param {Array|Object} instructions
  *  1) a hash of instructions, where the key is the method name, and value - the argument that method will be called with (thus, these methods are expected to *only* receive 1 argument). In this case, the methods will be executed in no particular order.
  *  2) an array of hashes of instructions. They will be executed in order.
  *  Arrays and hashes may be nested at will.
  *  If the key in the instructions hash refers to a child Netzke component, netzkeBulkExecute will be called on that component with the value passed as the argument.

  *  @example
  *      // executes as"Your order is accepted");
  *      {feedback: "You order is accepted"}

  *      // executes as: this.setTitle('Suprise!'); this.setDisabled(true);
  *      [{setTitle:'Suprise!'}, {setDisabled:true}]

  *      // executes as: this.netzkeGetComponent('users').netzkeBulkExecute([{setTitle:'Suprise!'}, {setDisabled:true}]);
  *      {users: [{setTitle:'Suprise!'}, {setDisabled:true}] }
  netzkeBulkExecute : function(instructions){
    if (Ext.isArray(instructions)) {
      Ext.each(instructions, function(instruction){ this.netzkeBulkExecute(instruction)}, this);
    } else {
      for (var instr in instructions) {
        var args = instructions[instr];
        if(args instanceof Object && (Ext.Object.getSize(args)==0))
          args = [];

        if (Ext.isFunction(this[instr])) {
          // Executing the method.
          this[instr].apply(this, args);
        } else {
          var childComponent = this.netzkeGetComponent(instr);
          if (childComponent) {
          } else if (Ext.isArray(args)) { // only consider those calls that have arguments wrapped in an array; the only (probably) case when they are not, is with 'success' property set to true in a non-ajax form submit - silently ignore that
            throw "Netzke: Unknown method or child component '" + instr + "' in component '" + this.path + "'"

   * Called by the server side to set the return value of an endpoint call; to be reworked.
   * @method netzkeSetResult
   * @param result {Any}
   * @private
  netzkeSetResult: function(result) {
    this.latestResult = result;

  * Called by the server when the component to which an endpoint call was directed to, is not in the session anymore.
  * @method netzkeSessionExpired
  * @private
  netzkeOnSessionExpired: function() {
    this.netzkeSessionIsExpired = true;

   * Override this method to handle session expiration. E.g. you may want to inform the user that they will be redirected to the login page.
   * @method onSessionExpired
   * @private
  netzkeOnSessionExpired: function() {
    Netzke.warning("Component not in session. Override `netzkeOnSessionExpired` to handle this.");

   * Returns a URL for old-fashion requests (used at multi-part form non-AJAX submissions).
   * @method netzkeEndpointUrl
   * @param endpoint {String}
  netzkeEndpointUrl: function(endpoint){
    return Netzke.ControllerUrl + "dispatcher?address=" + + "__" + endpoint;

   * Processes items.
   * @method netzkeNormalizeConfigArray
   * @param items {Array} Items
   * @private
  netzkeNormalizeConfigArray: function(items){
    var cfg, ref, cmpName, cmpCfg, actName, actCfg;

    Ext.each(items, function(item, i){
      cfg = item;

      if (cfg.action) {
        if (!this.actions[cfg.action]) throw "Netzke: unknown action " + cfg.action;
        items[i] = this.actions[cfg.action];

      } else if (cfg.netzkeComponent) {
        // replace with component config
        cmpName = cfg.netzkeComponent;
        cmpCfg = this.netzkeComponents[cmpName.camelize(true)];
        if (!cmpCfg) throw "Netzke: unknown component " + cmpName;
        cmpCfg.netzkeParent = this;
        items[i] = Ext.apply(cmpCfg, cfg);

      } else if (Ext.isString(cfg) && Ext.isFunction(this[cfg.camelize(true)+"Config"])) { // replace with config referred to on the Ruby side as a symbol
        // pre-built config
        items[i] = Ext.apply(this[cfg.camelize(true)+"Config"](this.passedConfig), {netzkeParent: this});

      } else {
        // recursion
        for (key in cfg) {
          if (Ext.isArray(cfg[key])) {
    }, this);

