# frozen_string_literal: true
module RuboCop
module Cop
module RSpec
# Enforces custom RSpec dialects.
# A dialect can be based on the following RSpec methods:
# - describe, context, feature, example_group
# - xdescribe, xcontext, xfeature
# - fdescribe, fcontext, ffeature
# - shared_examples, shared_examples_for, shared_context
# - it, specify, example, scenario, its
# - fit, fspecify, fexample, fscenario, focus
# - xit, xspecify, xexample, xscenario, skip
# - pending
# - prepend_before, before, append_before,
# - around
# - prepend_after, after, append_after
# - let, let!
# - subject, subject!
# - expect, is_expected, expect_any_instance_of
# By default all of the RSpec methods and aliases are allowed. By setting
# a config like:
# RSpec/Dialect:
# PreferredMethods:
# context: describe
# If you were previously using the `RSpec/Capybara/FeatureMethods` cop and
# want to keep disabling all Capybara-specific methods that have the same
# native RSpec method (e.g. are just aliases), use the following config:
# RSpec/Dialect:
# PreferredMethods:
# background: :before
# scenario: :it
# xscenario: :xit
# given: :let
# given!: :let!
# feature: :describe
# You can expect the following behavior:
# @example
# # bad
# context 'display name presence' do
# # ...
# end
# # good
# describe 'display name presence' do
# # ...
# end
class Dialect < Base
extend AutoCorrector
include MethodPreference
MSG = 'Prefer `%<prefer>s` over `%<current>s`.'
# @!method rspec_method?(node)
def_node_matcher :rspec_method?, '(send #rspec? #ALL.all ...)'
def on_send(node)
return unless rspec_method?(node)
return unless preferred_methods[node.method_name]
msg = format(MSG, prefer: preferred_method(node.method_name),
current: node.method_name)
add_offense(node, message: msg) do |corrector|
current = node.loc.selector
preferred = preferred_method(current.source)
corrector.replace(current, preferred)