<% content_for :title, @l10n %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-7">
<%= osuny_panel Communication::Website::Page::Localization.human_attribute_name(:title), small: true do %>
<p class="lead mb-1"><%= @l10n.title %></p>
<%= render 'admin/application/property/publication', about: @l10n %>
<% end %>
<div class="offset-lg-1 col-lg-4">
<%= render 'admin/application/featured_image/show', about: @l10n, small: true %>
<%= osuny_separator %>
<%= render 'admin/application/a11y/widget', about: @l10n, horizontal: true %>
<%= osuny_separator %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4">
<%= render 'admin/communication/websites/pages/show/metadata' %>
<div class="col-lg-8">
<%= render 'admin/application/summary/show', about: @l10n, small: true %>
<%= render 'admin/application/meta_description/show', about: @l10n, small: true %>
<%= render 'admin/communication/contents/editor', about: @l10n %>
<%= render 'admin/communication/websites/pages/show/special_page' %>
<%= render 'admin/application/dependencies', about: @page %>
<% content_for :action_bar_left do %>
<%= destroy_link @page if @page.is_regular_page? %>
<%= duplicate_link @page if @page.is_regular_page? %>
<%= static_link static_admin_communication_website_page_path(@page) %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :action_bar_right do %>
<% page_url = @l10n.current_permalink_url_in_website(@website) %>
<%= link_to t('open'),
target: :_blank,
class: 'btn btn-light btn-xs' if page_url %>
<%= preview_link %>
<%= link_to t('edit'),
class: button_classes
# This is not edit_link @page because of the polymorphism of the special pages, which would create a wrong path
<%= link_to t(''),
class: button_classes,
method: :post if !@l10n.published && can?(:publish, @page)
# This is not edit_link @page because of the polymorphism of the special pages, which would create a wrong path
<% end %>