   * Runs through initial config options and does the following:
   * * detects component placeholders and replaces them with full component config found in `netzkeComponents`
   * * detects action placeholders and replaces them with instances of Ext actions found in `this.actions`
   * @method netzkeNormalizeConfig
   * @param config {Object}
  netzkeNormalizeConfig: function(config) {
    for (key in config) {
      if (Ext.isArray(config[key])) this.netzkeNormalizeConfigArray(config[key]);

  * Dynamically creates methods for endpoints, so that we could later call them like: this.myEndpointMethod()
  * @method netzkeProcessEndpoints
  * @param config {Object}
  netzkeProcessEndpoints: function(config){
    var endpoints = config.endpoints || [], that = this;

    Ext.each(endpoints, function(methodName){
      Netzke.directProvider.addRemotingMethodToComponent(config, methodName);

      // define endpoint function
      this.server[methodName] = function(){
        var args =, callback, serverConfigs, scope = that;

        if (Ext.isFunction(args[args.length - 2])) {
          scope = args.pop();
          callback = args.pop();

        if (Ext.isFunction(args[args.length - 1])) {
          callback = args.pop();

        var cfgs = that.netzkeBuildParentConfigs();
        var remotingArgs = {args: args, configs: cfgs};

        // call Direct function
        that.netzkeGetDirectFunction(methodName).call(scope, remotingArgs, function(response, event) {
          that.netzkeProcessDirectResponse(response, event, callback, scope);
        }, that);
    }, this);

   * TODO
   * @method netzkeProcessDirectResponse
   * @param response {Object}
   * @param event {Object}
   * @param callback {Function}
   * @param scope {Object}
  netzkeProcessDirectResponse: function(response, event, callback, scope){
    var callbackParams,
        result; // endpoint response

    // no server exception?
    if (Ext.getClass(event) == {

      // process response and get endpoint return value
      result = this.latestResult;

      // endpoint returns an error?
      if (result && result.error) {
        this.netzkeHandleEndpointError(callback, result);
      // no error
      } else {
        if (callback) callback.apply(scope, [result, true]) != false

    // got Direct exception?
    } else {
      this.netzkeHandleDirectError(callback, event);

   * TODO
   * @method netzkeHandleEndpointError
  netzkeHandleEndpointError: function(callback, result){
    var shouldFireGlobalEvent = true;

    if (callback) {
      shouldFireGlobalEvent = callback.apply(this, [result.error, false]) != false;

    if (shouldFireGlobalEvent) {
      Netzke.GlobalEvents.fireEvent('endpointexception', result.error);

   * TODO
   * @method netzkeHandleDirectError
   * @param callback {Function}
   * @param event {Object}
  netzkeHandleDirectError: function(callback, event){
    var shouldFireGlobalEvent = true;

    callbackParams = event;
    callbackParams.type = 'DIRECT_EXCEPTION';

    // First invoke the callback, and if that allows, call generic exception handler
    if (callback) {
      shouldFireGlobalEvent = callback.apply(this, [callbackParams, false]) != false;
    if (shouldFireGlobalEvent) {
      Netzke.GlobalEvents.fireEvent('endpointexception', callbackParams);

   * Returns direct function by endpoint name and optional component's config (if not provided, component's instance
   * will be used instead)
   * @method netzkeGetDirectFunction
   * @param methodName {String}
   * @param {Object} [config]
  netzkeGetDirectFunction: function(methodName, config) {
    config = config || this;
    return Netzke.remotingMethods[][methodName];

   * Reversed array of server configs for each parent component up the tree
   * @method netzkeBuildParentConfigs
  netzkeBuildParentConfigs: function() {
    var res = [],
        parent = this;
    while (parent) {
      var cfg = Ext.clone(parent.serverConfig);
      parent = parent.netzkeGetParentComponent();
    return res;

    * Replaces actions configs with Ext.Action instances, assigning default handler to them
    * @method netzkeNormalizeActions
    * @param config {Object}
  netzkeNormalizeActions : function(config){
    var normActions = {};
    for (var name in config.actions) {
      // Configure the action
      var actionConfig = Ext.apply({}, config.actions[name]); // do not modify original this.actions
      actionConfig.customHandler = actionConfig.handler;
      actionConfig.handler = Ext.Function.bind(this.netzkeActionHandler, this); // handler common for all actions = name;

