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 * This subpackage provides an API for executing queries against a database
 * via middleware, allowing the execution process to be augmented easily.
 * For example, logging of query execution time, or modifying the query before
 * execution, can be broken down into small middlewares.
namespace WabiORM;

use PDO;
use PDOStatement;
use RuntimeException;

 * A resource which stores the result of a query.
interface ConnectResultInterface {
     * The connection which the query was executed against.
    public function connection(): \PDO;

     * The result of the query.
    public function statement(): \PDOStatement;

 * {@inheritDoc}
final class ConnectResult implements ConnectResultInterface {
     * The connection instance.
     * @var \PDO
    protected $conn;

     * The query statement.
     * @var \PDOStatement
    protected $stmt;

     * Creates a new ConnectResult.
     * @param PDO $conn
     * @param PDOStatement $stmt
    public function __construct(\PDO $conn, \PDOStatement $stmt) {
        $this->conn = $conn;
        $this->stmt = $stmt;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function connection(): \PDO {
        return $this->conn;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function statement(): \PDOStatement {
        return $this->stmt;

 * Decorates a PDO connection to facilitate middleware during query execution.
 * @subpackage WabiORM.Connect
 * @param PDO $connection The connection object to wrap
 * @param callable[] $middlewares An array of middlewares
 * @return callable
function connect(PDO $connection, array $middlewares = []): callable {
    // Ensure that query execution is always handled last.
    array_push($middlewares, execute_query());

    // Compose the middlewares into an executable chain.
    $fn = compose_middleware(...$middlewares);

    // Ensure that our error mode is set correctly
    $connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

    // Return the executor interface.
    return function (string $query, array $params = []) use ($connection, $fn): ConnectResultInterface {
        return $fn($connection, $query, $params);

 * Returns a new function that acts as a middleware pipeline.
 * @internal
 * @subpackage WabiORM.Connect
 * @param callable[] $middlewares The middlewares which need to be chained
 * @return callable
function compose_middleware(callable ...$middlewares): callable {
    $unreachableMiddleware = function () {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            'compose_middleware(): the middleware stack was executed without ' .
            'the possibility of a return value, which indicates that the ' . 
            'query was not executed successfully.',

    return array_reduce(
        function ($nextMiddleware, $currentMiddleware) {
            return function (...$args) use ($nextMiddleware, $currentMiddleware) {
                array_push($args, $nextMiddleware);

                return $currentMiddleware(...$args);

 * Middleware for connect which performs the execution of a query.
 * @internal
 * @subpackage WabiORM.Connect
 * @return callable
function execute_query(): callable {
    return function(PDO $conn, string $query, array $params): ConnectResult {
        $statement = $conn->prepare($query);

        return new ConnectResult($conn, $statement);