      // instantiate Ext.Action
      normActions[name] = new Ext.Action(actionConfig);
    this.actions = normActions;

   * Dynamically loads child Netzke component
   * @method netzkeLoadComponent
   * @param {String} name Component name as declared in the Ruby class with `component` DSL
   * @param {Object} [options] May contain the following optional keys:
   *   * **container** {Ext.container.Container|Integer}
   *     The instance (or id) of a container with the "fit" layout where the loaded component will be added to; the previously existing component will be destroyed
   *   * **append** {Boolean}
   *     If set to `true`, do not clear the container before adding the loaded component
   *   * **configOnly** {Boolean}
   *     If set to `true`, do not instantiate/insert the component, instead pass its config to the callback function
   *   * **serverConfig** {Object}
   *     Config accessible inside the `component` DSL block as `client_config`; this allows reconfiguring child components by the client-side code
   *   * **callback** {Function}
   *     Function that gets called after the component is loaded; it receives the component's instance (or component config if `configOnly` is set) as parameter; if the function returns `false`, the loaded component will not be automatically inserted or (in case of window) shown.
   *   * **scope** {Object}
   *     Scope for the callback; defaults to the instance of the component.
   * @example
   * Loads 'info' and adds it to `this` container, removing anything from it first:
   *     this.netzkeLoadComponent('info');
   * Loads 'info' and adds it to `win` container, envoking a callback in `this` scope, passing it an instance of 'info':
   *     this.netzkeLoadComponent('info', { container: win, callback: function(instance){} });
   * Loads configuration for the 'info' component, envoking a callback in `this` scope, passing it the loaded config for 'info'.
   *     this.netzkeLoadComponent('info', { configOnly: true, callback: function(config){} });
   * Loads two 'info' instances in different containers and with different configurations:
   *     this.netzkeLoadComponent('info', {
   *       container: 'tab1',
   *       serverConfig: { user: 'john' } // on the server: client_config[:user] == 'john'
   *     });
   *     this.netzkeLoadComponent('info', {
   *       container: 'tab2',
   *       serverConfig: { user: 'bill' } // on the server: client_config[:user] == 'bill'
   *     });
  netzkeLoadComponent: function(name, options){
    var container, serverParams, containerEl;
    options = options || {};

    container = this.netzkeChooseContainer(options);
    serverParams = this.netzkeBuildServerLoadingParams(name, options);


    // Call the endpoint
    this.server.deliverComponent(serverParams, function(result, success) {

      if (success) {
        this.netzkeHandleLoadingResponse(container, result, options);
      } else {

   * Handles loading error
   * @method netzkeHandleLoadingError
  netzkeHandleLoadingError: function(error){

   * TODO
   * @method netzkeBuildServerLoadingParams
  netzkeBuildServerLoadingParams: function(name, params) {
    return Ext.apply(params.serverParams || {}, {
      name: name,
      client_config: params.serverConfig,
      item_id: params.itemId || name, // TODO: make optional
      cache: Netzke.cache.join() // coma-separated list of xtypes of already loaded classes

   * Decides, based on params passed to `netzkeLoadComponent`, what container the component should be loaded into.
   * @method netzkeChooseContainer
   * @param params Object
  netzkeChooseContainer: function(params) {
    if (!params.container) return this;
    return Ext.isString(params.container) ? Ext.getCmp(params.container) : params.container;

   * Handles regular server response (may include error)
   * @method netzkeHandleLoadingResponse
  netzkeHandleLoadingResponse: function(container, result, params){
    if (result.error) {
    } else {
      this.netzkeProcessDeliveredComponent(container, result, params);

   * Processes delivered component
   * @method netzkeProcessDeliveredComponent
  netzkeProcessDeliveredComponent: function(container, result, params){
    var config = result.config, instance, doNotInsert, currentInstance;
    config.netzkeParent = this;


    if (params.configOnly) {
      if (params.callback) params.callback.apply((params.scope || this), [config, params]);
    } else {
      // we must destroy eventual existing component with the same ID
      currentInstance = Ext.getCmp(;
      if (currentInstance) currentInstance.destroy();

      instance = Ext.create(config);

      if (params.callback) {
        doNotInsert = params.callback.apply((params.scope || this), [instance, params]) == false;

      if (doNotInsert) return;

      if (instance.isFloating()) { // windows are not containable;
      } else {
        if (params.replace) {
          this.netzkeReplaceChild(params.replace, instance)
        } else {
          if (!params.append) container.removeAll();

   * Masks container in which a child component is being loaded
   * @method netzkeShowLoadingMask
  netzkeShowLoadingMask: function(container){
    if (container.rendered) container.mask();

   * Unmasks loading container
   * @method netzkeHideLoadingMask
  netzkeHideLoadingMask: function(container){
    if (container.rendered) container.unmask();

   * Returns parent Netzke component
   * @method netzkeGetParentComponent
  netzkeGetParentComponent: function(){
    return this.netzkeParent;

   * Reloads itself by instructing the parent to call `netzkeLoadComponent`.
   * Note: in order for this to work, the component must be nested in a container with the 'fit' layout.
   * @method netzkeReload
  netzkeReload: function(){
    var parent = this.netzkeGetParentComponent();

    if (parent) {
    } else {

   * Given child component and new serverConfig, reloads the component
   * @method netzkeReloadChild
   * @param child Netzke.Base
   * @param serverConfig Object
  netzkeReloadChild: function(child, serverConfig){
    this.netzkeLoadComponent(, {
      configOnly: true,
      serverConfig: serverConfig,
      callback: function(cfg) {
        this.netzkeReplaceChild(child, cfg);

   * Replaces given (Netzke or Ext JS) component and new config, replaces former with latter, by instructing the parent
   * component to re-insert the component at the same index. Override if you need something more fancy (e.g. active tab
   * when it gets re-inserted)
   * @method netzkeReplaceChild
   * @param child {Netzke.Base}
   * @param config {Obect}
  netzkeReplaceChild: function(child, config){
    var parent = child.up();
    if (!parent) return;
    var index = parent.items.indexOf(child);
    var res = parent.insert(index, config);
    return res;

  * Instantiates and returns a Netzke component by its name.
  * @method netzkeInstantiateComponent
  * @param name {String} Child component's name/itemId
  netzkeInstantiateComponent: function(name) {
    name = name.camelize(true);
    var cfg = this.netzkeComponents[name];
    return Ext.createByAlias(this.netzkeComponents[name].alias, cfg)

  * Returns *instantiated* child component by its relative path
  * @method netzkeGetComponent
  * @param path {String} Component path, which may contain the 'parent' for walking up the hierarchy, e.g.
  * `parent__sibling`. If this is empty, the method will return `this`.
  netzkeGetComponent: function(path){
    if (path === "") {return this};
    path = path.underscore();
    var split = path.split("__"), res;
    if (split[0] === 'parent') {
      var childInParentScope = split.join("__");
      res = this.netzkeGetParentComponent().netzkeGetComponent(childInParentScope);
    } else {
      res = Ext.getCmp("__"+path);
    return res;

  * Triggers a notification unless `quiet` config option is `true`.
  * @method netzkeNotify
  * @param {String} msg Notification body
  * @param {Object} options Notification options (such as `title`, `delay`)
  netzkeNotify: function(msg, options){
    if (this.quiet !== true) this.netzkeNotifier.msg(msg, options);

  * Common handler for all netzke's actions.
  * @method netzkeActionHandler
  * @param {Ext.Component} comp Component that triggered the action (e.g. button or menu item)
  netzkeActionHandler: function(comp){
    var actionName =;
    // If firing corresponding event doesn't return false, call the handler
    if (this.fireEvent(actionName+'click', comp)) {
      var action = this.actions[actionName];
      var customHandler = action.initialConfig.customHandler;
      var methodName = (customHandler && customHandler.camelize(true)) || "netzkeOn" + actionName.camelize();
      if (!this[methodName]) {throw "Netzke: handler '" + methodName + "' is undefined in '" + + "'";}

      // call the handler passing it the triggering component

   * TODO
   * @method netzkeProcessPlugins
  netzkeProcessPlugins: function(config) {
    if (config.netzkePlugins) {
      if (!this.plugins) this.plugins = [];
      Ext.each(config.netzkePlugins, function(p){
      }, this);
      delete config.netzkePlugins;